28 research outputs found

    Prognostic relevance of symptoms versus objective evidence of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients

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    Aim Little is known about the prognostic significance of silent versus symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) in diabetic patients. We therefore assessed the incidence of scintigraphic evidence of CAD in diabetic patients without known CAD and the impact of symptoms and scintigraphic findings on prognosis. Methods and results A consecutive series of 1737 diabetic patients without known CAD underwent dual-isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) and 1430 were followed-up for a median of 2 (1-8.5) years. Critical events were defined as myocardial infarction or cardiac death. Objective evidence of CAD was found in 39% of 826 asymptomatic diabetic patients, in 51% of 151 diabetic patients with shortness of breath (SOB), and in 44% of 760 diabetic patients with angina. During follow-up, 98 critical events occurred. Annual critical event rates were 2.2% in asymptomatic, 3.2% in angina, and 7.7% in diabetic patients with shortness of breath (\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p<0.001p{<}0.001 \end{document} versus other groups). With MPS evidence of CAD, critical event rates increased to 3.4% (asymptomatic), 5.6% (angina), and 13.2% (SOB) (\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} p0.009p{\leqslant}0.009 \end{document} versus no evidence of CAD). Age, hypertension, shortness of breath, scarring and ischaemia were independent predictors of critical events. MPS findings added incremental information to prescan information regarding outcome prediction. Conclusions In asymptomatic diabetic patients, the rate of objective evidence of CAD and annual critical events were similar to those found in diabetic patients with angina. The outcome was three times worse in diabetic patients with shortness of breath. MPS findings were strongly predictive of outcome and proved valuable for risk stratificatio

    A Two-Stage Differential Evolution Algorithm with Mutation Strategy Combination

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    For most of differential evolution (DE) algorithm variants, premature convergence is still challenging. The main reason is that the exploration and exploitation are highly coupled in the existing works. To address this problem, we present a novel DE variant that can symmetrically decouple exploration and exploitation during the optimization process in this paper. In the algorithm, the whole population is divided into two symmetrical subpopulations by ascending order of fitness during each iteration; moreover, we divide the algorithm into two symmetrical stages according to the number of evaluations (FEs). On one hand, we introduce a mutation strategy, DE/current/1, which rarely appears in the literature. It can keep sufficient population diversity and fully explore the solution space, but its convergence speed gradually slows as iteration continues. To give full play to its advantages and avoid its disadvantages, we propose a heterogeneous two-stage double-subpopulation (HTSDS) mechanism. Four mutation strategies (including DE/current/1 and its modified version) with distinct search behaviors are assigned to superior and inferior subpopulations in two stages, which helps simultaneously and independently managing exploration and exploitation in different components. On the other hand, an adaptive two-stage partition (ATSP) strategy is proposed, which can adjust the stage partition parameter according to the complexity of the problem. Hence, a two-stage differential evolution algorithm with mutation strategy combination (TS-MSCDE) is proposed. Numerical experiments were conducted using CEC2017, CEC2020 and four real-world optimization problems from CEC2011. The results show that when computing resources are sufficient, the algorithm is competitive, especially for complex multimodal problems

    A Diversity Model Based on Dimension Entropy and Its Application to Swarm Intelligence Algorithm

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    The swarm intelligence algorithm has become an important method to solve optimization problems because of its excellent self-organization, self-adaptation, and self-learning characteristics. However, when a traditional swarm intelligence algorithm faces high and complex multi-peak problems, population diversity is quickly lost, which leads to the premature convergence of the algorithm. In order to solve this problem, dimension entropy is proposed as a measure of population diversity, and a diversity control mechanism is proposed to guide the updating of the swarm intelligence algorithm. It maintains the diversity of the algorithm in the early stage and ensures the convergence of the algorithm in the later stage. Experimental results show that the performance of the improved algorithm is better than that of the original algorithm

    Bonus-based mercenary punishment promotes cooperation in public goods games

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    Various regions often adopt punish strategies to solve traffic congestion problems. Punishing defectors is an effective strategy to solve the first-order free-rider problem in a public goods game. But this behavior is costly because the punisher is often also involved in the original joint venture and therefore vulnerable, which jeopardizes the effectiveness of this incentive. As an option, we could hire special players whose sole duty would be to monitor the population and punish defectors. The fines collected by various regions will also be used to subsidize the construction of public transportation. Thereby, we derive inspiration, and propose an improved public goods game model based on bonus and mercenary punishment. Research has shown that after cooperator gives the punisher an appropriate bonus, cooperators can strengthen the punisher, thereby weakening the defector's advantage and indirectly promoting cooperation by stabilizing the punisher's position in the system. In addition, the mechanism of reusing the fines collected from defectors and then subsidize to other players in the system can directly promote the emergence of cooperation

    Success History-Based Adaptive Differential Evolution Using Turning-Based Mutation

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    Single objective optimization algorithms are the foundation of establishing more complex methods, like constrained optimization, niching and multi-objective algorithms. Therefore, improvements to single objective optimization algorithms are important because they can impact other domains as well. This paper proposes a method using turning-based mutation that is aimed to solve the problem of premature convergence of algorithms based on SHADE (Success-History based Adaptive Differential Evolution) in high dimensional search space. The proposed method is tested on the Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization (CEC2020) benchmark sets in 5, 10, 15, and 20 dimensions for all SHADE, L-SHADE, and jSO algorithms. The effectiveness of the method is verified by population diversity measure and population clustering analysis. In addition, the new versions (Tb-SHADE, TbL-SHADE and Tb-jSO) using the proposed turning-based mutation get apparently better optimization results than the original algorithms (SHADE, L-SHADE, and jSO) as well as the advanced DISH and the jDE100 algorithms in 10, 15, and 20 dimensional functions, but only have advantages compared with the advanced j2020 algorithm in 5 dimensional functions

    UAV Path Planning Based on Multi-Stage Constraint Optimization

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    Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) path planners have been extensively studied for their effectiveness and high concurrency. However, when there are many obstacles, the path can easily violate constraints during the evolutionary process. Even if a single waypoint causes a few constraint violations, the algorithm will discard these solutions. In this paper, path planning is constructed as a multi-objective optimization problem with constraints in a three-dimensional terrain scenario. To solve this problem in an effective way, this paper proposes an evolutionary algorithm based on multi-level constraint processing (ANSGA-III-PPS) to plan the shortest collision-free flight path of a gliding UAV. The proposed algorithm uses an adaptive constraint processing mechanism to improve different path constraints in a three-dimensional environment and uses an improved adaptive non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (third edition—ANSGA-III) to enhance the algorithm’s path planning ability in a complex environment. The experimental results show that compared with the other four algorithms, ANSGA-III-PPS achieves the best solution performance. This not only validates the effect of the proposed algorithm, but also enriches and improves the research results of UAV path planning

    Research on Mechanism and Control of Floor Heave of Mining-Influenced Roadway in Top Coal Caving Working Face

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    The stability of the surrounding rock is the key problem regarding the normal use of coal mine roadways, and the floor heave of roadways is one of the key factors that can restrict high-yield and high-efficiency mining. Based on the 1305 auxiliary transportation roadway geological conditions in the Dananhu No. 1 Coal Mine, Xinjiang, the mechanism of roadway floor heave was studied by field geological investigation, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulation. We think that the surrounding rock of the roadway presents asymmetrical shrinkage under the original support condition, and it is the extrusion flow type floor heave. The bottom without support and influence of mining are the important causes of floor heave. Therefore, the optimal support scheme is proposed and verified. The results show that the maximum damage depth of the roadway floor is 3.2 m, and the damage depth of the floor of roadway ribs is 3.05 m. The floor heave was decreased from 735 mm to 268 mm, and the force of the rib bolts was reduced from 309 kN to 90 kN after using the optimization supporting scheme. This scheme effectively alleviated the &ldquo;squeeze&rdquo; effect of the two ribs on the soft rock floor, and the surrounding rock system achieves long-term stability after optimized support. This provides scientific guidance for field safe mining

    Modified Multi-Crossover Operator NSGA-III for Solving Low Carbon Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

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    Low carbon manufacturing has received increasingly more attention in the context of global warming. The flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) widely exists in various manufacturing processes. Researchers have always emphasized manufacturing efficiency and economic benefits while ignoring environmental impacts. In this paper, considering carbon emissions, a multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem (MO-FJSP) mathematical model with minimum completion time, carbon emission, and machine load is established. To solve this problem, we study six variants of the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-III (NSGA-III). We find that some variants have better search capability in the MO-FJSP decision space. When the solution set is close to the Pareto frontier, the development ability of the NSGA-III variant in the decision space shows a difference. According to the research, we combine Pareto dominance with indicator-based thought. By utilizing three existing crossover operators, a modified NSGA-III (co-evolutionary NSGA-III (NSGA-III-COE) incorporated with the multi-group co-evolution and the natural selection is proposed. By comparing with three NSGA-III variants and five multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) on 27 well-known FJSP benchmark instances, it is found that the NSGA-III-COE greatly improves the speed of convergence and the ability to jump out of local optimum while maintaining the diversity of the population. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that the NSGA-III-COE has significant advantages in solving the low carbon MO-FJSP

    Co-Evolution of Complex Network Public Goods Game under the Edges Rules

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    The reconnection of broken edges is an effective way to avoid drawback for the commons in past studies. Inspired by this, we proposed a public goods game model under the edges rules, where we evaluate the weight of edges by their nodes&rsquo; payoff. The results proved that the game obtains a larger range of cooperation with a small gain factor by this proposed model by consulting Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) and real experiments. Furthermore, as the following the course of game and discussing the reason of cooperation, in the research, we found that the distribution entropy of the excess average degree is able to embody and predict the presence of cooperation