192 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Learning for Enhancing Geometrical Modeling in 3D-Aware Generative Adversarial Network

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    3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (3D-GANs) currently exhibit artifacts in their 3D geometrical modeling, such as mesh imperfections and holes. These shortcomings are primarily attributed to the limited availability of annotated 3D data, leading to a constrained "valid latent area" for satisfactory modeling. To address this, we present a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) technique tailored as an auxiliary loss for any 3D-GAN, designed to improve its 3D geometrical modeling capabilities. Our approach pioneers an inversion technique for 3D-GANs, integrating an encoder that performs adaptive spatially-varying range operations. Utilizing this inversion, we introduce the Cyclic Generative Constraint (CGC), aiming to densify the valid latent space. The CGC operates via augmented local latent vectors that maintain the same geometric form, and it imposes constraints on the cycle path outputs, specifically the generator-encoder-generator sequence. This SSL methodology seamlessly integrates with the inherent GAN loss, ensuring the integrity of pre-existing 3D-GAN architectures without necessitating alterations. We validate our approach with comprehensive experiments across various datasets and architectures, underscoring its efficacy. Our project website: https://3dgan-ssl.github.ioComment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Unifying Structure Reasoning and Language Model Pre-training for Complex Reasoning

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    Recent knowledge enhanced pre-trained language models have shown remarkable performance on downstream tasks by incorporating structured knowledge from external sources into language models. However, they usually suffer from a heterogeneous information alignment problem and a noisy knowledge injection problem. For complex reasoning, the contexts contain rich knowledge that typically exists in complex and sparse forms. In order to model structured knowledge in the context and avoid these two problems, we propose to unify structure reasoning and language model pre-training. It identifies four types of elementary knowledge structures from contexts to construct structured queries, and utilizes the box embedding method to conduct explicit structure reasoning along queries during language modeling. To fuse textual and structured semantics, we utilize contextual language representations of knowledge structures to initialize their box embeddings for structure reasoning. We conduct experiments on complex language reasoning and knowledge graph (KG) reasoning tasks. The results show that our model can effectively enhance the performance of complex reasoning of both language and KG modalities.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Cross-Lingual Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models

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    Knowledge editing aims to change language models' performance on several special cases (i.e., editing scope) by infusing the corresponding expected knowledge into them. With the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs), knowledge editing has been shown as a promising technique to adapt LLMs to new knowledge without retraining from scratch. However, most of the previous studies neglect the multi-lingual nature of some main-stream LLMs (e.g., LLaMA, ChatGPT and GPT-4), and typically focus on monolingual scenarios, where LLMs are edited and evaluated in the same language. As a result, it is still unknown the effect of source language editing on a different target language. In this paper, we aim to figure out this cross-lingual effect in knowledge editing. Specifically, we first collect a large-scale cross-lingual synthetic dataset by translating ZsRE from English to Chinese. Then, we conduct English editing on various knowledge editing methods covering different paradigms, and evaluate their performance in Chinese, and vice versa. To give deeper analyses of the cross-lingual effect, the evaluation includes four aspects, i.e., reliability, generality, locality and portability. Furthermore, we analyze the inconsistent behaviors of the edited models and discuss their specific challenges

    DropMessage: Unifying Random Dropping for Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are powerful tools for graph representation learning. Despite their rapid development, GNNs also faces some challenges, such as over-fitting, over-smoothing, and non-robustness. Previous works indicate that these problems can be alleviated by random dropping methods, which integrate noises into models by randomly masking parts of the input. However, some open-ended problems of random dropping on GNNs remain to solve. First, it is challenging to find a universal method that are suitable for all cases considering the divergence of different datasets and models. Second, random noises introduced to GNNs cause the incomplete coverage of parameters and unstable training process. In this paper, we propose a novel random dropping method called DropMessage, which performs dropping operations directly on the message matrix and can be applied to any message-passing GNNs. Furthermore, we elaborate the superiority of DropMessage: it stabilizes the training process by reducing sample variance; it keeps information diversity from the perspective of information theory, which makes it a theoretical upper bound of other methods. Also, we unify existing random dropping methods into our framework and analyze their effects on GNNs. To evaluate our proposed method, we conduct experiments that aims for multiple tasks on five public datasets and two industrial datasets with various backbone models. The experimental results show that DropMessage has both advantages of effectiveness and generalization

    C-Silicon-based metasurfaces for aperture-robust spectrometer/imaging with angle integration

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    Compared with conventional grating-based spectrometers, reconstructive spectrometers based on spectrally engineered filtering have the advantage of miniaturization because of the less demand for dispersive optics and free propagation space. However, available reconstructive spectrometers fail to balance the performance on operational bandwidth, spectral diversity and angular stability. In this work, we proposed a compact silicon metasurfaces based spectrometer/camera. After angle integration, the spectral response of the system is robust to angle/aperture within a wide working bandwidth from 400nm to 800nm. It is experimentally demonstrated that the proposed method could maintain the spectral consistency from F/1.8 to F/4 (The corresponding angle of incident light ranges from 7{\deg} to 16{\deg}) and the incident hyperspectral signal could be accurately reconstructed with a fidelity exceeding 99%. Additionally, a spectral imaging system with 400x400 pixels is also established in this work. The accurate reconstructed hyperspectral image indicates that the proposed aperture-robust spectrometer has the potential to be extended as a high-resolution broadband hyperspectral camera

    Programming by Example Made Easy

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    Programming by example (PBE) is an emerging programming paradigm that automatically synthesizes programs specified by user-provided input-output examples. Despite the convenience for end-users, implementing PBE tools often requires strong expertise in programming language and synthesis algorithms. Such a level of knowledge is uncommon among software developers. It greatly limits the broad adoption of PBE by the industry. To facilitate the adoption of PBE techniques, we propose a PBE framework called Bee, which leverages an "entity-action" model based on relational tables to ease PBE development for a wide but restrained range of domains. Implementing PBE tools with Bee only requires adapting domain-specific data entities and user actions to tables, with no need to design a domain-specific language or an efficient synthesis algorithm. The synthesis algorithm of Bee exploits bidirectional searching and constraint-solving techniques to address the challenge of value computation nested in table transformation. We evaluated Bee's effectiveness on 64 PBE tasks from three different domains and usability with a human study of 12 participants. Evaluation results show that Bee is easier to learn and use than the state-of-the-art PBE framework, and the bidirectional algorithm achieves comparable performance to domain-specifically optimized synthesizers.Comment: Accepted by ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodolog

    Understanding Translationese in Cross-Lingual Summarization

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    Given a document in a source language, cross-lingual summarization (CLS) aims at generating a concise summary in a different target language. Unlike monolingual summarization (MS), naturally occurring source-language documents paired with target-language summaries are rare. To collect large-scale CLS data, existing datasets typically involve translation in their creation. However, the translated text is distinguished from the text originally written in that language, i.e., translationese. In this paper, we first confirm that different approaches of constructing CLS datasets will lead to different degrees of translationese. Then we systematically investigate how translationese affects CLS model evaluation and performance when it appears in source documents or target summaries. In detail, we find that (1) the translationese in documents or summaries of test sets might lead to the discrepancy between human judgment and automatic evaluation; (2) the translationese in training sets would harm model performance in real-world applications; (3) though machine-translated documents involve translationese, they are very useful for building CLS systems on low-resource languages under specific training strategies. Lastly, we give suggestions for future CLS research including dataset and model developments. We hope that our work could let researchers notice the phenomenon of translationese in CLS and take it into account in the future.Comment: Accepted to the Findings of EMNLP 202