772 research outputs found

    The effects of land-use changes on soil properties: The conversion of alder coppice to tea plantations in the Humid Northern Blacksea Region

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    Over the last century, the conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural production is one of the primary factors in environmental degradation. As in most parts of the world, forest soils in the north- east of Turkey are being seriously degraded and destroyed due to extensive agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of changes in land-use on some soil properties in Rize, Turkey. Two adjacent sites were studied: One had been converted 60 years previously from alder coppice to tea cultivation (TC); the other remained as alder coppice (AC). The experimental design at each site was a randomized complete block with four replications in the study area. Four disturbed and four undisturbed soil samples were taken randomly at soil depths of 0 -10 cm, 10 - 30 cm and 30 - 50 cm in each plot in the study area. When the alder coppice was converted into tea cultivation, the bulk density (Db) increased from 0.84 g cm-3 to 1.02 g cm-3, soil penetrometer resistance (SPR) increased from 0.94 to 1.27 MPa, the soil organic matter (SOM) decreased from 5.14 to 4.06%, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) decreased from 40.64 to 16.33 mm h-1 at 0 to 10 cm depth of soil. According to soil depth steps the mean PAW, St, Ksat, SOM and total N content decreased linearly in alder coppice (AC) and tea cultivation (TC). The results indicated that the change in land use and introduction of cultivation had a significant effect on soil properties

    Effect of visitor activities on surface soil environmental conditions and aboveground herbaceous biomass in Ayder Natural Park

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    The effects of visitor activities on surface soil environmental conditions and above-ground herbaceous biomass in Ayder Natural Park, Turkey, were investigated. Soilproperties and aboveground herbaceous biomass were identified and characterized asheavily trafficked site (HTS), moderately trafficked sites (MTS) and control (non-traf-ficked site) in grassland in a forest gap. Some soil properties were measured on 60pits at 0–5 and 5–10 cm soil depths. The intensity of visitor activities had a negativeimpact on both surface soil properties and the aboveground herbaceous plant bio-mass and root mass in the study area in Ayder. The soil bulk density and soil penetra-tion resistance increased from 0.94 to 1.47 g cm–3and 0.55 to 1.65 MPa, respectively,saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 77.98 to 8.85 mm h–1, and soilorganic matter decreased from 6.71 to 1.77% in moderately and heavily traffickedsites, respectively, at 0–5 cm soil depth. The soil properties were degraded at both thesurface layer and the subsurface layer and the greatest degradation was measured inthe heavily trafficked site followed by the moderately trafficked site. There was astrong negative linear relationship between soil degradation and aboveground herba-ceous plant biomass, which decreased by 50.05 and 78.19% in moderately and heavilytrafficked sites, respectively

    The Effects of Performing Prayer on the Physical Fitness Levels of Men Over 60 Years Old

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    This study was carried out to determine and compare the physical fitness levels of elderly people who pray regularly with those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as to emphasize the importance of performing regular prayer for the physical fitness levels of elderly people.The research sample consisted of 849 men who were able to conduct their daily activities independently, with no serious health problems, and who were viewed as healthy according to their age category. They were divided on the basis of age into 5 age groups. The Senior Fitness Test (SFT) was applied to determine the physical fitness levels of elderly men (Rikli, Jones, 2001). In addition, a questionnaire was administered to learn whether the subjects performed regular prayer or not.The differences between the prayer group and sedentary group were analyzed using the Independent Samples Test. It was found that the physical fitness levels of the elderly men who performed prayer were higher than those of the sedentary group; all of the parameters of physical fitness measured through the SFT protocol were higher in the case of the elderly men who performed prayer

    The Evaluation of Building Materials in Terms of Energy Efficiency

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    Buildings consume energy at different levels in every stage of the life-cycle. Building materials occupy a great share of this consumption. Therefore, the amount of  energy consumed by materials used in building during their life cycle is an important parameter in determining the energy eciency of the building. In this study, the importance of energy- efficient material selection in designing “Energy-Efficient Building” is considered and discussed. It is possible to evaluate some building  materials in Turkey in the framework of energy ecient building material criteria. This information is considered as a guide for users and employees of the building sector. As a result of the study, the selection of building material and energy efficient features of building materials are important parameters for the provision of energy efficiency

    Amélioration de l'éfficacité du traitement des eaux usées grâce à la biodégradation médiée par la laccase des contaminants organiques traces

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    Abstract: Recently, concerns have been raised about trace organic contaminants (TrOCs) in wastewater and their potential adverse effects on human health and the environment. TrOCs found in wastewater are a cause for concern due to their ability to contaminate drinking water sources and the environment. Consuming contaminated water with TrOCs can pose health risks to humans. It can also harm aquatic life, leading to ecosystem disruptions and potential entry into the food chain. Additionally, certain TrOCs have properties that can disrupt endocrine systems, which can further impact human health and the stability of the environment. Researchers have explored various treatment methods, including fungal treatments and laccase enzymes. However, there needs to be more literature regarding selecting fungal strains and optimizing laccase-based biodegradation mechanisms for efficient TrOC removal. This thesis aims to fill that gap by delving into laccase production, purification, immobilization, and its impact on degrading TrOCs. By exploring various aspects of this process, we can work towards developing more efficient and sustainable methods of reducing the negative impact of TrOCs on our environment. The current study encompasses a comprehensive examination of different fungal strains, including Trametes hirsuta, Pleurotus dryinus, Tramates versicolor, and Coriolopsis polyzona, to evaluate their laccase productivity and response to trace elements. The sorption mechanisms of laccase-mediated fungal treatment on targeted TrOCs were also explored. Furthermore, the study investigated free Laccase's purification and removal efficiency and the potential of laccase mediator systems (LMS) and immobilization techniques for enhanced biodegradation. The findings from this study provided valuable insights into the optimization and cost-effectiveness of laccase-based bioremediation strategies for sustainable wastewater treatment and environmental protection. Throughout experiments, fungal strains have been found to play a crucial role in producing external laccase activities. One of the advantages of using fungi is its high adsorption capacity, thus making it an effective pollutants-removal method. It is interesting to note that the reactions of internal and external enzymes on selected compounds differ from one compound to another. It has been observed that Laccase does not affect all types of TrOCs. It is essential to establish reasonable system control measures to prevent the release of adsorbed contaminants or enhance laccase activities to optimize the fungal treatment. It also highlights the importance of degradation by external enzyme activity and/or adsorption mechanisms as a primary step in removing TrOCs, followed by internal enzyme activities that remove some of the existing compounds after reaching a specific limit of adsorption capacity. Following these experiments, the study focused on the efficiency of laccase-mediator systems in removing recalcitrant organic contaminants. The results showed that laccase-mediator systems efficiently removed recalcitrant organic contaminants such as atrazine (ATZ) and carbamazepine (CBZ) in individual compound solutions, even at environmentally relevant concentrations. The removal efficiency of ATZ and CBZ in single compound solutions sets was observed up to 100% during the first 36h, and no significant difference was observed for all the tested mediators. Regardless of single compound sets, ATZ and CBZ in mixed compound sets removal were less than 65%. Also, the phenolic contaminant acetaminophen (APAP) is examined as a potential mediator candidate for laccase, and the results showed positive results. The study on laccase mediator systems led to a sub-study on "Laccase Catalyzed Iodine Synthesis as Disinfectant." Results showed that acetophenone was a more efficient mediator than APAP for iodine synthesis. Increasing APAP concentration increased iodine synthesis with a maximum of 0.5 mM. High concentrations of KI (>20 mM) inhibited laccase activities. Under 10 U/L, 20 mM KI concentration was most efficient for enzyme activity, chemical consumption, and contaminant removal efficiency. APAP and other phenolic compounds in real wastewater could serve as a mediator and increase the system's efficiency. Laccase-catalyzed iodine demonstrated high disinfection performance in fecal coliform tests, with the optimal concentrations observed at 15 and 20 mM KI. The study examined the effectiveness of laccase immobilization and optimization. The immobilization was achieved by bonding and adsorbing on mesoporous silica-covered packing. The results showed that the immobilized laccase was more efficient and stable in harsh conditions than the free enzyme. It had broader optimal temperature and pH ranges and better storage stability. This study suggests that immobilization can be a promising solution for industries that rely on sensitive biological enzymes. Particularly noteworthy is the use of mesoporous silica-covered packing and laccase-abundant broth instead of pure laccase for the immobilization, which offers substantial financial benefits. This approach facilitates the immobilized enzyme at any desired time, allowing for multiple cycles of re-utilization. Such a strategy holds tremendous potential for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of enzymatic processes in various industries. The resulting enzyme immobilization yield on the support was between 56-74 %, and the highest immobilization efficiency, 1.8 U/g packing, was achieved in the sets where initial laccase activity was limited (15 U). The unique part of this study was that the silica-covered mesoporous packing was immobilized by contacting with 15000 U laccase-abundant broth without the purifying step, which consumes many chemicals. The immobilization yield was 60%, and the highest activity was 346 U/g packing. The immobilization process remained consistent after 2 days, indicating that most laccase molecules were adsorbed within the pores without undesired lateral interactions. The immobilized laccase exhibited good reusability and retained more than 50 % of its initial activity after being stored at 4ºC for 5 months. It was addressed that the best pH was selected as 7 to condition silica-covered packing with glutaraldehyde, while the optimum pH was 3.5 or 5.5 to immobilize laccase on the silica-covered packing. The optimum glutaraldehyde concentration was also selected as 3%. Unfortunately, it is not enough to immobilize laccase; it requires a high amount of laccase immobilization, so it requires a high amount of laccase production. It examined the potential of non-polar solvent hexane and polar solvents, methanol, and ethanol, as inducers for laccase production and the established inducer copper. Also, the abundant hexane effluent from silica production is tested as an inducer to diminish the ecological footstep of the study. The impact of mesoporous silica-coated plastic packing on free laccase production and concomitant immobilization was evaluated under both sterilized and unsterilized conditions to understand if the costly step-sterilization can be avoided. The study revealed that copper and ethanol were the most effective inducers, with the highest total laccase activity achieved at a copper concentration of 0.5 mM under sterilized conditions. The groups treated with copper and ethanol also showed immobilized laccase activity under unsterilized conditions. Our evaluation of concomitant laccase immobilization showed that the sterilized waste hexane sets had the highest activity of immobilized laccase, with a value of 1.25 U/mg packing. The hexane sets under sterilized conditions had the second-highest immobilized enzyme activity. It was found that even though a small amount of immobilized laccase activity was detected in the packings of the copper and inducer sets in the unsterilized sets, the desired levels of free and immobilized laccase activity were not achieved in comparison to the sterilized sets. These results likely are because the sets were not sterilized, which could have led to other species due to planned -microbial contamination from the laboratory. This presence of several fungal species could have had a significant impact on the reduction of laccase activity. Using pure cultures and ensuring a sterilized system is essential to avoid contamination. This step of the study focuses on one of the most remarkable outcomes of the current research: the successful application of waste hexane as an inducer for concomitant immobilized laccase activity. This innovative approach to laccase production could lead to a promising method for decreasing running costs and improving the cost-efficiency of enzymatic processes in wastewater treatment plants, both industrial and domestic.Récemment, des préoccupations ont été soulevées au sujet des micropolluants dans les eaux usées et de leurs effets néfastes potentiels sur la santé humaine et l'environnement. Les chercheurs ont exploré diverses méthodes de traitement, y compris des traitements fongiques comme les enzymes laccase. Cependant, il doit y avoir plus de littérature concernant la sélection des souches fongiques et l'optimisation des mécanismes de biodégradation à base de laccase pour une élimination efficace des micropolluants. Cette thèse vise à combler cette lacune en explorant la production, la purification, l'immobilisation de la laccase et son impact sur la dégradation des micropolluants. En explorant divers aspects de ce processus, nous pouvons travailler au développement de méthodes plus efficaces et durables pour réduiare l'impact négatif des micropolluants sur notre environnement. L'étude actuelle comprend un examen complet de différentes souches fongiques, y compris Trametes hirsuta, Pleurotus dryinus, Tramates versicolor et Coriolopsis Polyzona, pour évaluer leur productivité en laccase et leur réponse aux oligo-éléments. Les mécanismes de sorption des traitements fongiques médiés par la laccase sur des micropolluants ciblés ont également été explorés. En outre, l'étude a étudié l'efficacité de purification et d'élimination de la laccase libre et le potentiel des systèmes médiateurs de la laccase (LMS) et des techniques d'immobilisation pour une biodégradation améliorée. Les résultats de cette étude ont fourni des informations précieuses sur l'optimisation et la rentabilité des stratégies de bioremédiation à base de laccase pour le traitement durable des eaux usées et la protection de l'environnement. Tout au long des expériences, les souches fongiques se sont avérées jouer un rôle crucial dans la production d'activités externes de laccase. L'un des avantages de l'utilisation de Fungi est sa grande capacité d'adsorption, ce qui en fait une méthode efficace d'élimination des polluants. Il est intéressant de noter que les réactions des enzymes internes et externes sur les composés sélectionnés diffèrent d'un composé à l'autre. Il a été observé que la laccase n'affecte pas tous les types de micropolluants. Pour optimiser le traitement fongique, il est essentiel d'avoir un contrôle raisonnable du système pour éviter la libération de contaminants adsorbés ou pour augmenter les activités laccase. Il met également en évidence l'importance de la dégradation par l'activité enzymatique externe et/ou les mécanismes d'adsorption en tant qu'étape primaire dans l'élimination des micropolluants, suivie par des activités enzymatiques internes qui éliminent certains des composés existants après avoir atteint une limite spécifique de capacité d'adsorption. Suite à ces expériences, l'étude s'est concentrée sur l'efficacité des systèmes laccase-médiateur à éliminer les résultats des contaminants organiques récalcitrants. Les résultats ont montré que les systèmes de laccase-médiateur éliminaient efficacement les contaminants organiques récalcitrants tels que l'ATZ et la CBZ dans les solutions de composés individuels, même à des concentrations pertinentes pour l'environnement. L'efficacité d'élimination de l'ATZ et de la CBZ dans des ensembles de solutions à un seul composé a été observée jusqu'à 100 % au cours des 36 premières heures, et aucune différence significative n'a été observée pour tous les médiateurs testés. Indépendamment des ensembles de composés simples, l'élimination de l'ATZ et de la CBZ dans les ensembles de composés mixtes était inférieure à 65 %. En outre, le contaminant phénolique APAP est examiné en tant que candidat médiateur potentiel pour la laccase, et les résultats ont montré des résultats positifs. L'étude sur les systèmes médiateurs de la laccase a conduit à une sous-étude sur "La synthèse de l'iode catalysée par la laccase comme désinfectant". Les résultats ont montré que l'acétophénone était un médiateur plus efficace que l'acétaminophène pour la synthèse de l'iode. L'augmentation de la concentration d'acétaminophène a augmenté la synthèse d'iode avec un maximum de 0,5 mM. Des concentrations élevées de KI (> 20 mM) ont inhibé les activités de la laccase. Sous 10 U/L, la concentration de 20 mM de KI était la plus efficace pour l'activité enzymatique, la consommation de produits chimiques et l'efficacité d'élimination des contaminants. L'acétaminophène et d'autres composés phénoliques dans les eaux usées réelles pourraient servir de médiateurs et augmenter l'efficacité du système. L'iode catalysé par la laccase a montré une performance de désinfection élevée dans les tests de coliformes fécaux, et les concentrations de 15 et 20 mM de KI étaient optimales pour l'irrigation. L'étude a examiné l'efficacité de l'immobilisation et de l'optimisation de la laccase. L'immobilisation a été réalisée par collage et adsorption sur un garnissage mésoporeux recouvert de silice. Les résultats ont montré que la laccase immobilisée était plus efficace et stable dans des conditions difficiles que l'enzyme libre. Il avait des plages de température et de pH optimales plus larges et une meilleure stabilité au stockage. Cette étude suggère que l'immobilisation peut être une solution prometteuse pour les industries qui dépendent d'enzymes biologiques sensibles. L'utilisation d'un garnissage mésoporeux recouvert de silice et d'un bouillon riche en laccase au lieu de la laccase pure pour l'immobilisation est particulièrement remarquable, ce qui offre des avantages financiers substantiels. Cette approche facilite l'immobilisation de l'enzyme à tout moment souhaité, permettant plusieurs cycles de réutilisation. Une telle stratégie recèle un énorme potentiel pour améliorer l'efficacité et la durabilité des processus enzymatiques dans diverses industries. Le rendement d'immobilisation de l'enzyme résultant sur le support était compris entre 56 et 74 %, et l'efficacité d'immobilisation la plus élevée, 1,8 U/g de garnissage, a été obtenue dans les ensembles dans lesquels la laccase initiale était limitée (15 U). La partie unique de cette étude était que le garnissage mésoporeux recouvert de silice était immobilisé par contact avec un bouillon riche en laccase de 15 000 unités sans l'étape de purification, qui consomme de nombreux produits chimiques. Le rendement d'immobilisation était de 60 % et l'activité la plus élevée était de 346 U/g de garnissage. Le processus d'immobilisation est resté constant après 2 jours, indiquant que la plupart des molécules de laccase ont été adsorbées dans les pores sans interactions latérales indésirables. La Laccase immobilisée a montré une bonne réutilisabilité et a conservé plus de 50 % de son activité initiale après avoir été stockée à 4°C pendant 5 mois. Il a été indiqué que le meilleur Ph était sélectionné à 7 pour conditionner le garnissage recouvert de silice avec du glutaraldéhyde, tandis que le Ph optimal était de 3,5 ou 5,5 pour immobiliser la laccase sur le garnissage recouvert de silice. La concentration optimale en glutaraldéhyde a également été choisie à 3 %. Malheureusement, il ne suffit pas d'immobiliser Laccase ; il nécessite une grande quantité d'immobilisation de la laccase, il nécessite donc une grande quantité de production de laccase. Il a examiné le potentiel du solvant non polaire hexane et des solvants polaires, le méthanol et l'éthanol, en tant qu'inducteurs de la production de laccase et de l'inducteur établi, le cuivre. De plus, l'effluent abondant d'hexane provenant de la production de silice est testé comme inducteur pour diminuer l'empreinte écologique de l'étude. L'impact de l'emballage en plastique recouvert de silice mésoporeuse sur la production de laccase libre et l'immobilisation concomitante a été évalué dans des conditions stérilisées et non stérilisées pour comprendre si la coûteuse étape de stérilisation peut être évitée. L'étude a révélé que le cuivre et l'éthanol étaient les inducteurs les plus efficaces, avec l'activité laccase totale la plus élevée obtenue à une concentration de cuivre de 0,5 mM dans des conditions stérilisées. Les groupes traités avec du cuivre et de l'éthanol ont également montré une activité laccase immobilisée dans des conditions non stérilisées. Notre évaluation de l'immobilisation concomitante de la laccase a montré que les ensembles d'hexane de déchets stérilisés avaient l'activité la plus élevée de la laccase immobilisée, avec une valeur de 1,25 U/mg d'emballage. Les ensembles d'hexane dans des conditions stérilisées avaient la deuxième activité enzymatique immobilisée la plus élevée. Il a été constaté que même si une petite quantité d'activité de laccase immobilisée a été détectée dans les garnitures des ensembles de cuivre et d'inducteur dans les ensembles non stérilisés, les niveaux souhaités d'activité de laccase libre et immobilisée n'ont pas été atteints par rapport aux ensembles stérilisés. Ces résultats sont probablement dus au fait que les ensembles n'ont pas été stérilisés, ce qui aurait pu conduire à d'autres espèces en raison d'une contamination microbienne planifiée par le laboratoire. Cette présence de plusieurs espèces fongiques aurait pu avoir un impact significatif sur la réduction de l'activité des laccases. L'utilisation de cultures pures et la garantie d'un système stérilisé sont essentielles pour éviter la contamination. Cette étape de l'étude se concentre sur l'un des résultats les plus remarquables de la recherche actuelle : l'application réussie de déchets d'hexane en tant qu'inducteur de l'activité laccase immobilisée concomitante. Cette approche innovante de la production de laccase pourrait conduire à une méthode prometteuse pour réduire les coûts de fonctionnement et améliorer la rentabilité des processus enzymatiques dans les usines de traitement des eaux usées, tant industrielles que domestiques

    Investıgatıons of some physıcal properties and erosıon tendency of soıl of trabzon lımlı watershed

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    Bu çalışmada, Trabzon Limli Deresi Yağış Havzası topraklarının bazı fiziksel, hidrofiziksel özellikleri ve erozyon eğilimleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma havzası Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde yer almakta olup Trabzon’a 24 km. uzaklıktadır. Bu amaçla 3 farklı yükseklik kademesi ve iki farklı bakıda yer alan tarım ve otlak alanlarında toplam 32 adet toprak profili açılmış ve farklı derinlik kademelerinden (0 -20 cm. ve 20 - 50 cm.) toprak örnekleri alınmıştır. Alınan bu toprak örnekleri üzerinde; Tekstür, toprak fraksiyonları, erozyon eğilimleri, nem sabitleri, geçirgenlik, hacim ağırlığı, dane yoğunluğu, gözenek hacmi, ateşte kayıp ve pH gibi 14 özellik ölçülmüştür. Yapılan analizler sonucunda 3 erozyon eğilim indeksi değerlerine göre topraklar erozyona duyarlı bulunmuştur.In this study, some physical properties and erosion tendency of soils in Trabzon - Limli watershed creek have been studied. The study area, Limli watershed creek, which is located in the East Black Sea Region of Turkey is 24 Km. far away from Trabzon. For this purpose, 32 soil profiles have been dug in 3 different altitudes and 2 different exposures and 64 units soil samples have been taken from different depth steps (0-20 cm. and 20 - 50 cm.). As indicated below, 14 soil properties have been measured on each soil sample; texture, soil fractions, dispersiyon ratio, colloid / moisture equivalent ratio, erosion ratio, loss on ignition ratio and pH. It has been determined that soils are sensitive to erosion, acording to the soil erodibility index

    Determination of snow water equivalent (SWE) according to elevation and its importance for water resources in semi-humid region of Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to determine the altitudinal distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) in the north-east facing aspect of the basin of the Fabrika River in Artvin. Study sites were selected at four different altitudes, where a total of thirty snow samples were collected from each study site from the depth steps of 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm. As a result, the snow sample collected on February 21, 2008 at 1250 m altitude and from 5–10 cm depth was found to produce the highest SWE value while the snow sample collected on February 15, 2008 at 200 m altitude and from 0– 5 cm depth was found to produce the lowest SWE value. A strong relationship was detected between the SWE of the snow sample collected from 0–5 cm depth and the altitude of the sampling site. This relationship was formulated as: [R2= 0.94, SWE = 0.1328* (Altitude 0.687)], while this relationship was formulated as: R2= 0.928, SWE = 0.15 * (Altitude 0.6750)], in depth of 5–10 cm

    Effect of visitor activities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern blacksea region

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    In this study, the effects of visitor acitivities on topsoil hydrophysical properties in two protected areas in northern Bleacksea region were investigated. For this purpose, soil samples taken from study area that was characterized as heavily trafficked site (HTS), moderately trafficked sites (MTS) and control (non-trafficked site). The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 1.02 to 1.39 g cm–3 and 0.66 to 1.55 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 60.60 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Ayder protected area. The soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance increased from 0.85 to 1.40 g cm–3 and 0.68 to 1.50 MPa, respectively, saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased from 58.75 to 10.35 mm h–1 in moderately and heavily trafficked sites, respectively, at 0–10 cm soil depth in Kafkasor protected area. The intensity of visitor activities had a negative impact on topsoil hydrophysical properties in the study area in Ayder and Kafkasor. The principles of management in Ayder and Kafkasor protected areas should be revised, and use of this area without a plan should be stopped as soon as possible

    Fuzzy Clustering Neural Networks for Real-Time Odor Recognition System

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    The aim of this study is to develop a novel fuzzy clustering neural network (FCNN) algorithm as pattern classifiers for real-time odor recognition system. In this type of FCNN, the input neurons activations are derived through fuzzy c mean clustering of the input data, so that the neural system could deal with the statistics of the measurement error directly. Then the performance of FCNN network is compared with the other network which is well-known algorithm, named multilayer perceptron (MLP), for the same odor recognition system. Experimental results show that both FCNN and MLP provided high recognition probability in determining various learn categories of odors, however, the FCNN neural system has better ability to recognize odors more than the MLP network

    Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium

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    Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu’nun (UYMS) on üçüncüsü, 23-25 Eylül 2018 tarihlerinde İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü ev sahipliğinde düzenlenmiştir. Önceki yıllarda olduğu gibi bu yılki sempozyuma oldukça yoğun bir ilgi oldu. Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Türkiye yazılım sektörü ile yazılım alanında çalışmalar yapan akademisyenleri bir araya getirerek yazılım mühendisliğindeki son gelişmelerin ve araştırmaların paylaşılmasını sağlayan bir platformdur. 2003 yılından bu yana gerçekleştirilen UYMS, araştırma sonuçlarının paylaşıldığı bir ortam sağlamasının ötesinde, ulusal yazılım mühendisliği araştırmalarının geleceğinin şekillenmesinde etkin rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmalarını sempozyumdaki çeşitli oturumlarda paylaşan tüm katılımcılara teşekkür eder, bu çabaların gelecek yıllarda yazılım mühendisliği alanında daha da başarılı çalışmalara yol açacağına olan inancımızı tekrarlamak isteriz. UYMS temel alanla birlikte Yazılım Test Mühendisliği, Sağlık için Yazılım Mühendisliği, Yazılım Modelleme ve Lisans Üstü Tezler tematik alanlarında, bu yıl toplam 77 bildiri kabul edilmiştir. Bildiriler, bu yıl da, en az 3 hakem tarafından değerlendirilerek çok titiz bir inceleme sonucunda seçilmiştir. Hakem olarak görev alan tüm komite üyelerine gönülden teşekkür ederiz.The 13th National Software Engineering Symposium (UYMS) of Turkey was held Izmir Institute of Technology on 23-25 September 2019. There has been a great interest in this year’s symposium, as in previous years. UYMS is a platform which helps bring together the software industry and the academicians working in this area. It is being organized since 2003 and it plays an important role in shaping the future of the software industry in Turkey. We would like to thank all the participants whose contributions led to the successful realization of this symposium. We would also like to express our belief that these contributions will lead to a better and more productive efforts in the field of software engineering. Along with the main area of UYMS, in the thematic areas of Software Test Engineering, Software Engineering for Health, Software Modeling, and Graduate Theses, a total of 77 papers were accepted this year. At least three referees reviewed each paper and the papers were evaluated based on these reviews. We thank all the program committee members who served as referees