132,872 research outputs found

    Variations in radiocarbon ages of various organic fractions in core sediments from Erhai Lake, SW China

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    Radiocarbon dating was performed for the extracted organic fractions (cellulose-rich and humic acid fractions of plant fragment; fulvic acid, humic acid and humin fractions of humus substance) and shell from core sediments of the Erhai Lake, SW China. The C-14 dating results reveal that there are considerable differences, but there apparently is a humic acid less than or equal to humin < fulvic acid fraction sequence of C-14 age increase. The variability in radiocarbon ages of organic fraction of lake sediment suggests that special caution is necessary when radiocarbon ages of bulk sediments are used. The linear correlation between C-14 age of allochthonous terrestrial macrofossil (plant fragment and shell) and depth indicates roughly a constant sedimentation rate of ca. 0.7 rum yr(-1) in central Erhai Lake since 4500 yr BP. The C-14 ages of the autochthonous humic acid fraction are 210similar to4800 yr shift from "the true C-14 age" obtained by interpolating the corresponding horizontal level to the above C-14 age-depth correlation. Such age difference may be alternatively attributed to a uniform reservoir effect (most likely ca. 300 yr). The period with large C-14 age shift synchronizes with the period of changes in (delta(13)C and ARM intensity and ARM/susceptibility values

    A study of physical processes for space radiation protection

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    The determination of stopping power for monatomic molecules and water vapor is addressed. Intermediate and low energy protons are considered

    Leggett-Garg inequalities for the statistics of electron transport

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    We derive a set of Leggett-Garg inequalities (temporal Bell's inequalities) for the moment generating function of charge transferred through a conductor. Violation of these inequalities demonstrates the absence of a macroscopic-real description of the transport process. We show how these inequalities can be violated by quantum-mechanical systems and consider transport through normal and superconducting single-electron transistors as examples.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    "Microscopic" approach to the Ricci dark energy

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    A derivation of the Ricci dark energy from quantum field theory of fluctuating "matter" fields in a classical gravitational background is presented. The coupling to the dark energy, the parameter 'a', is estimated in the framework of our formalism, and qualitatively it appears to be within observational expectations.Comment: 7 page

    Evidence for anisotropic polar nanoregions in relaxor PMN: A neutron study of the elastic constants and anomalous TA phonon damping

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    We use neutron scattering to characterize the acoustic phonons in the relaxor PMN and demonstrate the presence of an anisotropic damping mechanism directly related to short-range, polar correlations. For a large range of temperatures above Tc ~ 210, K, where dynamic polar correlations exist, acoustic phonons propagating along [1\bar{1}0] and polarized along [110] (TA2 phonons) are overdamped and softened across most of the Brillouin zone. By contrast, acoustic phonons propagating along [100] and polarized along [001] (TA1 phonons) are overdamped and softened for only a limited range of wavevectors. The anisotropy and temperature dependence of the acoustic phonon energy linewidth are directly correlated with the elastic diffuse scattering, indicating that polar nanoregions are the cause of the anomalous behavior. The damping and softening vanish for q -> 0, i.e. for long-wavelength acoustic phonons, which supports the notion that the anomalous damping is a result of the coupling between the relaxational component of the diffuse scattering and the harmonic TA phonons. Therefore, these effects are not due to large changes in the elastic constants with temperature because the elastic constants correspond to the long-wavelength limit. We compare the elastic constants we measure to those from Brillouin scattering and to values reported for pure PT. We show that while the values of C44 are quite similar, those for C11 and C12 are significantly less in PMN and result in a softening of (C11-C12) over PT. There is also an increased elastic anisotropy (2C44/(C11-C12)) versus that in PT. These results suggest an instability to TA2 acoustic fluctuations in relaxors. We discuss our results in the context of the debate over the "waterfall" effect and show that they are inconsistent with TA-TO phonon coupling or other models that invoke the presence of a second optic mode.Comment: (21 pages, 16 figures, to be published in Physical Review B