29 research outputs found

    Bayesian Optimal Active Search and Surveying

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    We consider two active binary-classification problems with atypical objectives. In the first, active search, our goal is to actively uncover as many members of a given class as possible. In the second, active surveying, our goal is to actively query points to ultimately predict the proportion of a given class. Numerous real-world problems can be framed in these terms, and in either case typical model-based concerns such as generalization error are only of secondary importance. We approach these problems via Bayesian decision theory; after choosing natural utility functions, we derive the optimal policies. We provide three contributions. In addition to introducing the active surveying problem, we extend previous work on active search in two ways. First, we prove a novel theoretical result, that less-myopic approximations to the optimal policy can outperform more-myopic approximations by any arbitrary degree. We then derive bounds that for certain models allow us to reduce (in practice dramatically) the exponential search space required by a naive implementation of the optimal policy, enabling further lookahead while still ensuring that optimal decisions are always made.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012

    UnLoc: A Unified Framework for Video Localization Tasks

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    While large-scale image-text pretrained models such as CLIP have been used for multiple video-level tasks on trimmed videos, their use for temporal localization in untrimmed videos is still a relatively unexplored task. We design a new approach for this called UnLoc, which uses pretrained image and text towers, and feeds tokens to a video-text fusion model. The output of the fusion module are then used to construct a feature pyramid in which each level connects to a head to predict a per-frame relevancy score and start/end time displacements. Unlike previous works, our architecture enables Moment Retrieval, Temporal Localization, and Action Segmentation with a single stage model, without the need for action proposals, motion based pretrained features or representation masking. Unlike specialized models, we achieve state of the art results on all three different localization tasks with a unified approach. Code will be available at: \url{https://github.com/google-research/scenic}.Comment: ICCV 202

    Supervised Descent Method

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    <p>In this dissertation, we focus on solving Nonlinear Least Squares problems using a supervised approach. In particular, we developed a Supervised Descent Method (SDM), performed thorough theoretical analysis, and demonstrated its effectiveness on optimizing analytic functions, and four other real-world applications: Inverse Kinematics, Rigid Tracking, Face Alignment (frontal and multi-view), and 3D Object Pose Estimation. In Rigid Tracking, SDM was able to take advantage of more robust features, such as, HoG and SIFT. Those non-differentiable image features were out of consideration of previous work because they relied on gradient-based methods for optimization. In Inverse Kinematics where we minimize a non-convex function, SDM achieved significantly better convergence than gradient-based approaches. In Face Alignment, SDM achieved state-of-the-arts results. Moreover, it was extremely computationally efficient, which makes it applicable for many mobile applications. In addition, we provided a unified view of several popular methods including SDM on sequential prediction, and reformulated them as a sequence of function compositions. Finally, we suggested some future research directions on SDM and sequential prediction.</p