156 research outputs found
Development of an attitude scale towards asking questions for elementary education students
Abstract. In this study, an instrument assessing elementary education students’ attitudes towards asking questions in the classroom was developed. Items were determined based on interviews with students and teachers and scaled according to five-point Likert scale, “Never”, Rarely”, “Sometimes”, “Usually”, “Always”. Validity and reliability analyses of the instrument were conducted with two different study groups. Firstly, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were done with Study Groups 1 (203 fourth-grade students). Then, CFA was repeated with data obtained from Study Group 2 (334 fourth-grade students). According to EFA results, two constructs were determined and these constructs including 24 items were named as Openness towards asking question and Anxiety towards asking question. CFA goodness of fit indices obtained from both groups showed that the scale with two constructs was acceptable. Cronbach’s α reliability coefficients for each construct were respectively .78 and .80 for Study Group 1 and .76 and .77 for Study Group 2. As a result of analyses, reliability and validity of the developed instrument was ensured
Hybrides Sprachlerncoaching - Am Beıspıeld Der Vorbereıtungsklasse der Uludağ Universitat
Dijital dönüşüm, günümüzde hem özel alanda hem de iş hayatında
hissedilebilmekte ve sürekli bir yükseliş eğilimindedir. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri
kullanıcıları artık dünyanın her yerinden insanlarla sosyal ağlar üzerinden sanal bir
ortamda iletişim kurmakta ve çeşitli kaynaklardan elde ettikleri bilgileri zaman ve
konumdan bağımsız olarak mobil cihazlarla işlemektedirler. Çağın gereği olarak bu
dijitalleşmenin hızla yayıldığı toplumlarda, beceri gereksinimleri de değişmekte;
kişisel, sosyal ve medya becerilerinin (21. yüzyıl becerileri) yanı sıra dijital iletişimin
en temel unsurlarından biri olan yabancı dil öğrenimine ve yabancı dil becerilerinin
gelişimine özel bir değer verilmektedir.
Yabancı dil eğitimi alanında, eylem odaklı yaklaşım öne çıkmakta ve öğrenilen
dilin kendisinden çok, öğrenenin özyönetim ve inisiyatif gibi kişisel becerilerini
kullanarak oluşturduğu ürünlerin sunumuna odaklanılmaktadır. Öğrencilerin yabancı
dil kaynakları ile etkileşim sağlamaları ve hedef dilde eylemler gerçekleştirerek
otonom öğrenen olma yolunda ilerlemeleri için ise dijital öğrenmenin avantajlarından
giderek daha fazla yararlanılmaktadır. Bu olumlu gelişmelere rağmen, yabancı dil
eğitiminde bir yandan kurumsal koşullar ve düzenlemelerden, diğer yandan
öğretmenlerin ve öğrencilerin becerilerinden kaynaklanan çeşitli sorun alanları
oluşmaya başlamıştır. Ayrıca, bilimsel öğretim ve öğrenim araştırmalarının sonuçları
da eğitim uygulamalarına, diğer bir deyişle öğretmenlerin ve öğrencilerin gerçek
öğrenme ortamlarına istenilen ölçüde yenilikçi çözümler sağlayamamaktadır.
Bu bilgiler ışığında, bu doktora çalışmasında, hem e-öğrenme hem de dil
öğrenme danışmanlığı türlerinin avantajlarından yararlanan ve aynı zamanda
uygulanabilir, yenilikçi bir çözüm sunmayı amaçlayan didaktik bir tasarım modelinin
nasıl geliştirilebileceğini incelenmiştir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın araştırma
çerçevesini, mevcut bir içeriğin belirli bir bağlamdaki etkinliğini araştırmaya değil,
hedef kitleye uygun yenilikçi bir model oluşturmaya odaklanan “Tasarım Tabanlı
Araştırma Yaklaşımı” oluşturmaktadır ve verilerin değerlendirilmesinde karma
yöntem kapsamında nitel ve nicel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın seçilen
yaklaşım doğrultusundaki amacı, kesin hüküm niteliğindeki bulguların elde edilmesi
değil, tasarım süreci aşamalarının ortaya konulması ve benzer eğitim uygulamaları için
yol gösterici olacak uygulanabilir tasarım ilkelerinin elde edilmesi, ayrıca araştırma
dünyasına yenilikçi bilgiler kazandırılmasıdır.
Hazırlık sınıfı Almanca derslerinin daha profesyonelce yürütülmesini
hedefleyen Hibrit Dil Koçluğu isimli öğretim tasarım modeli (HSLC Tasarım Modeli)
bir ön araştırma (alan yazın incelemesi, hedef kitle analizi, uzman görüşleri)
neticesinde ortaya çıkmış ve iki yıl süren araştırma döngüsünde elde edilen veriler
neticesinde geliştirilmiştir. Bu tasarım modelinin temel amacı; Almanca hazırlık sınıfı
eğitiminde, ders içi ve ders dışı öğrenme süreçlerinin içerik açısından birbiri ile
kenetlenmesi ve bu sayede bütüncül bir öğrenmenin sağlanmasıdır. HSLC Tasarım
Modeli; belirlenen dil öğretim ilkeleri ile hedef kitleye ve dil eğitimine uygun 21.
yüzyıl becerilerinin birbiri ile harmanlaması sonucu oluşturulan ve döngüsel tasarım
sürecinin çerçevesini oluşturan teorik bir felsefeye dayanmaktadır. Bu felsefe
Almanca dil becerilerinin geliştirilmesinin yanı sıra öğrencilerin öğrenme süreci
bilgilerinin arttırılmasına ve kişilik gelişimlerinin desteklenmesine odaklanmaktadır.
Bu hedef doğrultusunda çeşitli hibrit öğrenme senaryolarından faydalanan HSLC
Tasarım Modelini tek bir dijital merkezden yürütmek amacı ile bu çalışma kapsamında
dijital bir platform ve mobil uygulaması geliştirilmiş ve diğer uygulamalar ile birlikte
tasarım modeline katkısı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma; döngüsel tasarım sürecini
bütünsel bir şekilde değerlendirmeyi amaçlayan özetleyici bir değerlendirme ve bu
çalışma kapsamında elde edilen ve benzer eğitim ortamları için yol gösterici olacağı
düşünülen nihai tasarım ilke ve önerileri ile sona ermektedir.Der digitale Wandel lässt sich heutzutage sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen
Bereich spüren und befindet sich in einem kontinuierlichen Aufwärtstrend. Die Nutzer
der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien kommunizieren mittlerweile in
einer virtuellen Welt mittels sozialer Netzwerke mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt
und verarbeiten mit mobilen Endgeräten das Wissen aus verschiedensten Ressourcen
zeit- und ortsunabhängig. Doch ändern sich in dieser digitalisierten Gesellschaft auch
die Kompetenzanforderungen und die Entwicklung der persönlichen, sozialen und
medialen Kompetenzen (Softskills) sowie die des sprachlichen Handelns erhalten
einen besonderen Wert.
Im Bereich der Fremdsprachenbildung tritt die Auffassung der Handlungsorientierung
hervor und richtet das Hauptaugenmerk nicht mehr auf die Sprache selbst, sondern auf
das Darstellen von Produkten, wofür persönliche Kompetenzen wie
Selbstmanagement und Initiative eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Diesbezüglich setzt
sich die Fremdsprachenbildung die Förderung der Handlungsfähigkeit und der
Lernerautonomie durch die Interaktion mit fremdsprachlichen Ressourcen als Ziel und
profitiert dafür immer mehr von den Vorteilen des digitalen Lernens. Doch herrschen
in der fremdsprachlichen Praxis verschiedene Problemlagen, die einerseits durch
institutionelle Bedingungen und Regelungen und zum anderen durch die Kompetenzen
der Lehrpersonen und Lernenden bedingt sind. Dazu kommt, dass die Ergebnisse aus
der wissenschaftlichen Lehr- und Lernforschung keine oder nur geringe innovative
Lösungen in die Bildungspraxis bzw. in die reale Welt der Lehrpersonen und
Lernenden bringen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde in der vorliegenden Studie untersucht, wie ein hybrides
Sprachlerncoaching in Form eines didaktischen Design-Modells entwickelt werden
kann, welches sowohl von den Vorteilen des E-Learnings als auch des
Sprachlerncoachings profitiert, und darauf abzielt, einen praxistauglichen und
innovativen Lösungsansatz zu generieren. Aus diesem Grund bildet den
Forschungsrahmen dieser Studie der Ansatz „Design-Based Research“, welcher sich
nicht auf die Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit einer vorhandenen Intervention, sondern
auf die Gestaltung eines kontextspezifischen didaktischen Design-Modells
konzentriert. Insofern kommen bei dieser Studie qualitative und quantitative
Methoden des Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes zum Einsatz, wobei das Ziel nicht das
Erreichen von gesetzmäßigen, allgemeingültigen Befunden, sondern die Exploration
des zyklischen Designprozesses und die Generierung von Gestaltungsprinzipien ist,
die für kontextähnliche Praxis als weiterführende Empfehlungen und der Wissenschaft
als praxistaugliches, innovatives Wissen dienen sollen.
Das didaktische Design-Modell für den studienvorbereitenden DaF-Unterricht
entstand infolge einer Vorstudie, es wurde in zwei Forschungszyklen iterativ
weiterentwickelt und angesichts der erzielten Erkenntnisse aus der formativen und
summativen Evaluation als positiv eingeschätzt. Das Hauptziel dieses Modells ist die
professionelle Verwaltung des DaF-Unterrichts mittels hybrider Lernszenarien, wofür
es sich auf eine Philosophie stützt, die durch die Verzahnung von sprachdidaktischen
Prinzipien und den ausgewählten Softskills entsteht und auf ein ganzheitliches Lernen
durch die Verzahnung der Lernphasen innerhalb und außerhalb der Klasse zielt. Im
Fokus steht dabei die parallele Entwicklung der sprachlichen Fertigkeiten, des
Lernprozesswisssens und der Identität der Lernenden.
Die vorliegende DBR-Studie schließt mit einer summativen Evaluation ab, die zum
einen zur Verdichtung der endgültigen Gestaltungsprinzipien und zum anderen zur
Formulierung von weiterführenden Forschungsfragen dient
Sample size, power and effect size revisited: simplified and practical approaches in pre-clinical, clinical and laboratory studies
Calculating the sample size in scientific studies is one of the critical issues as regards the scientific contribution of the study. The sample size critically affects the hypothesis and the study design, and there is no straightforward way of calculating the effective sample size for reaching an accurate conclusion. Use of a statistically incorrect sample size may lead to inadequate results in both clinical and laboratory studies as well as resulting in time loss, cost, and ethical problems. This review holds two main aims. The first aim is to explain the importance of sample size and its relationship to effect size (ES) and statistical significance. The second aim is to assist researchers planning to perform sample size estimations by suggesting and elucidating available alternative software, guidelines and references that will serve different scientific purposes
Exploration of video e-learning content with smartphones
Nowadays computer users prefer to learn or complement their studies with video materials. While there are many video e-learning resources available on the internet, video sharing platforms such as YouTube which provide these resources, do not structure the presented material in the prerequisite order. Furthermore, they do not track the background of the users when recommending the next material to watch. Our aim is to overcome this limitation of the existing video on demand systems. In this paper we describe the architecture of the e-learning system that we are developing which allows users to search and watch video materials organized with respect to their background and presented in prerequisite order. One of the key features of our e-learning platform is to enable users to explore the video content with mobile devices. We propose a new visual metaphor based on lists for mobile devices which reflect the prerequisite graph structure, utilizing the limited screen size more effectively
Comparison of controlled-intermittent anal dilatation and lateral internal sphincterotomy in the treatment of chronic anal fissures: A prospective, randomized study
Aim: The results of controlled-intermittent anal dilatation (CIAD) or lateral internal sphincterotomy ( LIS) in the treatment of chronic anal fissures are presented. Material and methods: Forty patients who were randomized to two groups underwent CIAD or a LIS. The pre- and post-operative mean anal canal resting pressures (MACRPs) and symptoms were recorded and the results were compared. Results: Two months post-operatively, 18 patients in the CIAD group and 17 patients in the LIS group had healed completely, and had no anal incontinence or other complications. The post-operative improvement in pain, bleeding, and constipation did not differ significantly between the two groups. In the CIAD and LIS groups, the pre-operative MACRPs were 89.7 +/- 16.5 and 87.6 +/- 12.3 mmHg, respectively; 2 months post-operatively, the MACRPs had significantly decreased to 76.9 +/- 13.7 and 78.1 +/- 11.3 mmHg in the CIAD and LIS groups, respectively. No statistical difference existed in the pre- or post-treatment MACRPs between the groups. Conclusion: CIAD applied with a standardized technique reduced anal canal resting pressure and provided symptomatic healing that was equivalent to a LIS. Since there were no findings of incontinence, or situations which resulted in sphincter damage, we conclude that CIAD is suitable for patients with chronic anal fissures because it is less invasive than LIS, with equivalent efficacy and safety. In addition, the CIAD method may be an alternative procedure in older and multiparous women who has a higher risk of incontinence. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd
Glutathione S Transferases M1 and T1 Genetic Variants are Associated with Coronary Artery Ectasia
29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000329858400026…Turkish Soc Cardio
Impact of ligating gonadal or adrenal collateral veins with the left renal vein on renal function and histology in right-nephrectomized rats
Background: In cases of trauma to the left renal vein (LRV), its ligation near the inferior vena cava (IVC) is considered, but the consequences are not always good. We investigated the role of collateral venous drainage after ligation of the LRV by studying the renal function and histology after ligation of the LRV near the IVC alone or with ligation of the gonadal or adrenal collaterals, in right-nephrectomized (RN) rats. Material and methods: Ligation of the LRV near the IVC alone (group 1) or with ligation of the adrenal (group 2) or gonadal (group 3) collaterals was studied in RN Wistar rats (n = 18 per group). The renal histopathology (ischemic cortical necrosis) and functional status (urea, creatinine, sodium, and potassium) were compared. Results: In RN rats, the results were better when ligating the LRV near the IVC alone or with the adrenal collaterals [mortality 4/18 (22.2%) and 3/18 (16.7%), respectively] than when ligating the LRV near the IVC plus the gonadal collaterals [mortality 15/18 (83.3%)] (p < 0.0001). All early deaths occurred within three days and resulted from serious histopathological (ischemic cortical necrosis) and functional (increased urea, creatinine, and potassium; decreased sodium) renal damage. Conclusion: In right-nephrectomized rats, the LRV near the IVC and the adrenal collateral can be ligated, while the gonadal collateral should be preserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd
Higher Education Society Preparedness to Emergencies and Disasters Activities and Responsibilities in Gümü?hane University
Yükseköğretim kurumlarında afet ve acil durum yönetiminin tüm evrelerinin uygulanabilmesi ve geliştirilebilmesi için, kapsamlı bir afet ve acil durum eylem planının oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Aynı zamanda kurumdaki tüm bireylerin afet ve acil durumlardaki görev ve sorumlulukları ile hazırlık ve bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesinin personeli ve öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Afet ve acil durumlara yönelik hazırlıklı olma konusundaki algılarının değerlendirilmesi ve fakültenin afetlere hazırlık düzeyinin belirlenebilmesi amacıyla bir anket formu geliştirilmiş ve veriler bu anket formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Çalışmamızda hazırlık ortalamasının 3,55±2,22 olduğu bulunmuştur. Personel katılımcıların hazırlık tutum ortalamaları ile, okul hazırlık puan ortalamaları arasında doğrusal bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Bilgi puan ortalamalarının diğer ortalamalar arasında istatistiksel olarak bir ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır.A comprehensive disaster and emergency action plan needs to be developed to be able to apply and develop all phases of disaster and emergency management in higher education institutions. At the same time, it was aimed to determine the level of preparation and knowledge of disaster and emergency situations and responsibilities and duties of all individuals in the institution. A questionnaire was developed to assess the perceptions of the administrative staff, academic staff and students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Gümü?hane University, which constitute the researcher's universe, regarding the preparedness for disaster and emergency situations and to determine whether the faculty is ready for disasters. In our study, it was found that the average of the school preparations is 3.55 ± 2.22. As the average attitudes of the preparatory attitudes of the staff participants increase, the average of the school preparation scores increases. The relationship between participants' averages of 'Probability, Trust, Anxiety, Knowledge' scores was examined
Plasma lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with slow coronary flow
WOS: 000327688400001PubMed ID: 24570746Introduction: Slow coronary flow (SCF) is a microvascular disorder characterized by delayed opacification of coronary vessels with normal coronary angiogram. It may be due to endothelial dysfunction and diffuse atherosclerosis. Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is related to cardiovascular events. Plasma Lp(a) levels have not been studied previously in SCF patients. Aim: We investigated plasma Lp(a) and fibrinogen levels, and their relation to coronary flow rate in patients with SCE Material and methods: This cross-sectional study included 50 patients with SCF and 30 age- and sex-matched controls who had normal coronary arteries and normal flow. Coronary flow rates of patients and controls were counted with the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) frame count. Plasma Lp(a) and fibrinogen levels were measured in SCF patients and controls, with routine biochemical tests. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to plasma Lp(a) (21 mg/dl vs. 14 mg/dl, p = 0.11) and fibrinogen (278 mg/dl vs. 291 mg/dl, p = 0.48) levels. The TIMI frame count was not correlated with plasma Lp(a) (r = 0.13, p = 0.25) or fibrinogen (r = -0.14, p = 0.28) levels. Conclusions: Our results show that there is no significant association between SCF and Lp(a) and fibrinogen levels
MRI of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients: comparison with CT
PURPOSE:Pneumonia is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in immunocompromised patients. Computed tomography (CT) is the most sensitive imaging modality for the diagnosis and surveillance of these patients. Since CT exposes the patient to ionizing radiation, we investigated the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis and surveillance of immunocompromised patients with pneumonia.METHODS:The study included 40 immunocompromised patients with pneumonia documented on CT. The patients were examined by MRI within 48 hours of CT examination. All images were obtained with three different sequences: balanced fast field echo, T1-weighted turbo spin-echo (TSE), and T2-weighted TSE. Lung abnormalities were evaluated using CT and MRI.RESULTS:Infection was determined in 36 patients (90%), while the causative organism remained unknown in four patients (10%). In all the patients, the CT findings were consistent with infection, although three patients showed no abnormal findings on MRI. CT was superior to MRI in the detection of the tree-in-bud nodules, centrilobular nodules, and halo sign (P 20 mm nodules (к=0.844, P < 0.001).CONCLUSION:Although CT is superior to MRI in the diagnosis of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients, MRI is an important imaging modality that can be used, particularly in the follow-up of these patients, thus decreasing to avoid ionizing radiation exposure
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