21 research outputs found


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    Archivo indigente liminal. Entrevista a Jaime Córdova Ortega

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    This work compiles dialogues and questionnaires made to the Chilean silent film professor, researcher, and restorer, Jaime Córdova Ortega, director of the International Recovered Film Festival of Valparaíso. The first part brings together the fundamental excerpts of an interview that was conducted in 2021, on Heritage Day in Chile, in the online space "The audiovisual archive on and off the screen", an initiative generated by the University of Bío-Bío and the CineClub UBB. This interview is complemented by a new conversation that took place in 2023 regarding the publication of the books Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) and Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) and the discovery of the first Chilean animated short, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925 (Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Both exchanges highlight his thoughts and cinephilia, his reconstructive work, and the vision of his generation.Keywords: archive, restoration, cinephilia, film archive, audiovisual heritage.___________ Archivo indigente liminal. Entrevista a Jaime Córdova Ortega Resumen: Este trabajo recopila diálogos y cuestionarios realizados al profesor, investigador y restaurador chileno de cine silente, Jaime Córdova Ortega, director del Festival Internacional de Cine Recobrado de Valparaíso. La primera parte reúne los extractos fundamentales de una entrevista que se le realizó en 2021, en el día del patrimonio en Chile, en el espacio online "El archivo audiovisual dentro y fuera de la pantalla", conversatorio generado por la Dirección de Extensión de la Universidad del Bío-Bío y el CineClub UBB. Esta entrevista se complementa con una nueva conversación que tuvo lugar en 2023 a propósito de la publicación de los libros Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) y Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) y del hallazgo del primer corto animado chileno, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925 (Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Ambos intercambios dan cuenta de su pensamiento y cinefilia, su obra reconstructiva y la visión de su generación.Palabras clave: archivo, restauración, cinefilia, filmoteca, patrimonio audiovisual.___________ Arquivo indigente e liminar. Entrevista a Jaime Córdova OrtegaResumo: Este trabalho compila diálogos e questionários feitos ao professor, pesquisador e restaurador de cinema mudo chileno Jaime Córdova Ortega, diretor do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Recuperação de Valparaíso. A primeira parte reúne os trechos fundamentais de uma entrevista realizada em 2021, no Dia do Patrimônio no Chile, no espaço online “O arquivo audiovisual dentro e fora da tela”, iniciativa gerada pela Diretoria de Extensão da Universidade de Bío-Bío e o CineClub UBB. Esta entrevista é complementada por uma nova conversa ocorrida em 2023 a respeito da publicação de seus livros Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) e Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) e a descoberta do primeiro curta de animação chileno, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925 (Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Ambas as trocas dão conta do seu pensamento e cinefilia, do seu trabalho reconstrutivo e da visão da sua geração.Palavras chave: arquivo, restauração, cinefilia, cinemateca, património audiovisual.___________ ARK CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s24690767/xpazf3zfnEste trabajo recopila diálogos y cuestionarios realizados al profesor, investigador y restaurador chileno de cine silente, Jaime Córdova Ortega, director del Festival Internacional de Cine Recobrado de Valparaíso. La primera parte reúne los extractos fundamentales de una entrevista que se le realizó en 2021, en el día del patrimonio en Chile, en el espacio online "El archivo audiovisual dentro y fuera de la pantalla", conversatorio generado por la Dirección de Extensión de la Universidad del Bío-Bío y el CineClub UBB. Esta entrevista se complementa con una nueva conversación que tuvo lugar en 2023 a propósito de la publicación de los libros Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) y Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) y del hallazgo del primer corto animado chileno, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925(Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Ambos intercambios dan cuenta de su pensamiento y cinefilia, su obra reconstructiva y la visión de su generación.Palabras clave: archivo, restauración, cinefilia, filmoteca, patrimonio audiovisual.___________ Indigent and Liminal Archive. Interview with Jaime Córdova Ortega Abstract: This work compiles dialogues and questionnaires made to the Chilean silent film professor, researcher, and restorer, Jaime Córdova Ortega, director of the International Recovered Film Festival of Valparaíso. The first part brings together the fundamental excerpts of an interview that was conducted in 2021, on Heritage Day in Chile, in the online space "The audiovisual archive on and off the screen", an initiative generated by the University of Bío-Bío and the CineClub UBB. This interview is complemented by a new conversation that took place in 2023 regarding the publication of the books Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) and Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) and the discovery of the first Chilean animated short, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925 (Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Both exchanges highlight his thoughts and cinephilia, his reconstructive work, and the vision of his generation.Keywords: archive, restoration, cinephilia, film archive, audiovisual heritage.___________ Arquivo indigente e liminar. Entrevista a Jaime Córdova OrtegaResumo: Este trabalho compila diálogos e questionários feitos ao professor, pesquisador e restaurador de cinema mudo chileno Jaime Córdova Ortega, diretor do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Recuperação de Valparaíso. A primeira parte reúne os trechos fundamentais de uma entrevista realizada em 2021, no Dia do Patrimônio no Chile, no espaço online “O arquivo audiovisual dentro e fora da tela”, iniciativa gerada pela Diretoria de Extensão da Universidade de Bío-Bío e o CineClub UBB. Esta entrevista é complementada por uma nova conversa ocorrida em 2023 a respeito da publicação de seus livros Escribir desde los fragmentos. Reconstrucción de los guiones de cuatro películas del cine silente chileno (2021) e Diario de un Naufragio, fotogramas de Chile entre 1973 y 1979 (2017) e a descoberta do primeiro curta de animação chileno, La transmisión del mando supremo: 1920-1925 (Alfredo Serey Vial, 1921). Ambas as trocas dão conta do seu pensamento e cinefilia, do seu trabalho reconstrutivo e da visão da sua geração.Palavras chave: arquivo, restauração, cinefilia, cinemateca, património audiovisual.___________ ARK CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s24690767/xpazf3zf

    Medición y Análisis de la Inseguridad Económica en Chile

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    Resumen Este estudio confecciona el primer Índice de Inseguridad Económica (IDIE) de los hogares en Chile. En primer lugar relaciona operativamente el término inseguridad económica con variables observables asociadas a la percepción de riesgos económicos por parte de los individuos. En segundo lugar, para el desarrollo del índice, se asume que esta percepción depende de distintas variables relevantes como los niveles de ingresos de los hogares -y de su variabilidad-, de la riqueza neta y otras variables económico-financieras. Se concluye que la inseguridad económica de los hogares en Chile aumentó desde el año 2006 al año 2009 (34.9% versus 36.4%), que las mujeres jefes de hogar presentan una mayor inseguridad económica que los hombres jefes de hogar (41.9% versus 32.1% en el año 2006 y un 43% versus 33.4% en el año 2009), que existen diferencias por educación del jefe de hogar (19.7% de los más educados eran inseguros económicamente versus 41.9% de los menos educados en el año 2006, y 21.4% de los más educados versus 45.4% de los menos educados en el año 2009), diferencias por quintiles de ingreso del hogar (55.2% de los hogares pertenecientes al quintil más pobre eran inseguros económicamente, en comparación a un 18.9% para el quintil más rico en el año 2006, y 55.3% de los hogares pertenecientes al quintil más pobre eran inseguros económicamente versus 18.9% para el más rico en el año 2009) y que existen diferencias importantes respecto a la inseguridad económica por sector ocupacional. Por último, se destaca que el IDIE –al ser transversal a todos los grupos sociales- puede ser utilizado como una medida adicional a considerar para la evaluación del impacto e implementación de distintas políticas económicas. Palabras clave: Inseguridad económica, riesgos económicos, medidas de bienestar, políticas públicas  Abstract Measurement and Analysis of the Economic Insecurity This study creates the first Insecurity Economic Index (IDIE) of households in Chile. First, it operatively relates to the insecurity term with variables associated to the perception of economic risks on behalf of individuals. Secondly, in order to develop the index, it is assumed that this perception depends on different relevant variables such as household income levels –and their variability-, net wealth and other economic financial variables. It is concluded that the household economic insecurity in Chile increased from 2006 to 2009 (34.9% in comparison to 36.4%), that female as heads of households are more economically insecure than male heads of households (41.9% in comparison to 32.1% in 2006 and a 43% in comparison to 33.4% in 2009), that educational differences exists among heads of households (19.7% of the most educated are economically insecure in comparison to 41.9% of the less educated in 2006 and 21.4% of the most educated in comparison to 45.4% of the less educated in 2009), differences by household income quintiles (55.2% of households that belong to the poorest quintile are economically insecure in comparison to the 18.9% for the richest quintile in 2006, and 55.3% of the households belonging to the poorest quintile are economically insecure in comparison to 18.9% for the richest in 2009). There are also important differences with respect to economic insecurity per occupational sector. Finally, it is highlighted that the IDIE –being transversal to all social groups- can be used as an additional measure to consider for the impact and implementation evaluation of different economic policies. Keywords: Economic insecurity, economic hazards, welfare measures, public policy

    Conocimiento para la equidad social. Pensando Chile globalmente

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    Modulation of GABAA receptors and of GABAergic synapses by the natural alkaloid gelsemine

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    The Gelsemium elegans plant preparations have shown beneficial activity against common diseases, including chronic pain and anxiety. Nevertheless, their clinical uses are limited by their toxicity. Gelsemine, one of the most abundant alkaloids in the Gelsemium plants, have replicated these therapeutic and toxic actions in experimental behavioral models. However, the molecular targets underlying these biological effects remain unclear. The behavioral activity profile of gelsemine suggests the involvement of GABAA receptors (GABAARs), which are the main biological targets of benzodiazepines (BDZs), a group of drugs with anxiolytic, hypnotic, and analgesic properties. Here, we aim to define the modulation of GABAARs by gelsemine, with a special focus on the subtypes involved in the BDZ actions. The gelsemine actions were determined by electrophysiological recordings of recombinant GABAARs expressed in HEK293 cells, and of native receptors in cortical neurons. Gelsemine inhibited the agonist-evoked currents of recombinant and native receptors. The functional inhibition was not associated with the BDZ binding site. We determined in addition that gelsemine diminished the frequency of GABAergic synaptic events, likely through a presynaptic modulation. Our findings establish gelsemine as a negative modulator of GABAARs and of GABAergic synaptic function. These pharmacological features discard direct anxiolytic or analgesic actions of gelsemine through GABAARs but support a role of GABAARs on the alkaloid induced toxicity. On the other hand, the presynaptic effects of the alkaloid provide an additional mechanism to explain their beneficial effects. Collectively, our results contribute novel information to improve understanding of gelsemine actions in the mammalian nervous system

    Inhibitory Actions of Tropeines on the α3 Glycine Receptor Function

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    Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are chloride-permeable pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. The inhibitory activity of GlyRs is essential for many physiological processes, such as motor control and respiration. In addition, several pathological states, such as hyperekplexia, epilepsy, and chronic pain, are associated with abnormal glycinergic inhibition. Recent studies have pointed out that positive allosteric modulators targeting the GlyR α3 subunit (α3GlyR) displayed beneficial effects in chronic pain models. Interestingly, previous electrophysiological studies have shown that tropeines, which are a family of synthetic antagonists of the serotonin type 3 receptors (5-HT3Rs), potentiate the activity of GlyRs conformed by α1 subunits. However, despite its importance as a pharmacological target in chronic pain, it is currently unknown whether the α3GlyR function is modulated by tropeines. Using electrophysiological techniques and molecular docking simulations, here we show that tropeines are inhibitors of the α3GlyR function. Tropisetron, a prototypical tropeine, exerted concentration-dependent inhibitory effects on α3GlyRs at the low micromolar range. In addition, three other tropeines showed similar effects. Single-channel recordings show that tropisetron inhibition is associated with a decrease in the open probability of the ion channel. Molecular docking assays suggest that tropeines preferentially bind to an agonist-free, closed state of the ion channel. The tropeine binding occurs in a discrete pocket around the vicinity of the orthosteric site within the extracellular domain of α3GlyR. Thus, our results describe the pharmacological modulation of tropeines on α3GlyRs. These findings may contribute to the development of GlyR-selective tropeine derivatives for basic and/or clinical applications

    Phosphorylation state-dependent modulation of spinal glycine receptors alleviates inflammatory pain

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    Diminished inhibitory neurotransmission in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord is thought to contribute to chronic pain. In inflammatory pain, reductions in synaptic inhibition occur partially through prostaglandin E2- (PGE2-) and PKA-dependent phosphorylation of a specific subtype of glycine receptors (GlyRs) that contain α3 subunits. Here, we demonstrated that 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (2,6-DTBP), a nonanesthetic propofol derivative, reverses inflammation-mediated disinhibition through a specific interaction with heteromeric αβGlyRs containing phosphorylated α3 subunits. We expressed mutant GlyRs in HEK293T cells, and electrophysiological analyses of these receptors showed that 2,6-DTBP interacted with a conserved phenylalanine residue in the membrane-associated stretch between transmembrane regions 3 and 4 of the GlyR α3 subunit. In native murine spinal cord tissue, 2,6-DTBP modulated synaptic, presumably αβ heteromeric, GlyRs only after priming with PGE2. This observation is consistent with results obtained from molecular modeling of the α-β subunit interface and suggests that in α3βGlyRs, the binding site is accessible to 2,6-DTBP only after PKA-dependent phosphorylation. In murine models of inflammatory pain, 2,6-DTBP reduced inflammatory hyperalgesia in an α3GlyR-dependent manner. Together, our data thus establish that selective potentiation of GlyR function is a promising strategy against chronic inflammatory pain and that, to our knowledge, 2,6-DTBP has a unique pharmacological profile that favors an interaction with GlyRs that have been primed by peripheral inflammation

    Apertura, brecha salarial y sindicalización en Chile: Un análisis microeconométrico

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    Incluye bibliografíaEste documento fue originalmente publicado por la OECD en su versión en inglés, titulado "Openness, Wage Gaps and Unions in Chile: A Micro Econometric Analysis", OECD 2011 Trade Policy Working Papers No. 134.Este trabajo examina la relación entre, por un lado, las brechas entre los salarios promedios entre los 29 sectores de actividad económica y, por otro lado, las diferencias en niveles de apertura en términos de flujos comerciales de cada sector para el caso de Chile. Este país se ha caracterizado en las últimas décadas por un proceso constante de apertura comercial y una mayor intensidad de flujos de comercio que han contribuido a cambios significativos en el mercado laboral. Tomando como puntos de referencia los años 2003 y 2008, el trabajo realiza un análisis de cluster agrupando los sectores en tres grupos: alta, media, y baja inserción internacional. Utilizando la base de microdatos de la Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingresos, se estima una regresión del salario promedio para estos tres sectores en función de las características del trabajador en términos de género, educación, experiencia en el mercado laboral y grado de sindicalización. Finalmente se procede a descomponer las diferencias entre los salarios promedios de los tres grupos con la metodología de Oaxaca-Blinder. Los resultados avalan la hipótesis, establecida en varios estudios, que el sector más abierto paga un "premio" a sus trabajadores frente a sus pares en los demás sectores. Más importante aún se demuestra que el grado de sindicalización es la variable que mejor explica la brecha salarial entre el sector de alta y baja inserción internacional. Se añade así a la literatura existente sobre este tema, aparte del enfoque, metodología y microdatos utilizados, una dimensión adicional a la problemática entre apertura y brecha salarial.Introduccion. -- Tendencias en el comercio internacional y mercado de trabajo. -- A. La liberalización comercial-financiera y los flujos de comercio e inversión extranjera. -- B. Tendencias en el mercado de trabajo y salarios. -- Vínculos entre el comercio y los salarios: revisión de la literatura. -- Análisis de salarios sectoriales por intensidad en comercio internacional e inversión. -- A. Los datos. -- B. La repartición en sectores transables y no transables. -- C. Descomposición de diferencias salariales con el método de Oaxaca-Blinder. -- D. Resultados econométricos. -- Conclusiones e investigación futura

    Openness, Wage Gaps and Unions in Chile: A Micro Econometric Analysis

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    This paper examines the relationship between wages and levels of trade and FDI openness in twenty-nine sectors of the Chilean economy. Over the last four decades, this country almost fully liberalized its trade and foreign direct investment, which accelerated growth of flows in both areas and contributed to important changes in the labour market. Using cluster analysis, we divide 29 sectors into three groups of high, medium and low levels of trade and foreign direct investment penetration in 2003 and 2008. Subsequently, an average wage equation is estimated for salaried workers in each group based on their characteristics (gender, education, work experience and union membership) using microdata of the Supplementary Income Survey (SIS) database. Differences between average wages of the three groups are decomposed with the Oaxaca-Blinder method. The results confirm that the group of most open sectors pays a “wage premium” to its workers. It is also shown that most of this premium is accounted for by higher levels of labour unionisation compared to other sectors. An alternative grouping of sectors into two categories of tradable and non-tradable sectors based on export intensity only yields similar results.trade, employment, Oaxaca-Blinder method, inclusive growth, openness, unionisation, wages, Chile, wage gap

    Conocimiento para la equidad social. Pensando Chile globalmente

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    Encuentros Barcelona 201