128 research outputs found

    Personel Selection based on Talent Management

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    AbstractDue to the globalization, organizations need professional human resources. Qualified personel which has high performances on capability, knowledge, skill, and other abilities play significant roles in the success of an organization. On the other hand having an improper personel might cause many problems such as affecting productivity, precision, flexibility and quality of the products/service negatively. Nowadays organizations try to employ much more qualified personel on management level and they want to find out firstly inside of them. As a new concept talent management deals with this kind of situations.Right using of talents make the work much more successful and making the work right bring the success to the organization. The subject of this study is to promote a personel dealing with talent management as General Manager (GM) under personel selection problem. There exist six criteria and three candidates for the selection process. In this study, a hybrid model which employs multi attribute decision making methods together, is proposed for the personel selection problem

    Trading Puzzle, Puzzling Trade

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    We explore the return performance of individual investors with respect to various factors such as portfolio size, turnover ratio and also demographic factors: gender and age. Concerning that Borsa İstanbul has one of highest share turnover ratio worldwide (141.8% as of 2012), it is an ideal candidate to do this analysis. We examine the daily trades in Borsa İstanbul (formerly Istanbul Stock Exchange) of 20,000 individual investors over two year period from 2011 to 2012. The main finding which contradicts other studies and the contribution of the paper is that, the return of the individual portfolio is positively correlated with the portfolio size. Other findings are: Almost 70% of all individual investors cannot beat the market. Investors who have high turnover underperform compared to those who have lower turnover. Male investors trade more and lose more vis-à-vis the female and older investors have higher returns

    Examination of the Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Selective Attention Among Adolescents

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the predictive level of test anxiety and selective attention skills on test performances of adolescents, who are studying in public and private schools and took high school entrance exams in 2015-2016. The sample of this study consists of 258 8th grade students in total, including 134 boys and 124 girls, between 13-14 ages. The data of the study were obtained from d2 Test of Attention, Test Anxiety Inventory and from TEOG exams. After examination of the results of the study, it has been indicated that there is a significant relationship between students’ performance on high school entrance exams and selective attention skills. As the quality of student’s visual scanning accuracy, rule compliance and attention performance increase during the exam, test performance increases as well. Likewise, as the students’ negative thoughts about themselves and negative assessments about failing their exams increase, then test performance decreases.

    Evaluation of bone marrow functions and new inflammatory markers in patients with immunocompetent herpes zoster

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    Background and Design: Herpes zoster (HZ) is a viral infection characterized by dermatomal vesicles caused by the reactivation of the latent varicella-zoster virus (VZV). There are conflicting reports regarding the effects of VZV on bone marrow functions. In this study, we aimed to evaluate bone marrow function and systemic inflammation in immunocompetent HZ patients. Materials and Methods: This study included patients aged ≥18 yr diagnosed with HZ and admitted to a dermatology outpatient clinic between June 2011 and June 2021. Hematological parameters in routine hemogram tests of patients with HZ and new inflammatory markers, such as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), systemic immune inflammation index, and platelet-neutrophil ratio (PNR), were determined and compared with healthy control groups. Results: Thrombocytopenia was observed in 6.1% and lymphopenia in 8% of 461 HZ patients. The mean leukocyte (white blood cell), lymphocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, and platelet (PLT) counts in HZ patients were statistically significantly lower than in the control group (p<0.05). NLR and PLR values were statistically significantly higher in HZ patients than in the control group (p<0.05). PLT, eosinophil count, and PNR values were statistically lower in HZ patients aged ≥65 yr than in patients aged <65 yr, whereas mean platelet volume and NLR values were higher (p<0.05). Conclusion: Thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia may occur in immunocompetent HZ patients. NLR and PLR values increase in HZ patients. The increase in inflammatory markers and decrease in platelet count are more evident in HZ patients aged ≥65 yr

    Clinical Study Comparison of Wide Conjunctival Flap and Conjunctival Autografting Techniques in Pterygium Surgery

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    Pterygium is an abnormal fibrovascular tissue extending on the cornea which is a degenerative and hyperplastic disorder. A stromal overgrowth of fibroblast and blood vessels is accompanied by an inflammatory cell infiltrate and abnormal extracellular matrix accumulation. The surgical excision is the main treatment method of pterygium, but recurrence is the most common postoperative complication. In the present study, we aimed to compare the wide conjunctival flap and the conjunctival autografting techniques in pterygium surgery according to time of operation, safety, and effectiveness. Results showed that the effect of wide conjunctival flap techniques on primary pterygium surgery was found close to the conjunctival autograft techniques. In addition, the flap technique has a shorter surgical time, the surgery does not require extreme experience, feeding of the flap is provided with own vessels since the vascular structure is protected on the upper temporal conjunctival area, reverse placement of the flap is not seen, it needs fewer sutures, so that suture disturbances may reduce, and it is less traumatic than autograft technique during conjunctival transport. Therefore, this technique may be preferred in suitable cases

    Infrahyoid Flap, a Convenient Alternative for Reconstruction of Tongue and Floor of Mouth Defects: Case Series

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to share our clinical experience with the neurovascular myofasiocutan infrahyoid flap (NMIHF), which was used for the reconstruction of the defects after oral cavity cancer surgery.Methods: Records of five patients who were diagnosed with oral cavity cancer and underwent tumor resection, neck dissection, and defect reconstruction with NMIHF between 2012 and 2017 were analyzed retrospectively.Results: The infrahyoid flap was used in five patients: four males and one female. The mean age of patients was 61.8 years. Four patients underwent tumor resection and bilateral level I-III neck dissection, whereas one patient underwent tumor resection and unilateral level I-III neck dissection. NMIHF was used for the reconstruction of the defects during the same procedure in all the patients. Mean post-operative follow-up was 30.6 months. Partial skin necrosis was observed in two patients, but none of the patients showed total necrosis of the flap. Postoperatively, oral intake was initiated after an average of 12 days in all patients. For two patients who required post-operative radiotherapy (RT), the treatment was started after an average of 50 days.Conclusion: NMIHF does not prolong operation time and does not cause additional scar in the neck, and the defect in the donor field can be closed without the use of a graft or flap. This is considered to be a reliable and successful alternative to free flaps for the reconstruction of oral cavity defects

    Epidemic of Postoperative Adenoviral Conjunctivitis

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    Göz hastalıkları kliniklerinde hastaların muayenesinde kullanılan ortak cihazlar adenovirüs gibi etkenler için bulaş kaynağı olabilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda aynı gün katarakt veya pars plana vitrektomi cerrahisi geçiren, rutin 1. hafta kontrolleri yapılmış, postoperatif 10-18(Ortanca: 15. gün) günlerde, gözde kızarıklık, sulanma ve göz kapaklarında ödem şikayetleriyle kliniğimize müracaat eden 7 hastanın 7 gözüincelendi. Hastalardan ve poliklinikte ortak kullanılan cihazlardan ve ameliyathanede kullanılan topikal anestezik ve pupilla dilatasyonu içinkullanılan damlalardan bakteryel kültür ve viral moleküler testler için örnek alındı. Olguların göz örneklerinde ve tonometre ve pakimetre cihazlarında gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyon ile Adenovirüs tip 8 saptandı. Bakteryel kültürlerde üreme olmadı.The common used devices for clinical examination of patients in the ophthalmology clinics may be infected source for factors such as adenovirus. In this case report, postoperative routine 1st week controls were made in patients who had cataract or pars plana vitrectomy surgery; and 7 eye of 7 patients who were presented to the clinic with complaints of redness, tearing and eyelid edema between 10-18 (Median: 15 days) days were analyzed. The samples were taken from one eye of the patients, and from possibly contaminated sources as tonometry, pachymetry devices and topical anesthetics, and from the drops used for pupil dilation in the operating room for bacterial cultures and viral molecular tests. Adenovirus type 8 was detected with real-time polymerase chain reacyion in the eye samples, and tonometer, and pacimetry equipment. Reproduction in bacterial cultures were negative

    Which one is effective in experimental endotoxin-induced uveitis: Sistemic Infliximab, intravitreal infliximab or combine

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    Bu çalışmada, sistemik ve/veya intravitreal olarak infliximab tedavisi uygulandıktan sonra; HA ve vitreusta, TNF-&#945; ve protein konsantrasyonunda meydana gelen değişiklikler ile histopatolojik ve klinik değişiklikler ve bu değişiklerde tedaviler arasındaki farklılıkların araştırılmasını amaçladık. Otuz adet Yeni Zelanda beyaz tavşanın 30 gözü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Her bir grupta 6 hayvan olmak üzere hayvanlar 5 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1 e intravitreal (İV) lipopolisakkarit (LPS), grup 2 ye İV LPS ve İV sham enjeksiyonu, grup 3 e İV LPS ve İV 2mg/0,1cc infliximab, grup 4 e İV LPS ve intravenöz 5mg/kg infliximab ve grup 5 e İV LPS ve eş zamanlı olarak, intravenöz 5mg/kg infiliximab ve İV 1mg/0,1cc infliximab uygulandı. Enflamasyon; klinik, aköz ve vitreusta protein ve TNF-&#945; düzeyi ve histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Klinik değerlendirme, grup 3, grup 4 ve grup 5 de daha az saptandı ve bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi ancak birbirleri arasında anlamlı fark yoktu. HA ve vitreusta protein ve TNF-&#945; düzeyi; grup 3, grup 4 ve grup 5 de anlamlı olarak daha azdı, grup 4 de, grup 3 e göre daha az saptanmasına rağmen bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi.Grup 5 de ise, diğer bütün gruplara göre protein ve TNF-&#945; düzeyi daha düşük saptandı ve bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi. Histopatolojik değerlendirmede; grup 1, grup 2 ve grup 3 arasında anlamlı fark yokken, grup 4 ve grup 5 de enflamasyon daha az saptandı ve bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi. İntravenöz infliximab infüzyonu, intravitreal olarak uygulanan infliximab tan, akut dönemde çok daha etkindir, akut üveit atağı ile gelen olgularda, intravenöz infliximab infüzyonu ile birlikte intravitreal infliximab uygulaması alternatif tedavi olarak uygulanabilir.The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of sistemic, intravitreal and sistemic-intravitreal infliximab and to compare different treatment modalities. Thirty white New Zealand rabbits were divided into 5 groups, each group had 6 rabbits. Grup 1 received intravitreal (İV) injection of lipopolysaccharid (LPS), grup 2 received İV injection of LPS and İV saline, grup 3 received İV LPS and İV 2mg/0,1cc infliximab, grup 4 received İV LPS and 5mg/kg intravenous infliximab and grup 5 received İV LPS and intravenous 5mg/kg infiliximab and İV 1mg/0,1cc infliximab simultaneously. Inflamation was determined by clinical examination, measuring the protein and TNF- &#945; concentration and histopathologic examination. Clinical examination score was lower in group 3, group 4 and group 5 and when compared group 1 and 2 (p<0,05). However, there was no statistically significant difference between group 3, 4 and 5 with regard to clinical examination. In group 3, 4 and 5; the protein and TNF- &#945; concentration in aqueous and vitreus was measured lower than grup 1 and 2 (p<0,05). Altough group 4 had lower protein and TNF- &#945; concentration than group 3, there was no statistically significant difference. The lowest protein and TNF- &#945; concentration was detected in group 5 and the difference was statistically significant when compared the other groups. In histopathologic examination, there was no statistically significant difference between grup 1, 2 and 3, however enflamation was determined lower in group 4 and 5 (p=0,14). Intravenous infliximab infusion was effective than intravitreal infliximab in an acute period, in additon simultane intravenous infliximab infüsion and intravitreal infliximab injection can be used as an alternative therapy for acute uveitis

    Analyse comportementale des prix prédateurs dans le droit américain et européen

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    Ce mémoire est une analyse de l'état du droit et de la jurisprudence concernant les prix prédateurs aux Etats-Unis et dans l'Union européenne. Il fut question d'examiner quels pourraient être les différents apports de l'analyse comportementale du droit dans le domaine de la prédation.Master [120] en droit, Université catholique de Louvain, 201