172 research outputs found

    Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on Aggregated Neutrosophic Set

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    Multi-attribute decision-making refers to the decision-making problem of selecting the optimal alternative or sorting the scheme when considering multiple attributes, which is widely used in engineering design, economy, management and military, etc. But in real application, the attribute information of many objects is often inaccurate or uncertain, so it is very important for us to find a useful and efficient method to solve the problem

    Towards Privacy-Preserving Person Re-identification via Person Identify Shift

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    Recently privacy concerns of person re-identification (ReID) raise more and more attention and preserving the privacy of the pedestrian images used by ReID methods become essential. De-identification (DeID) methods alleviate privacy issues by removing the identity-related of the ReID data. However, most of the existing DeID methods tend to remove all personal identity-related information and compromise the usability of de-identified data on the ReID task. In this paper, we aim to develop a technique that can achieve a good trade-off between privacy protection and data usability for person ReID. To achieve this, we propose a novel de-identification method designed explicitly for person ReID, named Person Identify Shift (PIS). PIS removes the absolute identity in a pedestrian image while preserving the identity relationship between image pairs. By exploiting the interpolation property of variational auto-encoder, PIS shifts each pedestrian image from the current identity to another with a new identity, resulting in images still preserving the relative identities. Experimental results show that our method has a better trade-off between privacy-preserving and model performance than existing de-identification methods and can defend against human and model attacks for data privacy

    Invisible Backdoor Attack with Dynamic Triggers against Person Re-identification

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    In recent years, person Re-identification (ReID) has rapidly progressed with wide real-world applications, but also poses significant risks of adversarial attacks. In this paper, we focus on the backdoor attack on deep ReID models. Existing backdoor attack methods follow an all-to-one/all attack scenario, where all the target classes in the test set have already been seen in the training set. However, ReID is a much more complex fine-grained open-set recognition problem, where the identities in the test set are not contained in the training set. Thus, previous backdoor attack methods for classification are not applicable for ReID. To ameliorate this issue, we propose a novel backdoor attack on deep ReID under a new all-to-unknown scenario, called Dynamic Triggers Invisible Backdoor Attack (DT-IBA). Instead of learning fixed triggers for the target classes from the training set, DT-IBA can dynamically generate new triggers for any unknown identities. Specifically, an identity hashing network is proposed to first extract target identity information from a reference image, which is then injected into the benign images by image steganography. We extensively validate the effectiveness and stealthiness of the proposed attack on benchmark datasets, and evaluate the effectiveness of several defense methods against our attack

    Viewpoint-Aware Loss with Angular Regularization for Person Re-Identification

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    Although great progress in supervised person re-identification (Re-ID) has been made recently, due to the viewpoint variation of a person, Re-ID remains a massive visual challenge. Most existing viewpoint-based person Re-ID methods project images from each viewpoint into separated and unrelated sub-feature spaces. They only model the identity-level distribution inside an individual viewpoint but ignore the underlying relationship between different viewpoints. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach, called \textit{Viewpoint-Aware Loss with Angular Regularization }(\textbf{VA-reID}). Instead of one subspace for each viewpoint, our method projects the feature from different viewpoints into a unified hypersphere and effectively models the feature distribution on both the identity-level and the viewpoint-level. In addition, rather than modeling different viewpoints as hard labels used for conventional viewpoint classification, we introduce viewpoint-aware adaptive label smoothing regularization (VALSR) that assigns the adaptive soft label to feature representation. VALSR can effectively solve the ambiguity of the viewpoint cluster label assignment. Extensive experiments on the Market1501 and DukeMTMC-reID datasets demonstrated that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art supervised Re-ID methods

    Learning Domain Invariant Prompt for Vision-Language Models

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    Prompt learning is one of the most effective and trending ways to adapt powerful vision-language foundation models like CLIP to downstream datasets by tuning learnable prompt vectors with very few samples. However, although prompt learning achieves excellent performance over in-domain data, it still faces the major challenge of generalizing to unseen classes and domains. Some existing prompt learning methods tackle this issue by adaptively generating different prompts for different tokens or domains but neglecting the ability of learned prompts to generalize to unseen domains. In this paper, we propose a novel prompt learning paradigm that directly generates \emph{domain invariant} prompt that can be generalized to unseen domains, called MetaPrompt. Specifically, a dual-modality prompt tuning network is proposed to generate prompts for input from both image and text modalities. With a novel asymmetric contrastive loss, the representation from the original pre-trained vision-language model acts as supervision to enhance the generalization ability of the learned prompt. More importantly, we propose a meta-learning-based prompt tuning algorithm that explicitly constrains the task-specific prompt tuned for one domain or class to also achieve good performance in another domain or class. Extensive experiments on 11 datasets for base-to-new generalization and 4 datasets for domain generalization demonstrate that our method consistently and significantly outperforms existing methods.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 5 table
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