1,041 research outputs found

    Current Situation and Improving Method of Teaching and Learning of College English Translation

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    One of the objects of college English teaching is to consolidate and foster the language ability of students. The teaching of translation aims at fostering students’ social intercourse ability. In college English teaching, however, the discussion about translation teaching and the fostering and improvement of students' translation ability are not proportionately valued. In this paper, the questionnaires about non-English majors in Jilin Agriculture University are analyzed to find out the current situation of college English translation teaching and, at the same time, bring forward corresponding improvement strategies for main problems in the teaching. Key words: English translation teaching in college, current situation of translation, translation strategies Résumé: L’un des objectifs de l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais universitaire est de consolider et développer la capacité linguistique des élèves. Et l’E/A de la traduction vise à former leur aptitude de communication verbale. Néanmoins, dans l’E/A de l’anglais universitaire, l’E/A de la traduction et le développement de la capacité de traduction des élèves n’ont pas été assez tenus en compte. A travers l’enquête réalisée auprès des étudiants non spécialistes d’anglais de l’Université agricole de Jilin, l’article présent analyse la situation actuelle de l’E/A de la traduction de l’anglais universitaire de notre école, propose des contre-mesures pour des problèmes principaux existants. Mots-clés: E/A de la traduction de l’anglais universitaire, statu quo de la traduction, stratégie de traduction 摘要:大學英語的教學目標之一就是鞏固和培養學生的語言能力;翻譯教學旨在培養學生的語言交際能力。然而,在大學英語教學中翻譯教學的探討和學生翻譯能力的培養與提高在一定程度上並沒有得到足夠的重視。本文通過對吉林農業大學部分非英語專業學生的問卷調查剖析了我校大學英語翻譯教學的現狀,並針對其中的主要問題提出了相應的改進策略。關鍵詞:大學英語翻譯教學;翻譯現狀;翻譯策

    Scalar strangeness content of the nucleon and baryon sigma terms

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    The scalar strangeness content of the nucleon, characterized by the so-called strangeness-nucleon sigma term, is of fundamental importance in understanding its sea-quark flavor structure. We report a determination of the octet baryon sigma terms via the Feynman-Hellmann theorem by analyzing the latest high-statistics nf=2+1n_f=2+1 lattice QCD simulations with covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. In particular, we predict σπN=55(1)(4)\sigma_{\pi N}=55(1)(4) MeV and σsN=27(27)(4)\sigma_{sN}=27(27)(4) MeV, while the first error is statistical and the second systematic due to different lattice scales. The predicted σsN\sigma_{sN} is consistent with the latest LQCD results and the results based on the next-to-next-to-leading order chiral perturbation theory. Several key factors in determining the sigma terms are systematically taken into account and clarified for the first time, including the effects of lattice scale setting, systematic uncertainties originating from chiral expansion truncations, and constraint of strong-interaction isospin breaking effects.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; version to appear in Physical Review

    Octet baryon masses and sigma terms in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory

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    We report an analysis of the octet baryon masses using the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order with and without the virtual decuplet contributions. Particular attention is paid to the finite-volume corrections and the finite lattice spacing effects on the baryon masses. A reasonable description of all the publicly available nf=2+1n_f=2+1 lattice QCD data is achieved.Utilyzing the Feynman-Hellmann theorem, we determine the nucleon sigma terms as σπN=55(1)(4)\sigma_{\pi N}=55(1)(4) MeV and σsN=27(27)(4)\sigma_{sN}=27(27)(4) MeV.Comment: 4 pages; presented by Xiu-Lei Ren at The Seventh International Symposium on Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei (Chiral 2013), October 27-30, 2013, Beijing, Chin

    Baryon chiral perturbation theory with Wilson fermions up to O(a2)\mathcal{O}(a^2) and discretization effects of latest nf=2+1n_f=2+1 LQCD octet baryon masses

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    We construct the chiral Lagrangians relevant in studies of the ground-state octet baryon masses up to O(a2)\mathcal{O}(a^2) by taking into account discretization effects and calculate the masses up to O(p4)\mathcal{O}(p^4) in the extended-on-mass-shell scheme. As an application, we study the latest nf=2+1n_f=2+1 LQCD data on the ground-state octet baryon masses from the PACS-CS, QCDSF-UKQCD, HSC, and NPLQCD Collaborations. It is shown that the discretization effects for the studied LQCD simulations are at the order of one to two percent for lattice spacings up to 0.150.15 fm and the pion mass up to 500 MeV.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; discussions extended; version to appear in The European Physical Journal