65 research outputs found

    Phonetic-assisted Multi-Target Units Modeling for Improving Conformer-Transducer ASR system

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    Exploiting effective target modeling units is very important and has always been a concern in end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this work, we propose a phonetic-assisted multi-target units (PMU) modeling approach, to enhance the Conformer-Transducer ASR system in a progressive representation learning manner. Specifically, PMU first uses the pronunciation-assisted subword modeling (PASM) and byte pair encoding (BPE) to produce phonetic-induced and text-induced target units separately; Then, three new frameworks are investigated to enhance the acoustic encoder, including a basic PMU, a paraCTC and a pcaCTC, they integrate the PASM and BPE units at different levels for CTC and transducer multi-task training. Experiments on both LibriSpeech and accented ASR tasks show that, the proposed PMU significantly outperforms the conventional BPE, it reduces the WER of LibriSpeech clean, other, and six accented ASR testsets by relative 12.7%, 6.0% and 7.7%, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, submitted to ICASSP 202

    Autoencoder with Group-based Decoder and Multi-task Optimization for Anomalous Sound Detection

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    In industry, machine anomalous sound detection (ASD) is in great demand. However, collecting enough abnormal samples is difficult due to the high cost, which boosts the rapid development of unsupervised ASD algorithms. Autoencoder (AE) based methods have been widely used for unsupervised ASD, but suffer from problems including 'shortcut', poor anti-noise ability and sub-optimal quality of features. To address these challenges, we propose a new AE-based framework termed AEGM. Specifically, we first insert an auxiliary classifier into AE to enhance ASD in a multi-task learning manner. Then, we design a group-based decoder structure, accompanied by an adaptive loss function, to endow the model with domain-specific knowledge. Results on the DCASE 2021 Task 2 development set show that our methods achieve a relative improvement of 13.11% and 15.20% respectively in average AUC over the official AE and MobileNetV2 across test sets of seven machines.Comment: Submitted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2024

    Distribution and conservation status of Camellia longzhouensis (Theaceae), a critically endangered plant species endemic to southern China

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    Camellia longzhouensis (Theaceae) is an endemic evergreen shrub or small tree with a distribution restricted to South China. It is listed as Grade-II in the National Key Protected Wild Plants List. In this study, we surveyed its distribution, examined its population structure, identified factors affecting its survival, and reassessed its extinction risk. We found that C. longzhouensis was only distributed in the Nonggang National Nature Reserve and the surrounding area. Its individuals only grew under the secondary forest canopy in the karst mountain. A total of 58 individuals of C. longzhouensis in three sub-populations were found. Soil fertility and understory light availability were the main habitat factors influencing the survival of C. longzhouensis. Anthropogenic disturbances and reproductive obstacles have caused a low seed-setting rate, poor seedling survival, and a lack of adult plants of C. longzhouensis in the natural habitat. The population structure of C. longzhouensis is spindle-shaped, indicating poor natural regeneration and inhibited seedling recruitment. Cleistanthus petelotii had a significant positive interspecific interaction with C. longzhouensis in the community. Based on the information obtained here and IUCN criterion C2ai, we recommend that C. longzhouensis be categorized in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as Critically Endangered. We also developed a comprehensive protection strategy, consisting of in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, reintroduction, and commercial utilization. This strategy can be readily applied to protect other endangered plants with economic value in karst poor regions

    Short-term dynamics of nutrients influenced by upwelling in a small oligotrophic coastal ecosystem, Gan Bay, in the northwest Philippines

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    We present a time-series analysis of nutrient and pCO(2) (partial pressure of CO2) levels in an oligotrophic coastal ecosystem (Gan Bay), which was likely to be influenced by upwelled subsurface water. Gan Bay is off Currimao Harbor, in the northwest Philippines and is located at the boundary of the South China Sea (SCS). This 42-h time-series observation was conducted in December 2006. In addition to continuous observations of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pCO(2), discrete samples were collected at a depth of 5 m every 3 h for measurements of nutrients, including soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and inorganic nitrogen (NO3- + NO2-) in order to examine their dynamics and possible physical and biological controls. We observed remarkably large short-term variations in the surface water, spanning a 10-fold change for SRP (32-330 nM) and from <0.3 mu M to 4.3 mu M for (NO3- + NO2-. DO also varied substantially from a lower end of 171 to 205 mu M O-2. Surface water pCO(2) changed from an equilibrium stage with the atmosphere (similar to 386 mu atm) to a stage where it was a significant source for the atmospheric CO2 (seawater pCO(2) similar to 469 mu atm). We found that the variation of nutrients was driven neither by tidal mixing nor by biological activities, as was suggested by the variations in the total bacterial abundance and chlorophyll a. Instead, our inverse T-S relationship suggested a two end-member mixing process during the observation period. The N:P ratio throughout the observation period was similar to 13.2, which is characteristic of SCS subsurface and deep waters. Moreover, pCO(2) was correlated inversely with the sea surface temperature. It is likely, therefore, that an upwelled subsurface cold water with high nutrients, low-temperature and high-pCO(2) existed. It should be noted that this upwelled cold water did not appear to impact the entire observation period (approximately 35 h of 42 h), which might suggest an extremely dynamic nature for this upwelled cold water mass. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved

    Term breech presentation vaginal births in Tibet: A retrospective analysis of 451 cases

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    BackgroundIn high altitude areas, like Tibet, most fetuses in breech presentation at term are delivered vaginally owing to a variety of reasons, but this has not been published.ObjectiveThis study aimed to provide references and evidence for the delivery of breach presentation term fetuses in high altitude areas, through comparing and analyzing the data of full-term singleton fetuses with breech or cephalic presentation in Naqu People’s Hospital, Tibet.Study designWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 451 breech presentation fetuses mentioned above over a period of 5  years (2016–2020). A total of 526 cephalic presentation fetuses’ data within 3  months (1 June to 1 September 2020) of the same period were collected too. Statistics were compared and assembled on fetal mortality, Apgar scores, and severe neonatal complications for both planned cesarean section (CS) and vaginal delivery. In addition, we also analyzed the types of breech presentation, the second stage of labor, and damage to the maternal perineum during vaginal delivery.ResultsAmong the 451 cases of breech presentation fetuses, 22 cases (4.9%) elected for CS and 429 cases (95.1%) elected for vaginal delivery. Of the women who chose vaginal trial labor, 17 cases underwent emergency CSs. The perinatal and neonatal mortality rate was 4.2% in the planned vaginal delivery group and the incidence of severe neonatal complications was 11.7% in the transvaginal group, no deaths were detected in the CS group. Among the 526 cephalic control groups with planned vaginal delivery, the perinatal and neonatal mortality was 1.5% (p = 0.012), and the incidence of severe neonatal complications was 1.9%. Among vaginal breech deliveries, most of them were complete breech presentation (61.17%). Among the 364 cases, the proportion of intact perinea was 45.1%, and first degree lacerations accounted for 40.7%.ConclusionIn the Tibetan Plateau region, vaginal delivery was less safe than cephalic presentation fetuses for full-term breech presentation fetuses delivered in the lithotomy position. However, if dystocia or fetal distress can be identified in time and then encouraged to convert to cesarean, its safety will be greatly improved

    Anion-induced robust ferroelectricity in sulfurized pseudo-rhombohedral epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films via polarization rotation

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    Polarization rotation caused by various strains, such as substrate and/or chemical strain, is essential to control the electronic structure and properties of ferroelectric materials. This study proposes anion-induced polarization rotation with chemical strain, which effectively improves ferroelectricity. A method for the sulfurization of BiFeO3 thin films by introducing sulfur anions is presented. The sulfurized films exhibited substantial enhancement in room-temperature ferroelectric polarization through polarization rotation and distortion, with a 170% increase in the remnant polarization from 58 to 100.7 μC cm−2. According to first-principles calculations and the results of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, this enhancement arose from the introduction of S atoms driving the re-distribution of the lone-pair electrons of Bi, resulting in the rotation of the polarization state from the [001] direction to the [110] or [111] one. The presented method of anion-driven polarization rotation might enable the improvement of the properties of oxide materials.This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFA0703700, 2017YFE0119700, 2021YFA1400300 and 2018YFA0305700), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21801013, 51774034, 22271309, 11721404, 11934017, 12261131499, and 51961135107), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (FRF-IDRY-19-007 and FRF-TP-19-055A2Z), the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2019-2021QNRC), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Z200007), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB33000000). This research used the resources of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (1W1A and 4B9B beamlines) of the Chinese Academy of Science.Peer reviewe

    Automatic Classification Algorithm of Underwater Moving Targets near Coast

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