56 research outputs found

    Kırşehir yöresi halk müziği kültürünün kodları ve temsiliyeti

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     Folk music is a music genre created by folks' own cultural features. It is associated with other features of culture, so it includes local features. Anatolian folk music, is one of the folk music cultures in the world, has more details in the context of geographical features, ethnicity and locality. So it is need to be examined locally with the various disciplines and approaches. The folk music of Kırşehir’s region, is a type of the Anatolian folk music, was investigated within the framework of the ethnomusicology discipline and the qualitative research model in cultural ve analytical context for the problem, the sub-problems and the aim of research, and the findings were encoded and described in this research. 453 works and the other documents were examined and determined the twenty codes which represent the folk music of Kırşehir’s region. These codes were evaluated and it was seen that the folk music Kirsehir's region can be represented with the three main codes as Abdal, Bozlak, and bağlama. Halk müziği, halkın kendi kültürel özellikleriyle yarattığı bir müzik türüdür. Kültürün diğer özellikleriyle de ilişkili olduğundan yöresel özelliklere sahiptir. Dünyadaki halk müziği kültürlerinden biri olan Anadolu halk müziği, coğrafi özellikler, etnisite ve yöresellik bağlamında daha fazla ayrıntıya sahiptir. Bu yüzden, çeşitli disiplin ve yaklaşımlarla yöresel olarak incelenmesi gerekir. Bu bağlamda, Anadolu halk müziği’nin yöresel bir türü olan Kırşehir yöresi halk müziği, bu çalışmada etnomüzikoloji disiplini ve nitel araştırma modeli çerçevesinde kültürel ve analitik bağlamda araştırmanın problemine, alt problemlerine ve amacına uygun olarak incelenmiş ve bulgular kodlanarak tanımlanmıştır. 453 adet eser ve diğer kaynaklar incelenerek, Kırşehir yöresi halk müziği kültürünü temsil eden yirmi kod belirlenmiştir. Bu kodlar değerlendirildiğinde, Kırşehir yöresi halk müziğinin Abdal, Bozlak ve bağlama olmak üzere başlıca üç kod ile temsil edildiği görülmüştür.&nbsp

    Ethnomusicological evaluations with Bruno Nettl

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    Musicology, is a discipline, based on investigation of specific problems of music with the various methods. Its research topics over time reached a multi-disciplinary dimension, and so its sub-branches have appeared. While musicology is focused on music, ethnomusicology, the first sub-branch of musicology, is focused on culture and it examines music as an element of culture. Research subjects of musicology and its sub-branches is sometimes intertwined, and this situation leads to ambiguities between the methods and study subjects of the disciplines. Although some (ethno)musicologists in the international arena and in Turkey has examined on methods and evaluation of musical researches, but there is not a certain consensus on the issue. Therefore, this article is based on the semi-structured interview with Bruno Nettl, one of the first academical ethnomusicologists, for the evaluation of all these issues. So the eleven semi-structured questions on various musical culture and methods were asked Nettl and his answers and evaluations were organized and interpreted by me with the various documents. As a result, he evaluated warily the musicological questions in this study within the ethnomusicological context, and it is seen that he is not interested in inter-disciplinary studies. However, Nettl emphasized that any musical culture or musical study can be investigated by various methods. All of the information, given by Nettl and me, in this article shows the difference of methods, approaches and assessments between musicology, ethnomusicology and the other sub-branches.

    İllüzyon: Cumhuriyet'in Klasik Müzik Serüveni

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