4 research outputs found

    Self-Calibrated Cross Attention Network for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    The key to the success of few-shot segmentation (FSS) lies in how to effectively utilize support samples. Most solutions compress support foreground (FG) features into prototypes, but lose some spatial details. Instead, others use cross attention to fuse query features with uncompressed support FG. Query FG could be fused with support FG, however, query background (BG) cannot find matched BG features in support FG, yet inevitably integrates dissimilar features. Besides, as both query FG and BG are combined with support FG, they get entangled, thereby leading to ineffective segmentation. To cope with these issues, we design a self-calibrated cross attention (SCCA) block. For efficient patch-based attention, query and support features are firstly split into patches. Then, we design a patch alignment module to align each query patch with its most similar support patch for better cross attention. Specifically, SCCA takes a query patch as Q, and groups the patches from the same query image and the aligned patches from the support image as K&V. In this way, the query BG features are fused with matched BG features (from query patches), and thus the aforementioned issues will be mitigated. Moreover, when calculating SCCA, we design a scaled-cosine mechanism to better utilize the support features for similarity calculation. Extensive experiments conducted on PASCAL-5^i and COCO-20^i demonstrate the superiority of our model, e.g., the mIoU score under 5-shot setting on COCO-20^i is 5.6%+ better than previous state-of-the-arts. The code is available at https://github.com/Sam1224/SCCAN.Comment: This paper is accepted by ICCV'2

    Road Extraction with Satellite Images and Partial Road Maps

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    Road extraction is a process of automatically generating road maps mainly from satellite images. Existing models all target to generate roads from the scratch despite that a large quantity of road maps, though incomplete, are publicly available (e.g. those from OpenStreetMap) and can help with road extraction. In this paper, we propose to conduct road extraction based on satellite images and partial road maps, which is new. We then propose a two-branch Partial to Complete Network (P2CNet) for the task, which has two prominent components: Gated Self-Attention Module (GSAM) and Missing Part (MP) loss. GSAM leverages a channel-wise self-attention module and a gate module to capture long-range semantics, filter out useless information, and better fuse the features from two branches. MP loss is derived from the partial road maps, trying to give more attention to the road pixels that do not exist in partial road maps. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, e.g. P2CNet achieves state-of-the-art performance with the IoU scores of 70.71% and 75.52%, respectively, on the SpaceNet and OSM datasets.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensin