94 research outputs found

    Study of the quality of working life from the viewpoint of typical and atypical employment

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    Bu çalışmada, vardiyalı çalışan hemşireler ile vardiyasız çalışan hemşirelerin çalışma yaşamı kalitesini ayırt edici değişkenler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre; çalışma ortamında bireysel gelişimin teşvik edilmesi, sahip olunan bilgi ve becerinin yapılan iş için yeterli ve uygun olması, işin stres ve yükünün makul sayılabilecek düzeyde olması değişkenlerinin, vardiyalı ve vardiyasız çalışan grup arasında ayırt edici değişkenler olduğu saptanmıştır. Belirlenen değişkenlere göre her iki grubun doğru sınıflandırılma olasılığı diskriminant analizinde 0.789, lojistik regresyon analizinde 0.816 bulunmuştur.In this study attempts were made to determine variables discriminating the working life quality of nurses working in shifts and nurses working without a shift. According to the results of the research, it was established that stimulating the individual development in the working environment, the information and skill possessed being adequate and appropriate, the stress and load of the work being in level to be considered reasonable, their variables were discriminating variables between two groups. According to the variables established, the possibility of classifying correctly the two groups, was found to be 0.789 in the discriminant analysis and 0.816 in the logistic regression analysis

    The effects of communication on job satisfaction: an ampiric study in a firm

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    Bu araştırmada, yönetici ile işgören arasındaki iletişim düzeyinin iş tatmini üzerindeki etkileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda geliştirilen üç hipotez test edilmiştir. Araştırmanın birinci hipotezinde, iletişim ile iş tatmini arasında anlamlı ve güçlü bir ilişkinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmanın ikinci ve üçüncü hipotezinde ise, iletişimin iş tatminini artıran bir unsur olduğu belirlenmiştir. Regresyon analizine göre, iletişim değişkeni iş tatmininin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir tahmin edicisidir. Çalışmanın bu sonuçları iş tatmini ile iletişim değişkeni arasında fonksiyonel bir yapının bulunduğunu göstermektedir.This study focuses on the effects of employee-administrator communication on job satisfaction. Three hypotheses have been tested in the process of the study. The first hypothesis test of the study illustrated that there is a positive relationship between the two variables, and the correlation coefficient is statistically significant. The second and third hypothesis test showed that communication is effective in increasing job satisfaction. The regression analysis shows that the communication variable is a predictor of job satisfaction, and is statistically significant. The results showed that there is a functional relationship between the two variables

    Determination strategy in business with analytic hierarchy process

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    FÜTZ analizi, iç ve dış çevrenin analizi neticesinde, işletmenin başarısı üzerinde etkili bulunan stratejik faktörleri ve bu faktörler temelinde izlenecek stratejileri belirlemektedir. Ancak, FÜTZ analizi ölçme ve değerlendirme bakımından bir dizi eksiklik taşımaktadır. Yazında, bu eksikliklerin analitik yaklaşımlarla giderilebileceğine ilişkin çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalarda, yalnız FÜTZ grupları ve stratejik faktörler analitik yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. FÜTZ faktörleri temelinde belirlenen alternatif stratejilerin seçimi çalışma konusu edilmemiştir. Yazında görülen bu eksiklik, bu çalışmayla giderilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, FÜTZ matrisi hiyerarşik bir yapıya dönüştürülmüş ve oluşturulan model Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses (AHP) yöntemiyle çözülmüştür.The SWOT analysis is an analysis where external and internal environments of an enterprise are analyzed to find out strategic factors that affect the enterprises' outcomes. These factors are also used to determine the strategies that would be followed. However, the SWOT analysis bears some insufficiencies with regard to measure and evaluation. It has been put forward in the relevant literature that these insufficiencies could be put aside by analytical approaches. But, only SWOT groups and strategic factors have analytically been dealt with in the previous literature. Deciding on alternative strategies that are based on SWOT factors has not been subject to any study. It is hoped that this study will fill a gap in the relevant literature. In order to fill the gap, the SWOT matrix is converted into a hierarchic structure and the model is analyzed with the Analytic Hierarchy Proces

    Occupational stress and mindfulness: an empirical study

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    Purpose- There is a need for organizations to be innovative and keep on adapting to changes and new circumstances in today’s highly competitive world. Accordingly, some challenges emerged for both organizations and employees in adapting to the new situations as well as work-related daily routine tasks. Adaptation and coping capabilities of the employees have become an essential part of the work environment. These challenges have created stress among employees, affecting their personal lives and business lives. A concept of “Mindfulness” that enables people to be flexible and adaptable in adverse environments, and this, in turn, reduces people’s stress levels is used in business life as well. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors affecting employees’ occupational stress and clarify their coping capabilities using mindfulness during turbulent times. Methodology- There are qualitative and quantitative studies about occupational stress and mindfulness in business and psychology disciplines. This research consists of an extensive literature review regarding the factors found in the literature, including stress and employee cooping capabilities in terms of mindfulness, and an empirical field study applied through an experimental group. They had an eight-week MBSR course and a survey applied before and after the training, in 2021. The data from the research was analyzed through the SPSS 25 program. Findings- According to literature, employees’ stress levels increased because of many factors like workload, time pressures and deadlines, extended working hours, work/family conflict, and an environment of uncertainty in general. On the other hand, in the literature, the factors affecting employees’ coping capabilities with stress are two crucial: employee well-being and resilience at work. The analyzed data from the experimental study supported the literature that mindfulness training reduces the stress level of employees while increasing their resilience and well-being levels. Conclusion- The study encourages Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs to be applied to employees during challenging times when there are high levels of uncertainty and stress. Experiential studies of mindfulness interventions demonstrate that mindfulness serves to reduce stress and improve well-being and resilience.Publisher's Versio

    Personel Selection based on Talent Management

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    AbstractDue to the globalization, organizations need professional human resources. Qualified personel which has high performances on capability, knowledge, skill, and other abilities play significant roles in the success of an organization. On the other hand having an improper personel might cause many problems such as affecting productivity, precision, flexibility and quality of the products/service negatively. Nowadays organizations try to employ much more qualified personel on management level and they want to find out firstly inside of them. As a new concept talent management deals with this kind of situations.Right using of talents make the work much more successful and making the work right bring the success to the organization. The subject of this study is to promote a personel dealing with talent management as General Manager (GM) under personel selection problem. There exist six criteria and three candidates for the selection process. In this study, a hybrid model which employs multi attribute decision making methods together, is proposed for the personel selection problem

    Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses Yöntemiyle İşletmelerde Strateji Belirleme

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    The SWOT analysis is an analysis where external and internal environments of an enterprise are analyzed to find out strategic factors that affect the enterprises' outcomes. These factors are also used to determine the strategies that would be followed. However, the SWOT analysis bears some insufficiencies with regard to measure and evaluation. It has been put forward in the relevant literature that these insufficiencies could be put aside by analytical approaches. But, only SWOT groups and strategic factors have analytically been dealt with in the previous literature. Deciding on alternative strategies that are based on SWOT factors has not been subject to any study. It is hoped that this study will fill a gap in the relevant literature. In order to fill the gap, the SWOT matrix is converted into a hierarchic structure and the model is analyzed with the Analytic Hierarchy ProcessFÜTZ analizi, iç ve dış çevrenin analizi neticesinde, işletmenin başarısı üzerinde etkili bulunan stratejik faktörleri ve bu faktörler temelinde izlenecek stratejileri belirlemektedir. Ancak, FÜTZ analizi ölçme ve değerlendirme bakımından bir dizi eksiklik taşımaktadır. Yazında, bu eksikliklerin analitik yaklaşımlarla giderilebileceğine ilişkin çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalarda, yalnız FÜTZ grupları ve stratejik faktörler analitik yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. FÜTZ faktörleri temelinde belirlenen alternatif stratejilerin seçimi çalışma konusu edilmemiştir. Yazında görülen bu eksiklik, bu çalışmayla giderilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, FÜTZ matrisi hiyerarşik bir yapıya dönüştürülmüş ve oluşturulan model Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses (AHP) yöntemiyle çözülmüştür

    Mechanical properties of impregnated and heat treated oriental beech wood

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate mechanical properties such as the modulus of rupture (MOR) and compression strength parallel to grain (CSPG) of impregnated and heat-treated Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) wood. Some copper and boron containing impregnation chemicals such as Wolmanit CX-8 (WCX-8) and Celcure AC-500 (CAC500) were used. Wood specimens were impregnated 2% aqueous solution of the chemicals according to ASTM D1413-07e1 standard. The wood specimens were heated at 150 and 175 °C for 4 and 8 h, respectively. Results showed that both impregnation and heat treatment decreased the MOR and CSPG of Oriental beech wood. The MOR losses of Oriental beech after both treatments were higher than CSPG losses. The largest reduction of MOR and CSPG were observed with 51.5% and 15.5% for CAC-500 impregnated and heated at 175 °C for 8 h. Except for WCX-8 impregnation and heat treatment at 150 °C for 4 and 8 h, the MOR values of impregnated and heat-treated Oriental beech wood were lower than only heat-treated Oriental beech wood. It was also found that the CSPG values of impregnated and heat-treated Oriental beech wood were higher than only heat-treated Oriental beech wood, except for impregnation and heat treatment at 175 °C for 8 h

    Cardiac complications of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic hemodialysis patients

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    Aim: To evaluate the eff ects of intact parathormone (iPTH) on left ventricular function using transthoracicechocardiography on chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. In HD patients,mortality is high and is frequently due to cardiac complications. Secondary hyperparathyroidism, high levels ofphosphate (PO4), and high calcium phosphate product (Ca × PO4) are related to cardiac complications.Materials and methods: We examined 20 patients with normal iPTH levels (Group 1) and 20 patients with high iPTHlevels (Group 2). Intact parathormone levels were measured in serum with a Coat-A-Count kit (Diagnostic ProductsCorporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA) using an immunoradiometric assay. Th e normal level of iPTH was 0.8-5.2 pmol/L.In patients with end-stage renal disease, iPTH levels should be 1.5 to 3 times higher than the normal range in order tomaintain the bone mass; thus, patients with iPTH levels 4 or more times higher than the normal range (PTH ? 20.8pmol/L) were defi ned as Group 2 while patients who had normal iPTH levels were defi ned as Group 1.Results: In both groups, Doppler parameters indicated diastolic dysfunction. However, mitral annular E velocity waslower in Group 2 than in Group 1 (6.1 ± 1.1 cm/s and 7.5 ± 1.6 cm/s, respectively; P = 0.034). It is well known thatleft ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) increases mortality rates. Left ventricle mass index and relative wall thickness areparameters refl ecting LVH, and both were higher in Group 2 (294.4 ± 103.0 g/m² and 53.5 ± 11.7%) when comparedwith Group 1 (179.2 ± 104.2 g/m² and 41.8 ± 8.9%). Th ese diff erences were found to be statistically signifi cant (P <0.001).Conclusion: Th is study demonstrates that high levels of iPTH contribute to diastolic dysfunction and LVH inhemodialysis patients

    Spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings of the patients with central serous chorioretinopathy

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    Objectives: In this study, optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings of the patients with a diagnosis of acute or chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) were investigated. Methods: Patients with symptoms and signs longer than 3 months were considered as chronic CSCR. OCT findings of acute and chronic CSCR were recorded at admission. Between the groups, following parameters were compared; visual acuity, hyper reflective dots (HRD), subretinal fluid height (SFH) presence of pigment epithelial detachment (PED), status of photoreceptor inner-outer segment (IS/OS) line. Results: When acute and chronic patients evaluated separately, in acute patients accompanied by PED had lower visual acuity and higher SRF height. In patients with chronic CSCR subretinal fluid of patients with PED was greater than the others however there were no statistically significant differences in visual acuity. Presence of HRD had no effect on the average visual acuity SRF height in patients with acute and chronic CSCR. Also IS/OS line integrity had no effect in visual acuity of the patients in our study. Conclusion: Between the groups there was no difference in terms of IS/OS line distortion, presence of HRD, PED. Height of SRF in patients with PED was higher in both groups. In addition, in acute patients with PED visual acuity was also found to be lower. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (2): 290-29

    Comparison of Optical versus Ultrasonic Biometry in Keratoconic Eyes

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    Purpose. To compare the measurements of optical versus ultrasonic biometry devices in keratoconic eyes. Materials and Methods. Forty-two eyes of 42 keratoconus (KC) patients enrolled in the study were examined. Clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients were noted, and detailed ophthalmological examination was performed. Following Pentacam measurements, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), and axial length (AL) were obtained using the Lenstar and US biometer to determine the reproducibility of the measurements between the two devices in keratoconic eyes. The Bland-Altman method was used to describe the agreement between the two devices. Results. The Lenstar could not measure at least one of the biometric properties in one eye and did not automatically give the corrected ACD in 2/3 of our study population. The Lenstar measured CCT (average difference 5.4 ± 19.6 µm; ICC = 0.90; ), LT (average difference 0.13 ± 0.17 mm; ICC = 0.67; ), and AL (average difference 0.10 ± 0.76 mm; ICC = 0.75; ) thinner than US biometer, whereas it measured ACD (average difference 0.18 ± 0.17 mm; ICC = 0.85; ) deeper than US biometer in keratoconic eyes. Conclusion. Although the difference between the measurements obtained using the two devices might be clinically acceptable, US biometry and Lenstar should not be used interchangeably for biometric measurements in KC patients