2,490 research outputs found

    Insights into biofilm dispersal regulation from the crystal structure of the PAS-GGDEF-EAL region of RbdA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    © 2018 American Society for Microbiology. RbdA is a positive regulator of biofilm dispersal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Its cytoplasmic region (cRbdA) comprises an N-terminal Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) domain followed by a diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domain and an EAL domain, whose phosphodiesterase activity is allosterically stimulated by GTP binding to the GGDEF domain. We report crystal structures of cRbdA and of two binary complexes: one with GTP/Mg 2+ bound to the GGDEF active site and one with the EAL domain bound to the c-di-GMP substrate. These structures unveil a 2-fold symmetric dimer stabilized by a closely packed N-terminal PAS domain and a noncanonical EAL dimer. The autoinhibitory switch is formed by an α-helix (S-helix) immediately N-terminal to the GGDEF domain that interacts with the EAL dimerization helix (α6-E) of the other EAL monomer and maintains the protein in a locked conformation. We propose that local conformational changes in cRbdA upon GTP binding lead to a structure with the PAS domain and S-helix shifted away from the GGDEF-EAL domains, as suggested by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Domain reorientation should be facilitated by the presence of an α-helical lever (H-helix) that tethers the GGDEF and EAL regions, allowing the EAL domain to rearrange into an active dimeric conformation

    Integrin-mediated traction force enhances paxillin molecular associations and adhesion dynamics that increase the invasiveness of tumor cells into a three-dimensional extracellular matrix.

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    Metastasis requires tumor cells to navigate through a stiff stroma and squeeze through confined microenvironments. Whether tumors exploit unique biophysical properties to metastasize remains unclear. Data show that invading mammary tumor cells, when cultured in a stiffened three-dimensional extracellular matrix that recapitulates the primary tumor stroma, adopt a basal-like phenotype. Metastatic tumor cells and basal-like tumor cells exert higher integrin-mediated traction forces at the bulk and molecular levels, consistent with a motor-clutch model in which motors and clutches are both increased. Basal-like nonmalignant mammary epithelial cells also display an altered integrin adhesion molecular organization at the nanoscale and recruit a suite of paxillin-associated proteins implicated in invasion and metastasis. Phosphorylation of paxillin by Src family kinases, which regulates adhesion turnover, is similarly enhanced in the metastatic and basal-like tumor cells, fostered by a stiff matrix, and critical for tumor cell invasion in our assays. Bioinformatics reveals an unappreciated relationship between Src kinases, paxillin, and survival of breast cancer patients. Thus adoption of the basal-like adhesion phenotype may favor the recruitment of molecules that facilitate tumor metastasis to integrin-based adhesions. Analysis of the physical properties of tumor cells and integrin adhesion composition in biopsies may be predictive of patient outcome

    Coordination complexes of thiazyl rings: Synthesis, structure and DFT computational analysis of CpCr(CO)x (x = 2,3) complexes of fluorinated and non-fluorinated 1lamda^3-1,2,4,6-thiatriazinyls, with differing Cr—S bond orders.

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal. Permission to archive accepted author manuscript.Reaction of [3,5-Ph2-C2N3S]2 with [CpCr(CO)3]2 in toluene at RT forms an adduct via a Cr—S bond, formulated as CpCr(CO)3SN3C2Ph2, which has fitting NMR, IR and combustion analysis data. The structure was determined by a single-crystal X-ray structure diffraction study (P21/n, a = 8.4611(17)Å; b = 20.509(4) Å, c = 11.757(2) Å, = 104.453(7)°). The Cr—S bond-length = 2.4908(11) Å corresponds to a bond-order of 1.0 from > 90 values for CpCr(CO)x or Cp*Cr(CO)x moieties (x = 2,3) bonded to S which are used to establish a Pauling-type bond order scale specific to this class of compounds. Similar reactions of fluorinated thiatriazinyls derived from [3-Ph-5-CF3-C2N3S]2 or [4-MeOC6H4-5-CF3-C2N3S]2 are accompanied by the loss of CO to produce CpCr(CO)2SN3C2PhCF3 (P, a = 8.0929(8) Å; b = 10.3160(10) Å, c = 11.2405(11), = 70.032(2)°, = 72.076(2)°, = 82.375(2)° ) and CpCr(CO)2SN3(CCF3)(C6H4OCH3) (P21/c, a = 8.1311(7)Å; b = 24.284(2) Å, c = 9.1025(8) Å, = 97.218(2)°), also fully characterized by spectroscopy and crystallography. Their measured Cr—S bond-lengths, 2.2987(14) Å and 2.2965(11) Å, correspond to bond orders of 1.5. (U/R)B3PW91/6-311+G(2df,2p)//B3PW91/6-31G(2d,p) hybrid DFT calculations show that the tricarbonyl complex has an unusual bond. However, the dicarbonyl complexes of the fluorinated thiatriazinyls are -bonded.Ye