9 research outputs found

    “Uso de biocontroladores y materiales tolerantes a los patógenos asociados al síndrome de la muerte descendente de la teca (Tectona grandis) y cancro nectria de la melina (Gmelina arborea)”

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código 5402-1401-1018) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Escuela de Ingeniería en Agronomía, 2014El sector productivo forestal se ha sumido en una profunda crisis en la última década. La reforestación continúa disminuyendo anualmente y aumentan las importaciones de madera. La construcción y la mueblería continúan utilizando sustitutos de la madera, alejando al país de sus metas de carbono neutro para el 2020. El recién formulado Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Forestal (2011-2020, marzo 2011) plantea dentro de sus siete ejes estratégicos, Posicionamiento del Sector Forestal, Competitividad y Sostenibilidad. Con la creación de la cooperativa de mejoramiento genético forestal (GENFORES, ITCR y un grupo de empresas), se aumentó significativamente la productividad y valor de las plantaciones forestales. Sin embargo, continúan agudizándose problemas con el síndrome de la muerte descendente, posiblemente asociados al hongo Fusarium/Nectria en teca (Tectona grandis) y melina (Gmelina arborea). Este proyecto contribuirá con el desarrollo de opciones de prevención mediante el uso de biocontroladores (Trichoderma spp) y potenciales genotipos tolerantes, en un esfuerzo transdisciplinario entre la patología y el mejoramiento genético. Se aisló, caracterizó e identificó patógenos causales de estos síndromes. Posteriormente, se inoculó la colección genética de GENFORES para determinar potenciales genotipos tolerantes. Los marcadores genéticos asociarían alelos específicos a potenciales genotipos tolerantes. Se experimentó con inoculación de Trichoderma en la producción clonal comercial en invernadero y en plantaciones de teca y melina en Pérez Zeledón, Guápiles y Osa. Como productos esperados se obtuvieron: patógenos asociados aislados, protocolos de evaluación de tolerancia genotípica, potenciales genotipos de melina tolerantes, publicaciones científicas, tesis e incorporación de temas en cursos de Agronomía y Forestal.Forest productive sector has been under a deep crisis in last decade. Annual reforestation rate continues its negative tendency, meanwhile lumber imports continue growing. Housing and furniture industries continue utilizing wood substitutes, pushing away the country from its neutral carbon goals for year 2020. In recently published (march, 2011) National Forest Development Plan 2011-2020 has been established among seven strategical lines, Forest Sector Positioning, Competitivity and Sustainability. After GENFORES creation (national tree improvement cooperative, ITCR and a group of local companies), forest plantation productivity and economical value has risen significantly. However, teak (Tectona grandis) and melina (Gmelina arborea)´s dieback syndrome (associated presumably to Fusarium/Nectria) in commercial plantations become worst year by year. This project will contribute with the development of prevention options through biocontrols (Trichoderma spp) and putative tolerant genotypes utilization, as a transdisciplinary approach between pathology and tree breeding. Syndromes causal agents were isolated, characterized and identified. Later on, GENFORES teak and melina genotypes were inoculated in order to screen out potential tolerant clones. Gene markers would try to match specific alleles with potential tolerant genotypes. Trichoderma´s inoculation will be experimented in teak and melina commercial clonal production, as well as in commercial plantations in Pérez Zeledón, Guápiles and Osa. Thereafter, as expected research products were: isolates from causal pathogens, Genotypic Tolerance Assessment Protocols, potential tolerant melina genotypes, scientifical publications, thesis and the inclusion of topics in Agronomy and Forestry regular courses.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

    Human Rabies: A Reemerging Disease in Costa Rica?

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    Two human rabies cases caused by a bat-associated virus variant were identified in September 2001 in Costa Rica, after a 31-year absence of the disease in persons. Both patients lived in a rural area where cattle had a high risk for bat bites, but neither person had a definitive history of being bitten by a rabid animal. Characterization of the rabies viruses from the patients showed that the reservoir was the hematophagous Vampire Bat, Desmodus rotundus, and that a sick cat was the vector

    Estudio de la estacionalidad del dengue en la costa pacífica de Costa Rica (1999-2004)

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    El virus del dengue constituye la causa más común de enfermedades por arbovirus en el mundo. El estudio analiza el comportamiento estacional del dengue en la región Pacífico Central de Costa Rica, durante el período comprendido entre 1999 y 2004. Materiales y métodos: La información fue tomada del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica y del Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Para el análisis de la estacionalidad de dengue se utilizaron el número de casos de esta enfermedad para la estimación de promedios móviles y las características de los brotes epidémicos. Se definió como brote epidémico un total de 20 ó más casos de dengue por semana epidemiológica. Resultados: Durante el período analizado se observó un incremento en el número de casos de dengue por año. Al observar la distribución de los casos incidentes del dengue cada año se resaltó un patrón anual estacional. Los brotes del dengue se presentaron al menos una vez al año, entre las semanas epidemiológicas 18-29 (abril-julio), que coincidían con la estación lluviosa. Discusión: Se evidencia que en la región Pacífico Central, el dengue es una enfermedad predecible en cuanto a su comportamiento estacional, por lo que se recomienda intensificar las medidas de prevención para combatirla, así como preparar los servicios para la atención de pacientes, en las semanas epidemiológica previas a las de mayor promedio en el número de casos, según el patrón estacional.Aim: This study analyzed the Dengue’s seasonal behaviour in the Central Pacific Region of Costa Rica, during the period from 1999 to 2004. It is known that the dengue virus is the most common cause of arbovirus diseases in the world. Material and methods: We got the data from the Costa Rican Ministry of Health and the National Meteorological Institute. From this data, moving averages were calculated to evaluate its seasonal behaviour and the features of the outbreaks. In this study an outbreak of dengue is defined when there are 20 or more cases reported per week. Results: During this period under study, an increase in the number of dengue cases per year was observed; its numerical behaviour throughout this interval, reflected a pattern in which the outbreaks appeared between the 18 th through the 29 th epidemiological week (April - July) which coincided with the rainy season in the region. Discusion: The conclusion drawn from this study is that in the Central Pacific region, the dengue disease shows a predictable pattern in relation to the rainy season. For this reason, intensifying preventive measures, as well as, preparedness for patient treatment is strongly recommended, before the epidemiological week with highest average of cases and the seasonal pattern

    “Uso de biocontroladores y materiales tolerantes a los patógenos asociados al síndrome de la muerte descendente de la teca (Tectona grandis) y cancro nectria de la melina (Gmelina arborea)”

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código 5402-1401-1018) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Escuela de Ingeniería en Agronomía, 2014El sector productivo forestal se ha sumido en una profunda crisis en la última década. La reforestación continúa disminuyendo anualmente y aumentan las importaciones de madera. La construcción y la mueblería continúan utilizando sustitutos de la madera, alejando al país de sus metas de carbono neutro para el 2020. El recién formulado Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Forestal (2011-2020, marzo 2011) plantea dentro de sus siete ejes estratégicos, Posicionamiento del Sector Forestal, Competitividad y Sostenibilidad. Con la creación de la cooperativa de mejoramiento genético forestal (GENFORES, ITCR y un grupo de empresas), se aumentó significativamente la productividad y valor de las plantaciones forestales. Sin embargo, continúan agudizándose problemas con el síndrome de la muerte descendente, posiblemente asociados al hongo Fusarium/Nectria en teca (Tectona grandis) y melina (Gmelina arborea). Este proyecto contribuirá con el desarrollo de opciones de prevención mediante el uso de biocontroladores (Trichoderma spp) y potenciales genotipos tolerantes, en un esfuerzo transdisciplinario entre la patología y el mejoramiento genético. Se aisló, caracterizó e identificó patógenos causales de estos síndromes. Posteriormente, se inoculó la colección genética de GENFORES para determinar potenciales genotipos tolerantes. Los marcadores genéticos asociarían alelos específicos a potenciales genotipos tolerantes. Se experimentó con inoculación de Trichoderma en la producción clonal comercial en invernadero y en plantaciones de teca y melina en Pérez Zeledón, Guápiles y Osa. Como productos esperados se obtuvieron: patógenos asociados aislados, protocolos de evaluación de tolerancia genotípica, potenciales genotipos de melina tolerantes, publicaciones científicas, tesis e incorporación de temas en cursos de Agronomía y Forestal.Forest productive sector has been under a deep crisis in last decade. Annual reforestation rate continues its negative tendency, meanwhile lumber imports continue growing. Housing and furniture industries continue utilizing wood substitutes, pushing away the country from its neutral carbon goals for year 2020. In recently published (march, 2011) National Forest Development Plan 2011-2020 has been established among seven strategical lines, Forest Sector Positioning, Competitivity and Sustainability. After GENFORES creation (national tree improvement cooperative, ITCR and a group of local companies), forest plantation productivity and economical value has risen significantly. However, teak (Tectona grandis) and melina (Gmelina arborea)´s dieback syndrome (associated presumably to Fusarium/Nectria) in commercial plantations become worst year by year. This project will contribute with the development of prevention options through biocontrols (Trichoderma spp) and putative tolerant genotypes utilization, as a transdisciplinary approach between pathology and tree breeding. Syndromes causal agents were isolated, characterized and identified. Later on, GENFORES teak and melina genotypes were inoculated in order to screen out potential tolerant clones. Gene markers would try to match specific alleles with potential tolerant genotypes. Trichoderma´s inoculation will be experimented in teak and melina commercial clonal production, as well as in commercial plantations in Pérez Zeledón, Guápiles and Osa. Thereafter, as expected research products were: isolates from causal pathogens, Genotypic Tolerance Assessment Protocols, potential tolerant melina genotypes, scientifical publications, thesis and the inclusion of topics in Agronomy and Forestry regular courses.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

    Validation and Application of Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Analysis of Glyphosate, Aminomethylphosphonic Acid (AMPA), and Glufosinate in Soil

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    A method was developed to determine glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), and glufosinate in soil. The worldwide use of this herbicide in agricultural activities, and its known negative effects on both the environment and health, have generated interest in the establishment of methodologies for its determination in several matrices at trace level. The development of analytical methods for the determination of glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate is challenging due to its present amphoteric properties, high solubility in water, low molecular weight, high affinity to the ions presents in the soil, and lack of chromophore groups in its structure, making its quantification difficult. The proposed method exhibits a linear range from 5.0 to 600 µg/kg with limits of detection of 1.37, 0.69 and 1.22 μg/kg, limits of quantification of 4.11, 2.08, and 3.66 μg/kg for glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate, respectively, and adequate repeatability and reproducibility (coefficients of variation <8.0% and recovery percentages between 93.56% and 99.10%). The matrix effect was calculated for each analyte, proving to be a good alternative for the determination of these contaminants. The described method was applied to 46 soil samples collected from crop fields in Hidalgo, Mexico, with concentrations varying from not detected to 4.358 μg/kg (for AMPA)

    Burden of influenza-associated respiratory hospitalizations in the Americas, 2010-2015.

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    BACKGROUND:Despite having influenza vaccination policies and programs, countries in the Americas underutilize seasonal influenza vaccine, in part because of insufficient evidence about severe influenza burden. We aimed to estimate the annual burden of influenza-associated respiratory hospitalizations in the Americas. METHODS:Thirty-five countries in the Americas with national influenza surveillance were invited to provide monthly laboratory data and hospital discharges for respiratory illness (International Classification of Diseases 10th edition J codes 0-99) during 2010-2015. In three age-strata (<5, 5-64, and ≥65 years), we estimated the influenza-associated hospitalizations rate by multiplying the monthly number of respiratory hospitalizations by the monthly proportion of influenza-positive samples and dividing by the census population. We used random effects meta-analyses to pool age-group specific rates and extrapolated to countries that did not contribute data, using pooled rates stratified by age group and country characteristics found to be associated with rates. RESULTS:Sixteen of 35 countries (46%) contributed primary data to the analyses, representing 79% of the America's population. The average pooled rate of influenza-associated respiratory hospitalization was 90/100,000 population (95% confidence interval 61-132) among children aged <5 years, 21/100,000 population (13-32) among persons aged 5-64 years, and 141/100,000 population (95-211) among persons aged ≥65 years. We estimated the average annual number of influenza-associated respiratory hospitalizations in the Americas to be 772,000 (95% credible interval 716,000-829,000). CONCLUSIONS:Influenza-associated respiratory hospitalizations impose a heavy burden on health systems in the Americas. Countries in the Americas should use this information to justify investments in seasonal influenza vaccination-especially among young children and the elderly