9 research outputs found

    DeepfakeBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Deepfake Detection

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    A critical yet frequently overlooked challenge in the field of deepfake detection is the lack of a standardized, unified, comprehensive benchmark. This issue leads to unfair performance comparisons and potentially misleading results. Specifically, there is a lack of uniformity in data processing pipelines, resulting in inconsistent data inputs for detection models. Additionally, there are noticeable differences in experimental settings, and evaluation strategies and metrics lack standardization. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive benchmark for deepfake detection, called DeepfakeBench, which offers three key contributions: 1) a unified data management system to ensure consistent input across all detectors, 2) an integrated framework for state-of-the-art methods implementation, and 3) standardized evaluation metrics and protocols to promote transparency and reproducibility. Featuring an extensible, modular-based codebase, DeepfakeBench contains 15 state-of-the-art detection methods, 9 deepfake datasets, a series of deepfake detection evaluation protocols and analysis tools, as well as comprehensive evaluations. Moreover, we provide new insights based on extensive analysis of these evaluations from various perspectives (e.g., data augmentations, backbones). We hope that our efforts could facilitate future research and foster innovation in this increasingly critical domain. All codes, evaluations, and analyses of our benchmark are publicly available at https://github.com/SCLBD/DeepfakeBench

    CryoFormer: Continuous Reconstruction of 3D Structures from Cryo-EM Data using Transformer-based Neural Representations

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    High-resolution heterogeneous reconstruction of 3D structures of proteins and other biomolecules using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is essential for understanding fundamental processes of life. However, it is still challenging to reconstruct the continuous motions of 3D structures from hundreds of thousands of noisy and randomly oriented 2D cryo-EM images. Existing methods based on coordinate-based neural networks show compelling results to model continuous conformations of 3D structures in the Fourier domain, but they suffer from a limited ability to model local flexible regions and lack interpretability. We propose a novel approach, cryoFormer, that utilizes a transformer-based network architecture for continuous heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. We for the first time directly reconstruct continuous conformations of 3D structures using an implicit feature volume in the 3D spatial domain. A novel deformation transformer decoder further improves reconstruction quality and, more importantly, locates and robustly tackles flexible 3D regions caused by conformations. In experiments, our method outperforms current approaches on three public datasets (1 synthetic and 2 experimental) and a new synthetic dataset of PEDV spike protein. The code and new synthetic dataset will be released for better reproducibility of our results. Project page: https://cryoformer.github.io

    Real-World Urban Light Emission Functions and Quantitative Comparison with Spacecraft Measurements

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    We provide quantitative results from GIS-based modelling of urban emission functions for a range of representative low- and mid-rise locations, ranging from individual streets to residential communities within cities, as well as entire towns and city regions. Our general aim is to determine whether lantern photometry or built environment has the dominant effect on light pollution and whether it is possible to derive a common emission function applicable to regions of similar type. We demonstrate the scalability of our work by providing results for the largest urban area modelled to date, comprising the central 117 km2 area of Dublin City and containing nearly 42,000 public lights. Our results show a general similarity in the shape of the azimuthally averaged emission function for all areas examined, with differences in the angular distribution of total light output depending primarily on the nature of the lighting and, to a smaller extent, on the obscuring environment, including seasonal foliage effects. Our results are also consistent with the emission function derived from the inversion of worldwide skyglow data, supporting our general results by an independent method. Additionally, a comparison with global satellite observations shows that our results are consistent with the deduced angular emission function for other low-rise areas worldwide. Finally, we validate our approach by demonstrating very good agreement between our results and calibrated imagery taken from the International Space Station of a range of residential locations. To our knowledge, this is the first such detailed quantitative verification of light loss calculations and supports the underlying assumptions of the emission function model. Based on our findings, we conclude that it should be possible to apply our approach more generally to produce estimates of the energy and environmental impact of urban areas, which can be applied in a statistical sense. However, more accurate values will depend on the details of the particular locations and require treatment of atmospheric scattering, as well as differences in the spectral nature of the sources

    Chinese Food Image Database for Eating and Appetite Studies

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    Modern people live in an environment with ubiquitous food cues, including food advertisements, videos, and smells. Do these food cues change people's eating behavior? Since diet plays a crucial role in maintaining health, it has been researched for decades. As convenient alternatives for real food, food images are widely used in diet research. To date, researchers from Germany, Spain, and other countries have established food photo databases; however, these food pictures are not completely suitable for Chinese studies because of the ingredients and characteristics of Chinese food. The main goal of this research is to create a library of Chinese food images and to provide as complete a data reference as possible for future studies that use food images as experimental material. After standardized processing, we selected 508 common Chinese food pictures with high familiarity and recognizability and attached detailed classifications concerning taste, macronutrients, calories, and participants' emotional responses to the pictures. Additionally, with food pictures as material, we conducted research on how people make dietary decisions in order to identify the variables that may affect a person's food choices. The effects of individual perceived healthiness and palatability, gender, BMI, family income, and levels of emotional and restricted eating were examined using eating decisions based on healthiness and palatability as dependent variables. The results showed that people with low household incomes are more likely to be influenced by food taste in their dietary decision-making process, while individuals with high household incomes are more likely to consider the healthy aspects of food. Moreover, parental BMI affects what children consume, with children who have parents with higher BMIs being more prone to overlook the healthiness value of food

    Knowledge, Attitude, Risk Perception, and Health-Related Adaptive Behavior of Primary School Children towards Climate Change: A Cross-Sectional Study in China

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    Background: Children are disproportionately affected by climate change while evidence regarding their adaptive behavior and relevant influencing factors is limited. Objectives: We attempted to investigate health-related adaptive behavior towards climate change for primary school children in China and explore potential influencing factors. Methods: We conducted a survey of 8322 primary school children in 12 cities across China. Knowledge, attitude, risk perception, and adaptive behavior scores for children were collected using a designed questionnaire. Weather exposures of cities were collected from 2014 to 2018. We applied a multiple linear regression and mixed-effect regression to assess the influencing factors of adaptive behavior. We also used the structural equation model (SEM) to validate the theoretical framework of adaptive behavior. Results: Most children (76.1%) were aware of climate change. They mainly get information from television, smartphones, and the Internet. A 1 score increase in knowledge, attitude, and risk perception was associated with 0.210, 0.386, and 0.160 increase in adaptive behavior scores, respectively. Females and children having air conditioners or heating systems at home were positively associated with adaptive behavior. Exposure to cold and rainstorms increased the adaptive behavior scores, while heat exposure had the opposite effects. The SEM showed that knowledge was positively associated with attitude and risk perception. Knowledge, attitude, and risk perception corresponded to 31.6%, 22.8%, and 26.1% changes of adaptive behavior, respectively. Conclusion: Most primary school children in China were aware of climate change. Knowledge, attitude, risk perception, cold, and rainstorm exposure were positively associated with health-related adaptive behavior towards climate change