752 research outputs found

    Patient Specific Congestive Heart Failure Detection From Raw ECG signal

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    In this study; in order to diagnose congestive heart failure (CHF) patients, non-linear second-order difference plot (SODP) obtained from raw 256 Hz sampled frequency and windowed record with different time of ECG records are used. All of the data rows are labelled with their belongings to classify much more realistically. SODPs are divided into different radius of quadrant regions and numbers of the points fall in the quadrants are computed in order to extract feature vectors. Fisher's linear discriminant, Naive Bayes, Radial basis function, and artificial neural network are used as classifier. The results are considered in two step validation methods as general k-fold cross-validation and patient based cross-validation. As a result, it is shown that using neural network classifier with features obtained from SODP, the constructed system could distinguish normal and CHF patients with 100% accuracy rate. KeywordsComment: Congestive heart failure, ECG, Second-Order Difference Plot, classification, patient based cross-validatio

    English as a Foreign Language Instructors’ Induction: Early Practices of Language Teachers Teaching at Tertiary Level

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    This study aimed to investigate the nature of the induction process of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers teaching at tertiary level through individual interviews. In order to gather intended data, fifteen novice instructors teaching at four different public universities in Ankara were interviewed on a basis of two criteria: (a) having 1 to 3 years of teaching experience, and (b) teaching at higher education level. The data gathered from the interviews were transcribed, coded, and categorized under themes in a qualitative research tradition. Subsequently the findings were interpreted. The findings were organized around research questions and there appeared four main themes: (1) nature of induction process; (2) common concerns of novice teachers; (3) possible adaptation challenges; and (4) practices to overcome difficulties. The results revealed that pre-service education, especially of the graduates of non-Education Faculties, did not adequately respond to the needs of the novice teachers in induction period. Considering this insufficient preparation and unsatisfactory pedagogical formation processes, an effective teacher education program as well as a contributing teacher induction program was claimed to be adopted by higher education institutions

    Does The Consumption Behavior of Tourists Differ by Culture/Nationality? A Study into German and Russian Tourists

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    In the era where the fierce competitive settings are ever increasing, the success of establishments is heavily dependent upon the internal Dynamics of the firm along with environmental settings as well as market conditions. Parallel to the technological development in the 20th century, the growth of transportation and communications facilitate the access of goods and services to the consumer markets and the abundance of the goods and services offered in the market paved the way for a complicated consumer market. This study dwells on the consumer behavior observed in tourism sector and research was conducted over German and Russian tourists in Alanya district. The statistical data gathered indicate that individual factors are in the first place in shaping the consumption behavior, in the second place comes marketing components and socio-economic ones are in the last place. The result of t-test suggests that there is a significant difference at 0.05 significance level in terms of the nationality and the level of effect of the three dimensions used in the study

    The effectiveness of some chemicals against postharvest diseases caused by Penicillium digitatum, Phytophthora citrophthora and Geotrichum candidum orange

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    The effectiveness of the mixture of Xedabio (1.5%) + KPhos (0.5%) + Xedathane (0.25%) for postharvest control of green mold (Penicillium digitatum), brown rot (Phytophthora citrophthora) and sour rot (Geotrichum candidum) infections on orange c.v. “Jaffa” was investigated. Oranges stored at 18-20˚C for 24 hours were inoculated with spore suspension (106 spores/ml) after injured on the ecvatorial area. The chemicals were applied with water at 21±1˚C and 46 ±1°C, as two groups. Inoculated fruits were incubated at 9-10 ˚C in a storage controlled by TFA Datalogger during 15 days. The trial was set up according to the randomized complete block design with three replications. The diameters of symptoms on each fruits were measured with electronic compass everyday. The interaction between the treatment conditions and storage time were significant at 1% significance level. The mixture of Xedabio + KPhos + Xedathane applied with water at 46±1°C was found more effective than the same mixture used with water at 21±1˚C. As a result, the mixture of Xedabio + KPhos + Xedathane in different water tempratures could be used against some postharvest diseases on orange

    Stratejik grup bağlamında firmaların strateji algılarını etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması : mobilya sektörü örneği

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu tez çalışmasının sorunsalı ?Aynı stratejik grup içerisindeki firmalar arasında bu firmaların davranışlarına (stratejisine) kaynaklık eden firma veya piyasa temelli değişkenler homojenlik sergiliyor mu?? şeklinde ifade edilebilir. Sorunsalın odaklandığı görgül alan Türkiye?deki mobilya endüstrisidir. Araştırmaya temel olan iki adet ana araştırma sorusu bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki ?Aynı grup içerisindeki firmaların benzer şeklide davranacakları/homojenlik varsayımı temel alındığında, gruplara özgü stratejik davranışlara temel teşkil eden strateji algıları hangi okulun izlerini taşıyor? İkinci araştırma sorusu ise,??bu algılar gruplar arasında farklılık gösteriyor mu? şeklinde ifade edilebilir. Bu soruları araştırırken, tipoloji ayrımını yapabilmek için Miles ve Snow'un (1978) tanımlaması, firma davranışına kaynaklık eden strateji algısının tanımlanması ise ?pozisyon okulu? ve ?kaynak temelli okul? temel alınmıştır. Araştırmada evren Türkiye mobilya sektöründeki orta ve büyük ölçekli firmalar olarak belirlenmiştir. Veri edinme yöntemi olarak anket tercih edilmiştir. Evrenin 327 firmadan oluştuğu bu araştırmada Mart 2013-Haziran2013 tarihleri arasında İstanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli, Adana, Çanakkale, Sakarya ve Kayseri?de toplam 70 adet tepe yöneticiye ulaşılmış ve firmaları temsilen bu yöneticilere anket uygulanmıştır. Bu anketlerden 62 tanesi analiz için uygun bulunmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre mobilya endüstrisi içerisinde Miles ve Snow?un (1978) tipolojisinde yer alan firma tiplerinden üçüne rastlanmıştır. Bunlar savunmacı, atılgan ve analizci tiplerdir. Analizler savunmacı ve atılgan tipteki grupların üyesi olan firmaların daha çok kaynak temelli bir strateji algısına sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte analizci grupta yer alan firmalar endüstri odaklılık eğilimi de göstermekle birlikte daha çok kaynak yönelimli bir strateji algısı göstermişlerdir. Ancak bu iki eğilim arasındaki fark görece düşüktür. Bu sonuçlar araştırmacıda, strateji algısının oluşmasında mobilya endüstrisinin doğasından kaynaklanan bazı özelliklerin etkili olabileceği kanaatini oluşturmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Firma Davranışı, Stratejik Grup, Strateji TipolojileriThe problematic of this thesis can be mentioned as ?are the firm based or market based variables that are the sources of strategic behavior of the firms in the same strategic group, homogenous??. The empirical focus of this problematic is the furniture industry in Turkey. There are two basic research questions in this context. The first is?when we assume that the firms in the same strategic groups will behave in a similar way, in that case which school reflects the strategic perception of the firms that are the sources of their behavior?? The second basic research question is ?does that perception have difference between the groups??For the empirical research, we take the typology of Miles and Snow (1978) regarding the typology part; whereas we take the ?position? and ?resource based? schools regarding the strategy perception part. The main sample of the research was described as the large enterprises in the furniture industry in Turkey. We chose survey forms as the data gathering tool. In this research the main sample was consisted of 327 firms where as we reached 70 top managers o furniture firms in İstanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli, Adana, Çanakkale, Sakarya and Kayseri, and applied the survey form to these managers as the representatives of their firms. 62 of the replied surveys were proper for the statistical analysis. According to the findings of the research, three of the typologies of Miles and Snow (1978) were found in the furniture industry in Turkey. These are the defender, prospector and analyzer. Analysis displayed that the members of the defender and prospector typology groups have a resource based strategy perception. Besides the firms in the analyzer typology group display industry orientation but have a mainly resource based strategy perception. The differences between these two tendencies are relatively low. These results made the researcher think that the formation of strategy perception is effected by some characteristics of the furniture industry. Keywords: Corporation Behavior, Strategic Group, Strategy Typologie

    Yerel Yönetimlerde Değişim Yönetimi

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    Local governments are establishments which is governed by organs selected by local people and which are established in order to provide common needs of a local community and which provides public properties and public services. They emerge as a result of economic, social, administrative and political reasons. In Turkey, which has traditions of powerful centralized administration for centuries, formal localization is within the bounds of possibility within a short period but it is not rational to consider that local administrations would work actively and productively. In this context, it can be said that it is possible to base variation method in local administrations on long term strategic plans and to restructure in the end of an ardous process


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    Türklerin Anadolu’ya gelmesinden itibaren, HaçlıSeferleri bütün Avrupa’nın iştiraki ile düzenleniyor ve bu seferleri de harekete geçiren, temelde Kilise oluyordu. İşte o günlerden itibaren Almanlar Türklere karşımücadele etmeye başlamış, özellikle OsmanlıDevleti, Fatih Sultan Mehmet’le birlikte İstanbul’u fethedince, Avrupa devletlerinde tam bir telaşbaşlamıştır. Kanunî Sultan Süleyman’la birlikte Viyana kapılarızorlanmış; bu sırada tam anlamıyla TürkAlman savaşlarıbaşlamıştır. Defalarca mağlup olan Almanlar, nihayet II. Viyana Kuşatmasıneticesinde, 5000 civarında Omsalıesiri ve birtakım ganimetlerle Bavyera’ya götürmüşlerdir. II. Dünya Savaşı’nda ise Kafkasya ve Türkistan Türklerini Almanya’ya götürerek çeşitli kamplara yerleştirmişlerdir. Şimdi ise, Almanya’da yaşayan soydaşlarımız üzerinde çok sistemli çalışmalar yapmaktadırlar. Münih ve çevresinde tespit ettiğimiz, tarihten günümüze kadar,gerek insan unsuru gerekse sanat eserlerimiz, bilim dünyasına sunulmuşve ilgililerin daha kapsamlıaraştırmalarına imkan hazırlanmıştır

    Investigation of empty container shortage based on SWARA-ARAS methods in the COVID-19 era

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    A shortage of empty containers has become a global crisis with more devastating effects than during previous periods when combined with various problems arising from the COVID-19, such as an increase in an imbalance of global trade between supply and demand, a decrease in the workforce, and restrictions by countries or regional quarantine practices. The absence of empty containers in regions where they are needed slows down industrial activities and locks the global supply networks, necessitating the use of alternative methods that are inefficient. Although this shortage causes many disruptions in global trade, solutions to the issue have not been studied in detail. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the issues caused by the shortage of empty containers and to rank the appropriate solutions. Four main criteria and sixteen subcategories used to define the issues, as well as a multi criteria decision model comprising five criteria for the solutions, were proposed based on information from the literature, sectorial publications, and expert opinions. The issues’ weighted order of importance in our proposed model was calculated using the SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) method; solutions were ranked using the ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) method. The results of the study revealed that the issues were ranked in importance as cost increases, uncertainty in the supply chain, volume loss, and increases in blank sailing announcements. Appropriate solutions were ranked as booking guarantee applications and information communication technologies, using shipper-owned containers, inducement calls, and E2E (end to end) delivery services

    Primeri Bilinmeyen Nöroendokrin Tümörler: İki Olgu Sunumu ve Literatürün Gözden Geçirilmesi

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    Birçok organda bulunan nöroendokrin hücrelerden gelişen tümörlerler klinik seyir ve prognoz açısından birbirinden farklıdır. Bu hastaların %13’ünde tümörün primer odağı tespit edilememektedir. Nöroendokrin tümörler elektron mikroskopisi ile tespit edilebilen membrana bağlı intrastoplazmik nörosekretuar granüllerle karakterizedirler. Yaygın lenf nodu tutulumuna neden olabilen bu tümörler klinik olarak lenfoproliferatif hastalıklar ile karışabilmektedir. Bu yazımızda yaygın lenf nodu tutulumu ile prezente olan primeri bilinmeyen nöroendokrin tümörlü iki olgumuzu güncel literatür eşliğinde tartıştık

    An evaluation of the oral reading fluency of 4th graders with respect to prosodic characteristic

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    This study examined the oral reading fluency of 4th graders with respect to prosodic characteristics. Seventy 4th graders participated in the study. They were initially asked to read a grade-level passage and their reading was video recorded. Their reading errors were identified and their word correct per minute (WCPM) was determined. Their oral reading skills were also evaluated with respect to prosodic characteristics by using the Multidimensional Fluency Scale criteria. The results showed that their WCPM was close to the norms of the 4th grade. However, a significant part of students (40%) were noted to have problems with prosodic reading skills. Further, a positive and meaningful relationship was observed between WCPM and prosodic reading skills. It was concluded that activities and studies promoting prosodic reading skills should be given more emphasis in primary schools