696 research outputs found

    The Problem of Great Sin in al-Jaṣṣās’ Works

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    The political turmoil at the end of the period of Righteous Caliphs and in the early periods of the Umayyads had left the Islamic community facing factionalism and civil war. Accordingly, people have witnessed that the acts considered among the great sins such as assassination may be committed even by companions of the Prophet (pbuh). This situation brought the question on the status of believers who committed great sins in this World and in the Hereafter, to the agenda of scholars. The Kharijis and the Mu’tazila did not consider the person who committed A great sin among the believers. According to the Ahl al-Sunna and Al-Jaṣṣās, to commit a great sin does not cause the exclusion of the person from religion. Al-Jaṣṣās has taken into account the issue of great sin, when dealing with the issues of general term, specialization of the cause and infallibilism in diligence (al-ijtihād), since it constitutes the theological (Kalāmī) side of the subject. Although al-Jaṣṣās’ followed a line close to Mu’tazila in the aforementioned matters concerning the jurisprudence, he defended the view of Abū Ḥanīfah in his approach to the person who committed a great sin. His approach to the matter of great sin also clarifies the relationship between islamic law and Islamic thought

    Robust optimization for U-shaped assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem with uncertain task times

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    Awareness of the importance of U-shaped assembly line balancing problems is all on the rise. In the U-shaped assembly line, balancing is affected by the uncertainty associated with the assembly task times. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an approach to respond to the uncertainty caused by the task times. When the great majority of existing literature related to uncertainty in the assembly line is considered, it is observed that the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem under uncertainty is scarcely investigated. That being the case, we aim to fill this research gap by proposing a robust counterpart formulation for the addressed problem. In this study, a robust optimization model is developed for the U-shaped assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem (UALWABP) to cope with the task time uncertainty characterized by a combined interval and polyhedral uncertainty set. A real case study is conducted through data from a company producing water meters

    Kranijalna mezenterična arterija u dikobraza (Hystrix cristata).

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the arteria mesenterica cranialis and its branches in the porcupine (Hystrix cristata). Nine adult porcupines (5 males, 4 females) were each injected with a coloured latex mixture from the aortic arch for demonstration of the arteria mesenterica cranialis. The results indicated that the arteria colica dextra was anastomosed with the arteria colica media and the ramus colicus. The arteria pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis separated from the arteria mesenterica cranialis as a third branch after the arteria colica media and the arteria colica dextra. Vascularization of the jejenum was made by the jejunal arteries, which originated from the arteria mesenterica cranialis and truncus jejunalis. The arteria ileocolica was continuous with the arteria mesenterica cranialis after giving off the jejunal arteries. Vascularization of the ileum was supplied by the ramus ilealis and the ramus ilei mesenterialis. The arteria ileocolica ended by separating into the rami colici and arteria cecalis. In summary, in the present study the branches of the arteria mesenterica cranialis were studied for the first time in porcupines. The results of this study may contribute to the data in this area of science.Istražena je arteria mesenterica cranialis i njezine grane u dikobraza (Hystrix cristata). Svakom od devet odraslih dikobraza (pet mužjaka i četiri ženke) injicirana je obojena mješavina lateksa kroz luk aorte u svrhu prikaza kranijalne mezenterične arterije. Rezultati su pokazali da a. colica dextra anastomozira s a. colica media i ramus colicus. A. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis izlazi kao treća grana kranijalne mezenterične arterije nakon srednje i desne količne arterije. Jejunum je okrvljen jejunalnim arterijama, koje su ogranci kranijalne mezenterične arterije odnosno jejunalnog debla. A. ileocolica nastavljala se na kranijalnu mezenteričnu arteriju nakon što su se odvojile jejunalne arterije. Ileum okrvljuju ramus ilealis i ramus ilei mesenterialis. A. ileocolica završava s rami colici i a. caecalis. U ovom radu po prvi put je istraženo grananje kranijalne mezenterične arterije u dikobraza

    A highly resilient and zone-based key predistribution protocol for multiphase wireless sensor networks

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    Pairwise key distribution among the sensor nodes is an essential problem for providing security in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The common approach for this problem is random key predistribution, which suffers from resiliency issues in case of node captures by adversaries. In the literature, the resiliency problem is addressed by zone-based deployment models that use prior deployment knowledge. Another remedy in the literature, which is for multiphase WSNs, aims to provide self-healing property via periodic deployments of sensor nodes with fresh keys over the sensor field. However, to the best of our knowledge, these two approaches have never been combined before in the literature. In this paper, we propose a zone-based key predistribution approach for multiphase WSNs. Our approach combines the best parts of these approaches and provides self-healing property with up to 9-fold more resiliency as compared to an existing scheme. Moreover, our scheme ensures almost 100% secure connectivity, which means a sensor node shares at least one key with almost all of its neighbors

    Comparative Investigation of Fine Arts High School Music Department Curricula in Turkey from Past to Present

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    Fine arts high schools are schools that form the basis for vocational music education given in higher education institutions. These schools form the basis for higher institutions; therefore, it is of great importance that the contents of their curriculum be of a quality that will prepare them for higher education institutions. Based on this purpose, in this study, eight music department programs that have been reached in the fine arts high school music departments from their establishment to the present day were examined comparatively. Document analysis method was used in the data collection process of this case study model research, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data obtained by document analysis were analyzed by content analysis. When the findings obtained from the research were examined, it was found that the most striking results were that the biggest change at the first and second-grade level was in the foreign language course, as a result of the separation of high schools as “Music” department, “Turkish Folk Music” department and “Turkish Art Music” department in 2016, the piano course at the third-grade level was only included in the third and fourth grades of the music curriculum, and the course, which was under the name of “choir” until 2005, was divided into “Western Music Choir” and “Turkish Music Choir” after 2005. Suggestions were given in line with the results of the research

    Comparative Investigation of Fine Arts High School Music Department Curricula in Turkey from Past to Present

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    Fine arts high schools are schools that form the basis for vocational music education given in higher education institutions. These schools form the basis for higher institutions; therefore, it is of great importance that the contents of their curriculum be of a quality that will prepare them for higher education institutions. Based on this purpose, in this study, eight music department programs that have been reached in the fine arts high school music departments from their establishment to the present day were examined comparatively. Document analysis method was used in the data collection process of this case study model research, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data obtained by document analysis were analyzed by content analysis. When the findings obtained from the research were examined, it was found that the most striking results were that the biggest change at the first and second-grade level was in the foreign language course, as a result of the separation of high schools as “Music” department, “Turkish Folk Music” department and “Turkish Art Music” department in 2016, the piano course at the third-grade level was only included in the third and fourth grades of the music curriculum, and the course, which was under the name of “choir” until 2005, was divided into “Western Music Choir” and “Turkish Music Choir” after 2005. Suggestions were given in line with the results of the research

    Tasavvuf Alanı Lisansüstü Araştırmalarına Yönelik Bilgiler ve Tecrübe Aktarımı

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    Interest in postgraduate education in the field of Sufism in Turkey is increasing daily. One of the conditions for the successful completion of graduate education is the preparation of the thesis in the area in the presence of an advisor and defending it before the scientific committee. The idea to be supported must be prepared using a particular method and must be comply with according to research-writing ethics. Generally accepted research methods and academic writing styles must be followed to obtain the necessary results from the efforts of graduate students and their advisors to contribute to the relevant scientific fields. This study aims to provide the opportunity to transfer experience and guide as much as possible to young researchers who want to do academic studies in this field by taking the science of Sufism, a sub-discipline of Islamic studies, into the center. While preparing this text, published studies on academic research and writing before 2022 were determined, and those that could be reached were examined and benefited from. In addition, the experience we have gained since we started our graduate education, the knowledge we have gained by observing and listening to our leading teachers in this field, and the written memoirs have also formed this study's source. At the end of the study, a general evaluation was made for those who would do academic research in this field, and some proposals and wishes were also included. * This paper is the revised and developed version of the unpublished conference presentation entitled “Transfer of Knowledge and Experience for Postgraduate Sufi Studies”, orally delivered at the 2nd Turkish Symposium of Social Sciences.Türkiye’de tasavvuf alanında lisansüstü öğrenimine yönelik her geçen gün ilgi artmaktadır. Lisansüstü eğitim-öğretiminin başarıyla tamamlanmasının şartlarından biri de o alanda bir danışman eşliğinde tez çalışması hazırlanması ve bilim kurulu önünde savunulmasıdır. Savunması yapılacak tezin belli bir yöntem kullanılarak hazırlanmış olması ve araştırma-yazım etiğine riayet edilerek kaleme alınması gereklidir. Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin ve danışmanlarının ilgili bilim alanlarına katkı sağlamak adına sarf ettikleri emeklerden gerekli neticelerin elde edilebilmesi için takip edilmesi gereken genel kabul görmüş araştırma yöntemleri ve akademik yazım kuralları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla, Temel İslam Bilimleri’nin bir alt disiplini olan tasavvuf bilim dalı merkeze alınarak, bu alanda akademik çalışma yapmak isteyen genç araştırmacılara tecrübe aktarımına imkân sağlaması ve mümkün olabildiğince rehberlik yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu metin hazırlanırken 2022 yılı öncesinde akademik araştırma ve yazıma dair yayımlanmış çalışmalar tespit edilmiş ve imkân nispetinde ulaşılabilenler incelenerek bunlardan yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca lisansüstü öğrenime başlamamızdan bugüne edindiğimiz tecrübe, bu alanda ileri gelen hocalarımızdan gözlemleyerek ve dinleyerek edindiğimiz bilgi birikimi ve kaleme alınmış hatırat eserleri de bu çalışmaya kaynak oluşturmuştur. Çalışmanın sonunda bu alanda akademik araştırma yapacaklara yönelik genel bir değerlendirmede bulunulmuş, ayrıca bazı teklif ve temennilere yer verilmiştir.  * Bu çalışma, 2. Türkiye Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu’nda sözlü olarak sunulan ancak tam metni yayımlanmayan “Tasavvuf Alanı Lisansüstü Araştırmalarına Yönelik Bilgiler ve Tecrübe Aktarımı” adlı tebliğin içeriği geliştirilerek ve kısmen değiştirilerek üretilmiş hâlidir

    Islamic Jurisprudence İn The Classical Era

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    Kitaba Robert Gleave tarafından bir giriş ve sonsöz yazılmıştır. Robert Gleave, yirmi bir sayfadan oluşan giriş yazısında öncelikle kitabın telif süreci hakkında bilgi verir. Buna göre kitap, genç yaşta hayatını kaybeden Norman Calder’e (1950-1998) ait dört makalenin bir araya getirilmesiyle oluşmuştur. Buna ilaveten Robert Gleave, sonsöz olarak nitelenebilecek yazısında Norman Calder tarafından kaleme alınan kitap kritiklerinin analizini sunmuştur

    Multiphase deployment models for fast self healing in wireless sensor networks

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    The majority of studies on security in resource limited wireless sensor networks (WSN) focus on finding an efficient balance among energy consumption, computational speed and memory usage. Besides these resources, time is a relatively immature aspect that can be considered in system design and performance evaluations. In a recent study(Castelluccia and Spognardi, 2007), the time dimension is used to lower the ratio of compromised links, thus, improving resiliency in key distribution in WSNs. This is achieved by making the old and possibly compromised keys useful only for a limited amount of time. In this way, the effect of compromised keys diminish in time, so the WSN selfheals. In this study we further manipulate the time dimension and propose a deployment model that speeds up the resilience improvement process with a tradeoff between connectivity and resiliency. In our method, self healing speeds up by introducing nodes that belong to future generations in the time scale. In this way, the duration that the adversary can make use of compromised keys become smaller