8 research outputs found

    Adipocytes disrupt the translational programme of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia to favour tumour survival and persistence

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    The specific niche adaptations that facilitate primary disease and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) survival after induction chemotherapy remain unclear. Here, we show that Bone Marrow (BM) adipocytes dynamically evolve during ALL pathogenesis and therapy, transitioning from cellular depletion in the primary leukaemia niche to a fully reconstituted state upon remission induction. Functionally, adipocyte niches elicit a fate switch in ALL cells towards slow-proliferation and cellular quiescence, highlighting the critical contribution of the adipocyte dynamic to disease establishment and chemotherapy resistance. Mechanistically, adipocyte niche interaction targets posttranscriptional networks and suppresses protein biosynthesis in ALL cells. Treatment with general control nonderepressible 2 inhibitor (GCN2ib) alleviates adipocyte-mediated translational repression and rescues ALL cell quiescence thereby significantly reducing the cytoprotective effect of adipocytes against chemotherapy and other extrinsic stressors. These data establish how adipocyte driven restrictions of the ALL proteome benefit ALL tumours, preventing their elimination, and suggest ways to manipulate adipocyte-mediated ALL resistance

    Expression of glycolytic enzymes in ovarian cancers and evaluation of the glycolytic pathway as a strategy for ovarian cancer treatment

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    Table S2. Spearman correlation of the expression of four glycolytic enzymes in a cohort of 380 ovarian cancers. Spearman rho correlation values (top value) along with the respective adjusted P value (bottom value) of statistically significant correlations thresholded at FDR P < 0.01 are summarised. (DOCX 21 kb

    Inhibition of hypoxic response decreases stemness and reduces tumorigenic signaling due to impaired assembly of HIF1 transcription complex in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic tumors are renowned for their extremely hypoxic centers, resulting in upregulation of a number of hypoxia mediated signaling pathways including cell proliferation, metabolism and cell survival. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that Minnelide, a water-soluble pro-drug of triptolide (anti-cancer compound), decreases viability of cancer cells in vitro as well as in vivo. However, its mechanism of action remain elusive. In the current study we evaluated the effect of Minnelide, on hypoxia mediated oncogenic signaling as well as stemness in pancreatic cancer. Minnelide has just completed Phase 1 trial against GI cancers and is currently awaiting Phase 2 trials. Our results showed that upon treatment with triptolide, HIF-1α protein accumulated in pancreatic cancer cells even though hypoxic response was decreased in them. Our studies showed even though HIF-1α is accumulated in the treated cells, there was no decrease in HIF-1 binding to hypoxia response elements. However, the HIF-1 transcriptional activity was significantly reduced owing to depletion of co-activator p300 upon treatment with triptolide. Further, treatment with triptolide resulted in a decreased activity of Sp1 and NF-kB the two major oncogenic signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer along with a decreased tumor initiating cell (TIC) population in pancreatic tumor