3,326 research outputs found

    Polarization of τ\tau lepton from scalar tau decay as a probe of neutralino mixing

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    The τ\tau lepton arising from the scalar tau (\st) decay is naturally polarized. \ptau depends on the left--right mixing of the \st and the gaugino--higgsino mixing of the neutralino. The polarization \ptau could be measured from the energy distribution of the decay products of τ\tau at future \epem colliders. A measurement of \ptauand of the \st production cross section allows to determine both these mixing angles.Comment: 20 pages Latex, 5 figures(not included). compressed ps file of the figures available at ftp://ftp.kek.jp/kek/preprints/TH/TH-425/fig.ps.g

    P and T Odd Asymmetries in Lepton Flavor Violating Tau Decays

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    We calculated the differential cross sections of the processes in which one of the pair created tau particles at an e^+ e^- collider decays into lepton flavor violating final states e.g. tau -> mu gamma, tau -> 3 mu, tau -> mu ee. Using the correlations between angular distributions of both sides of tau decays, we can obtain information on parity and CP violations of lepton flavor non-conserving interactions. The formulae derived here are useful in distinguishing different models, since each model of physics beyond the standard model predicts different angular correlations. We also calculate angular distributions of the major background process to tau -> l gamma search, namely tau -> l nu \bar{\nu} gamma, and discuss usefulness of the angular correlation for background suppression.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Canonical Decompositions of n-qubit Quantum Computations and Concurrence

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    The two-qubit canonical decomposition SU(4) = [SU(2) \otimes SU(2)] Delta [SU(2) \otimes SU(2)] writes any two-qubit quantum computation as a composition of a local unitary, a relative phasing of Bell states, and a second local unitary. Using Lie theory, we generalize this to an n-qubit decomposition, the concurrence canonical decomposition (C.C.D.) SU(2^n)=KAK. The group K fixes a bilinear form related to the concurrence, and in particular any computation in K preserves the tangle ||^2 for n even. Thus, the C.C.D. shows that any n-qubit quantum computation is a composition of a computation preserving this n-tangle, a computation in A which applies relative phases to a set of GHZ states, and a second computation which preserves it. As an application, we study the extent to which a large, random unitary may change concurrence. The result states that for a randomly chosen a in A within SU(2^{2p}), the probability that a carries a state of tangle 0 to a state of maximum tangle approaches 1 as the even number of qubits approaches infinity. Any v=k_1 a k_2 for such an a \in A has the same property. Finally, although ||^2 vanishes identically when the number of qubits is odd, we show that a more complicated C.C.D. still exists in which K is a symplectic group.Comment: v2 corrects odd qubit CCD misstatements, reference chapter for KAK v3 notation change to coincide with sequel, typos. 20 pages, 0 figure

    Analysis of CP Violation in Neutralino Decays to Tau Sleptons

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    In the minimal supersymmetric standard model, tau sleptons τ~1,2\tilde \tau_{1,2} and neutralinos χ~1,20\tilde \chi^0_{1,2} are expected to be among the lightest supersymmetric particles that can be produced copiously at future e+ee^+e^- linear colliders. We analyze τ~\tilde \tau pair and χ~10χ~20\tilde \chi_1^0 \tilde \chi_2^0 production under the assumption mχ~10<mτ~1<mχ~20m_{\tilde \chi_1^0} < m_{\tilde \tau_1} < m_{\tilde \chi_2^0}, allowing the relevant parameters of the SUSY Lagrangian to have complex phases. We show that the transverse and normal components of the polarization vector of the τ\tau lepton produced in χ~20\tilde \chi_2^0 decays offer sensitive probes of these phases.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages with 10 .eps figure

    Confronting the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with the Study of Scalar Leptons at Future Linear e+e- Colliders

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    Sleptons can easily be found at future linear e+e- colliders if kinematically accessible. Measurements of their masses and decay distributions would then determine MSSM parameters. This paper presents a detailed MC study of the production and decay of the lighter scalar tau lepton, stau1. We found that mstau1 and the left-right mixing angle of stau would be measured within an error of a few percent. tanbeta is determinable in some region of the parameter space through simultaneous studies of stau1-and selectron-pair production: the polarization measurement of the tau leptons from stau1 decays and the M1, mchi1 determination using selectron pair production and decay. We also point out the possibility to determine bino-selectron-e coupling through the measurement of the angular distribution of the selectron-pair production. The error on the coupling is expected to be comparable to its typical SUSY radiative correction, which is proportional to log(msquark/mslepton). The radiative correction affects M1 and tanbeta determination, necessitating the full 1-loop radiative correction to the selectron production processes. The implication of these measurements of the MSSM parameters on selecting models of the origin of supersymmetry breaking is also discussed.Comment: 35 pages. REVTEX(gzip compressed and uuencoded). Figure are not included. Text and 15 Figures are available at http://jlcux1.kek.jp/subg/susy/index-e.html#librar

    The dark matter halo of NGC 1399 - CDM or MOND?

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    Central galaxies in galaxy clusters may be key discriminants in the competition between the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We investigate the dark halo of NGC 1399, the central galaxy of the Fornax cluster, out to a galactocentric distance of 80 kpc. The data base consists of 656 radial velocities of globular clusters obtained with MXU/VLT and GMOS/Gemini, which is the largest sample so far for any galaxy. We performed a Jeans analysis for a non-rotating isotropic model. An NFW halo with the parameters r_s = 50 kpc and rho_s = 0.0065 M_sun/pc^3 provides a good description of our data, fitting well to the X-ray mass. More massive halos are also permitted that agree with the mass of the Fornax cluster as derived from galaxy velocities. We compare this halo with the expected MOND models under isotropy and find that additional dark matter on the order of the stellar mass is needed to get agreement. A fully radial infinite globular cluster system would be needed to change this conclusion. Regarding CDM, we cannot draw firm conclusions. To really constrain a cluster wide halo, more data covering a larger radius are necessary. The MOND result appears as a small-scale variant of the finding that MOND in galaxy clusters still needs dark matter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in A&

    The mass-dependent star formation histories of disk galaxies: infall model versus observations

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    We introduce a simple model to explore the star formation histories of disk galaxies. We assume that the disk origins and grows by continuous gas infall. The gas infall rate is parametrized by the Gaussian formula with one free parameter: infall-peak time tpt_p. The Kennicutt star formation law is adopted to describe how much cold gas turns into stars. The gas outflow process is also considered in our model. We find that, at given galactic stellar mass MM_*, model adopting late infall-peak time tpt_p results in blue colors, low metallicity, high specific star formation rate and high gas fraction, while gas outflow rate mainly influences the gas-phase metallicity and star formation efficiency mainly influences the gas fraction. Motivated by the local observed scaling relations, we construct a mass-dependent model by assuming low mass galaxy has later infall-peak time tpt_p and larger gas outflow rate than massive systems. It is shown that this model can be in agreement with not only the local observations, but also the observed correlations between specific star formation rate and galactic stellar mass SFR/MMSFR/M_* \sim M_* at intermediate redshift z<1z<1. Comparison between the Gaussian-infall model and exponential-infall model is also presented. It shows that the exponential-infall model predicts higher star formation rate at early stage and lower star formation rate later than that of Gaussian-infall. Our results suggest that the Gaussian infall rate may be more reasonable to describe the gas cooling process than the exponential infall rate, especially for low-mass systems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, ApJ, 2010, 722, 38