5,107 research outputs found

    Demonstration of the double Q^2-rescaling model

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    In this paper we have demonstrated the double Q^2-rescaling model (DQ^2RM) of parton distribution functions of nucleon bounded in nucleus. With different x-region of l-A deep inelastic scattering process we take different approach: in high x-region (0.1\le x\le 0.7) we use the distorted QCD vacuum model which resulted from topologically multi -connected domain vacuum structure of nucleus; in low x-region (10^{-4}\le x\le10^{-3}) we adopt the Glauber (Mueller) multi- scattering formula for gluon coherently rescattering in nucleus. From these two approach we justified the rescaling parton distribution functions in bound nucleon are in agreement well with those we got from DQ^2RM, thus the validity for this phenomenologically model are demonstrated.Comment: 19 page, RevTex, 5 figures in postscrip

    Throughput capacity of two-hop relay MANETs under finite buffers

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    Since the seminal work of Grossglauser and Tse [1], the two-hop relay algorithm and its variants have been attractive for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) due to their simplicity and efficiency. However, most literature assumed an infinite buffer size for each node, which is obviously not applicable to a realistic MANET. In this paper, we focus on the exact throughput capacity study of two-hop relay MANETs under the practical finite relay buffer scenario. The arrival process and departure process of the relay queue are fully characterized, and an ergodic Markov chain-based framework is also provided. With this framework, we obtain the limiting distribution of the relay queue and derive the throughput capacity under any relay buffer size. Extensive simulation results are provided to validate our theoretical framework and explore the relationship among the throughput capacity, the relay buffer size and the number of nodes

    J/ψ+jetJ/\psi + jet diffractive production in the direct photon process at HERA

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    We present a study of J/ψ+jetJ/\psi + jet diffractive production in the direct photon process at HERA based on the factorization theorem for lepton-induced hard diffractive scattering and the factorization formalism of the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) for quarkonia production. Using the diffractive gluon distribution function extracted from HERA data on diffractive deep inelastic scattering and diffractive dijet photon production, we show that this process can be studied at HERA with present integrated luminosity, and can give valuable insights in the color-octet mechanism for heavy quarkonia production.Comment: Revtex, 21 pages, 7 EPS figure

    Kinetic behavior of the general modifier mechanism of Botts and Morales with non-equilibrium binding

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    In this paper, we perform a complete analysis of the kinetic behavior of the general modifier mechanism of Botts and Morales in both equilibrium steady states and non-equilibrium steady states (NESS). Enlightened by the non-equilibrium theory of Markov chains, we introduce the net flux into discussion and acquire an expression of product rate in NESS, which has clear biophysical significance. Up till now, it is a general belief that being an activator or an inhibitor is an intrinsic property of the modifier. However, we reveal that this traditional point of view is based on the equilibrium assumption. A modifier may no longer be an overall activator or inhibitor when the reaction system is not in equilibrium. Based on the regulation of enzyme activity by the modifier concentration, we classify the kinetic behavior of the modifier into three categories, which are named hyperbolic behavior, bell-shaped behavior, and switching behavior, respectively. We show that the switching phenomenon, in which a modifier may convert between an activator and an inhibitor when the modifier concentration varies, occurs only in NESS. Effects of drugs on the Pgp ATPase activity, where drugs may convert from activators to inhibitors with the increase of the drug concentration, are taken as a typical example to demonstrate the occurrence of the switching phenomenon.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Di Balai Penempatan Dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Bp3tki) Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    BP3TKI Semarang is one Unit located in Central Java. KTKLN manufacture services have established procedures to obtain KTKLN, satisfaction CTKI / TKI will service KTKLN manufacture can be fulfilled. KTKLN-making services are still not as expected CTKI / workers. This can be seen from several things, among others: the online system used often trobel, queue numbers available does not guarantee CTKI / TKI directly dilayanani. For the waiting room available in BP3TKI also inadequate. Employees are less vigilant attitude, and competent in providing services. This study aims to: 1) How is the quality of service manufacture BP3TKI KTKLN in Semarang? 2) what are the factors that cause the quality of service to less well in the service BP3TKI KTKLN in Semarang? The study states: Quality of Service contained in Semarang BP3TKI less maximal, it is seen in: 1) The procedure was appropriate service standards of service, but the procedure is too long and should be simplified. 2) Suitability period given to the products CTKI / migrant workers in the service KTKLN are in accordance with the needs. However, the card can not be extended, making it less effective and efficient. 3) online monitoring tool can make a solution for the repair or continuous improvement, but because it has not applied to make less good. 4) product in the form of smart card services are free of damage but it is not free from errors in typing, but can be said is good because it rarely happens. 5) The need CTKI / migrant workers in terms of information contained in BP3TKI Semarang has been good, but there is no other information provided there, such as the cost of insurance information, or information about CTKI / other migrant workers. 6) Design services available has been good, but the facilities need to be supported by good physical infrastructure that makes CTKI / TKI feel comfortable. Dimensions cause menajadi poor service quality can be seen below: 1) Facility located in BP3TKI less good, because inadequate. 2) skills possessed by each officer has been good, but needs to be balanced with extensive knowledge. 3) Responsiveness of employees in giving attention to the applicant has been good because in accordance with what is expected by the applicant. 4) Warranty service is good, timeliness of service, and also manufacture KTKLN is free of charge. 5) Empathy care workers is not good, because there are still complaints coming from CTKI / TKI

    DNA methylation changes of whole blood cells in response to active smoking exposure in adults: a systematic review of DNA methylation studies

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    Details of CpG sites published in all active smoking EWASs included in the review. This table includes 5 sheets: 1) the general information of reported CpG sites in each included manuscript; 2) CpG sites reported ≥2 times; 3) characteristics of multiple reported (≥3 times) CpG sites; 4) the list of active smoking-related CpG sites (no duplicates); and 5) data of Fig. 2. (XLSX 284 kb
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