105 research outputs found

    Effects on different full-coverage designs and materials of crack propagation in first mandibular molar: an extended finite element method study

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the biomechanical properties of fracture resistance in cracked teeth using five different full-coverage restorations made of three different materials.Materials and Methods: A 3D model of a mandibular first molar was created to design five different full-coverage repair models: crown, crown with composite resin filling inside, occlusal veneer, occlusal veneer with composite resin filling inside and onlay. These repair models were fabricated using three different materials, namely, zirconia, lithium disilicate (LDS), and a hybrid polymer-infiltrated ceramic network material (PIC). In total, 15 repair models were tested using the extended finite element method (XFEM), with an occlusal load of 5000 N applied slowly to the occlusal surface of the restoration. The analysis of stress distribution in the restoration and dentin crack line was conducted to measure and record the crack initial load on the restoration and dentin.Results: The results showed that restorations on the occlusal surface significantly improved crack resistance, with zirconia exhibiting superior fracture resistance among the materials tested. Restorations of crown with composite resin filling inside demonstrated the highest resistance to fracture, while occlusal veneers showed the lowest. MPS concentration was observed at the interface between the restoration and dentin and at the root bifurcation, with the highest values at the top of crack development. Dentin covered by oxidized restorations had the highest displacement, while PIC restorations exhibited the lowest. Pulp analysis revealed selective MPS concentration and strain patterns in models with zirconia restorations and onlay, with pronounced pulp displacement in zirconia restorations and onlay. Enamel analysis indicated larger MPS values and displacements in zirconia restoration models and onlay, with higher strain in onlay. Restoration played a crucial role in protecting the tooth, with crack propagation initial loads in dentin surpassing restorations in experimental groups.Conclusion: This study confirms that full-coverage restorations significantly increased the fracture resistance of cracked teeth, with zirconia restorations significantly protecting the underlying cracked tooth. Elimination of fracture lines in the restoration design can improve fracture resistance in cracked teeth. The findings have implications for dental prosthetic design and clinical practice

    Carbon in Chinese grasslands : meta-analysis and theory of grazing effects

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MGlobally, livestock grazing is an important management factor influencing soil degradation, soil health and carbon (C) stocks of grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of grassland types, grazing intensity and grazing duration on C stocks are unclear across large geographic scales. To provide a more comprehensive assessment of how grazing drives ecosystem C stocks in grasslands, we compiled and analyzed data from 306 studies featuring four grassland types across China: desert steppes, typical steppes, meadow steppes and alpine steppes. Light grazing was the best management practice for desert steppes (< 2 sheep ha−1) and typical steppes (3 to 4 sheep ha−1), whereas medium grazing pressure was optimal for meadow steppes (5 to 6 sheep ha−1) and alpine steppes (7 to 8 sheep ha−1) leading to the highest ecosystem C stocks under grazing. Plant biomass (desert steppes) and soil C stocks (meadow steppes) increased under light or medium grazing, confirming the 'intermediate disturbance hypothesis'. Heavy grazing decreased all C stocks regardless of grassland ecosystem types, approximately 1.4 Mg ha−1 per year for the whole ecosystem. The regrowth and regeneration of grasslands in response to grazing intensity (i.e., grazing optimization) depended on grassland types and grazing duration. In conclusion, grassland grazing is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, proper management (light or medium grazing) can maintain and even increase C stocks above- and belowground, and increase the harvested livestock products from grasslands. On the other hand, human-induced overgrazing can lead to rapid degradation of vegetation and soils, resulting in significant carbon loss and requiring long-term recovery. Grazing regimes (i.e., intensity and duration applied) must consider specific grassland characteristics to ensure stable productivity rates and optimal impacts on ecosystem C stocks

    Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Modified Mini Mental State Examination in African Americans

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    Background. Sparse data limit the interpretation of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores, particularly in minority populations. Additionally, there are no published data on how MoCA scores compare to the widely used Modified Mini Mental State Examination (3MSE). We provide performance data on the MoCA in a large cohort of African Americans and compare 3MSE and MoCA scores, providing a &quot;crosswalk&quot; for interpreting scores. Methods. Five hundred and thirty African Americans with type 2 diabetes were enrolled in African American-Diabetes Heart Study-MIND, a cross-sectional study of cognition and structural and functional brain imaging. After excluding participants with possible cognitive impairment ( = 115), mean (SD) MoCA and 3MSE scores are presented stratified by age and education. Results. Participant mean age was 58.2 years (range: 35-83); 61% were female; and 64.9% had &gt;12 years of education. Mean (SD) 3MSE and MoCA scores were 86.9 (8.2) and 19.8 (3.8), respectively. 93.5% of the cohort had a &quot;positive&quot; screen on the MoCA, scoring &lt;26 (education-adjusted), compared with 47.5% on the 3MSE (cut-point &lt; 88). A 3MSE score of 88 corresponded to a MoCA score of 20 in this population. Conclusion. The present data suggest the need for caution when applying proposed MoCA cutoffs to African Americans

    Associations of coronary artery calcified plaque density with mortality in type 2 diabetes: the Diabetes Heart Study

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    Abstract Background Coronary artery calcified plaque (CAC) is strongly predictive of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and mortality, both in general populations and individuals with type 2 diabetes at high risk for CVD. CAC is typically reported as an Agatston score, which is weighted for increased plaque density. However, the role of CAC density in CVD risk prediction, independently and with CAC volume, remains unclear. Methods We examined the role of CAC density in individuals with type 2 diabetes from the family-based Diabetes Heart Study and the African American-Diabetes Heart Study. CAC density was calculated as mass divided by volume, and associations with incident all-cause and CVD mortality [median follow-up 10.2 years European Americans (n = 902, n = 286 deceased), 5.2 years African Americans (n = 552, n = 93 deceased)] were examined using Cox proportional hazards models, independently and in models adjusted for CAC volume. Results In European Americans, CAC density, like Agatston score and volume, was consistently associated with increased risk of all-cause and CVD mortality (p ≤ 0.002) in models adjusted for age, sex, statin use, total cholesterol, HDL, systolic blood pressure, high blood pressure medication use, and current smoking. However, these associations were no longer significant when models were additionally adjusted for CAC volume. CAC density was not significantly associated with mortality, either alone or adjusted for CAC volume, in African Americans. Conclusions CAC density is not associated with mortality independent from CAC volume in European Americans and African Americans with type 2 diabetes

    Impact of an Innovative Financing and Payment Model on Tuberculosis Patients’ Financial Burden: is Tuberculosis Care More Affordable for the Poor?

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    Background: In response to the high financial burden of health services facing tuberculosis (TB) patients in China, the China-Gates TB project, Phase II, has implemented a new financing and payment model as an important component of the overall project in three cities in eastern, central and western China. The model focuses on increasing the reimbursement rate for TB patients and reforming provider payment methods by replacing fee-for-service with a case-based payment approach. This study investigated changes in out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure and the financial burden on TB patients before and after the interventions, with a focus on potential differential impacts on patients from different income groups
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