65 research outputs found

    Peranan Pendidikan Dalam Perubahan Masyarakat

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    Social classification is always happenned in the society calledby social stratification and determine someone\u27s social class. There is a strict or curt, then to determine someone\u27s social class depends on the parents or the child\u27s birth. And it happened in India where the society consists of levels or castes or in the kingdom state, for example if wants to be a king, he must be the king\u27s child. While in the opensociety such as a state that adheres to a democracy system, to determine someone\u27s social class with any ways, means that there is always a change for someone\u27s social class in a society, namely the bottom, to the middle or up or reverse by using an objective method, subjective and reputation. Then in this open society, the education role is very influential toward the social class change in the society. That is why the education is hoped to bring the society to a change, even their incomeresult or their position in the society, which is certainly give the cognitive and psychomotoric ability or education is able to produce an inteligent human beings also expert in his field. In other words, education is hoped to create humans development that is finally able to make a change in the society, even social class change or a change from the traditional society to the modern one

    Keragaman Genetik Dan Pendugaan Jumlah Gen Ketahanan Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinensis L.) Terhadap Penyakit Kuning

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    Penyakit kuning pada kacang panjang berdampak pada penurunan produksi. Gejala serangan diawali dari gejala daun keriting serta mengakibatkan polong berwarna kuning. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai heritabilitas dan ragam genetik serta menduga jumlah gen pengendali ketahanan kacang panjang terhadap penyakit kuning. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kediri pada bulan April sampai Juli 2013. Bahan penelitian adalah populasi UB 715 A (P1), Hitam Putih (P2), populasi F1 dan populasi F2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, populasi UB 715 A (P1 ) menunjukkan respon tahan terhadap penyakit kuning, populasi Hitam Putih (P2) menunjukkan respon rentan, dan populasi F1 dan F2 menunjukkan respon sedang. Karakter jumlah polong dan jumlah biji per tanaman memiliki keragaman yang sempit sedangkan karakter panjang polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki keragaman yang luas. Karakter panjang polong dan jumlah biji per polong memiliki nilai heritabilitas rendah, sedangkan karakter jumlah polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki nilai heritabilitas tinggi. Rasio sifat ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning pada populasi F2 adalah 9 tahan : 3 sedang : 4 rentan yang berarti ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning dikendalikan oleh dua gen dengan aksi gen epistasis resesif

    Curved surfaces composed of different long axial curves.

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    <p>Curved surfaces composed of different long axial curves.</p

    Single-slice panoramic radiographs by different methods from dataset 1.

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    <p>Single-slice panoramic radiographs by different methods from dataset 1.</p

    Anatomical structures in panoramic radiographs: (a) single-slice panoramic radiograph by cylinder method, (b) single-slice panoramic radiograph by our method, (c) thickened panoramic radiograph by cylinder method, (d) thickened panoramic radiograph by our method.

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    <p>Anatomical structures in panoramic radiographs: (a) single-slice panoramic radiograph by cylinder method, (b) single-slice panoramic radiograph by our method, (c) thickened panoramic radiograph by cylinder method, (d) thickened panoramic radiograph by our method.</p

    Results of our method from dataset 4.

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    <p>Results of our method from dataset 4.</p

    Visualization of the dental arch curve creation applied to a 3D dental CBCT data.

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    <p>Visualization of the dental arch curve creation applied to a 3D dental CBCT data.</p

    Results of our method from the closed-bite shaped dental CBCT dataset 2.

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    <p>Results of our method from the closed-bite shaped dental CBCT dataset 2.</p

    Comparison of panoramic radiographs by different methods on the closed-bite shaped dental CBCT data.

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    <p>Comparison of panoramic radiographs by different methods on the closed-bite shaped dental CBCT data.</p