878 research outputs found
A Study of the Allan Variance for Constant-Mean Non-Stationary Processes
The Allan Variance (AV) is a widely used quantity in areas focusing on error
measurement as well as in the general analysis of variance for autocorrelated
processes in domains such as engineering and, more specifically, metrology. The
form of this quantity is widely used to detect noise patterns and indications
of stability within signals. However, the properties of this quantity are not
known for commonly occurring processes whose covariance structure is
non-stationary and, in these cases, an erroneous interpretation of the AV could
lead to misleading conclusions. This paper generalizes the theoretical form of
the AV to some non-stationary processes while at the same time being valid also
for weakly stationary processes. Some simulation examples show how this new
form can help to understand the processes for which the AV is able to
distinguish these from the stationary cases and hence allow for a better
interpretation of this quantity in applied cases
Initial Sets in Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
Dung’s abstract argumentation provides us with a general framework to deal with argumentation, non-monotonic reasoning and logic programming. For the extension-based semantics, one of the basic principles is I-maximality which is in particular related with the notion of skeptical justification. Another one is directionality which can be employed for the study of dynamics of argumentation. In this paper, we introduce two new extension-based semantics into Dung’s abstract argumentation, called grounded-like semantics and initial semantics which satisfy the I-maximality and directionality principles. The initial semantics has many good properties and can be expected to play a central role in studying other extension-based semantics, such as admissible, complete and preferred semantics
Connecting Software Metrics across Versions to Predict Defects
Accurate software defect prediction could help software practitioners
allocate test resources to defect-prone modules effectively and efficiently. In
the last decades, much effort has been devoted to build accurate defect
prediction models, including developing quality defect predictors and modeling
techniques. However, current widely used defect predictors such as code metrics
and process metrics could not well describe how software modules change over
the project evolution, which we believe is important for defect prediction. In
order to deal with this problem, in this paper, we propose to use the
Historical Version Sequence of Metrics (HVSM) in continuous software versions
as defect predictors. Furthermore, we leverage Recurrent Neural Network (RNN),
a popular modeling technique, to take HVSM as the input to build software
prediction models. The experimental results show that, in most cases, the
proposed HVSM-based RNN model has a significantly better effort-aware ranking
effectiveness than the commonly used baseline models
Allocating Limited Resources to Protect a Massive Number of Targets using a Game Theoretic Model
Resource allocation is the process of optimizing the rare resources. In the
area of security, how to allocate limited resources to protect a massive number
of targets is especially challenging. This paper addresses this resource
allocation issue by constructing a game theoretic model. A defender and an
attacker are players and the interaction is formulated as a trade-off between
protecting targets and consuming resources. The action cost which is a
necessary role of consuming resource, is considered in the proposed model.
Additionally, a bounded rational behavior model (Quantal Response, QR), which
simulates a human attacker of the adversarial nature, is introduced to improve
the proposed model. To validate the proposed model, we compare the different
utility functions and resource allocation strategies. The comparison results
suggest that the proposed resource allocation strategy performs better than
others in the perspective of utility and resource effectiveness.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 41 reference
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