43,561 research outputs found

    High-sensitivity microfluidic calorimeters for biological and chemical applications

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    High-sensitivity microfluidic calorimeters raise the prospect of achieving high-throughput biochemical measurements with minimal sample consumption. However, it has been challenging to realize microchip-based calorimeters possessing both high sensitivity and precise sample-manipulation capabilities. Here, we report chip-based microfluidic calorimeters capable of characterizing the heat of reaction of 3.5-nL samples with 4.2-nW resolution. Our approach, based on a combination of hard- and soft-polymer microfluidics, provides both exceptional thermal response and the physical strength necessary to construct high-sensitivity calorimeters that can be scaled to automated, highly multiplexed array architectures. Polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic valves and pumps are interfaced to parylene channels and reaction chambers to automate the injection of analyte at 1 nL and below. We attained excellent thermal resolution via on-chip vacuum encapsulation, which provides unprecedented thermal isolation of the minute microfluidic reaction chambers. We demonstrate performance of these calorimeters by resolving measurements of the heat of reaction of urea hydrolysis and the enthalpy of mixing of water with methanol. The device structure can be adapted easily to enable a wide variety of other standard calorimeter operations; one example, a flow calorimeter, is described

    Steering ecological-evolutionary dynamics to improve artificial selection of microbial communities

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    Microbial communities often perform important functions that depend on inter-species interactions. To improve community function via artificial selection, one can repeatedly grow many communities to allow mutations to arise, and “reproduce” the highest-functioning communities by partitioning each into multiple offspring communities for the next cycle. Since improvement is often unimpressive in experiments, we study how to design effective selection strategies in silico. Specifically, we simulate community selection to improve a function that requires two species. With a “community function landscape”, we visualize how community function depends on species and genotype compositions. Due to ecological interactions that promote species coexistence, the evolutionary trajectory of communities is restricted to a path on the landscape. This restriction can generate counter-intuitive evolutionary dynamics, prevent the attainment of maximal function, and importantly, hinder selection by trapping communities in locations of low community function heritability. We devise experimentally-implementable manipulations to shift the path to higher heritability, which speeds up community function improvement even when landscapes are high dimensional or unknown. Video walkthroughs: https://go.nature.com/3GWwS6j; https://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/ecoevo21/shou2/

    Quantum tunneling through planar p-n junctions in HgTe quantum wells

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    We demonstrate that a p-n junction created electrically in HgTe quantum wells with inverted band-structure exhibits interesting intraband and interband tunneling processes. We find a perfect intraband transmission for electrons injected perpendicularly to the interface of the p-n junction. The opacity and transparency of electrons through the p-n junction can be tuned by changing the incidence angle, the Fermi energy and the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The occurrence of a conductance plateau due to the formation of topological edge states in a quasi-one-dimensional p-n junction can be switched on and off by tuning the gate voltage. The spin orientation can be substantially rotated when the samples exhibit a moderately strong Rashba spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Tunneling into Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Coulomb Blockade and Fano Resonance

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    Tunneling spectroscopy measurements of single tunnel junctions formed between multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and a normal metal are reported. Intrinsic Coulomb interactions in the MWNTs give rise to a strong zero-bias suppression of a tunneling density of states (TDOS) that can be fitted numerically to the environmental quantum-fluctuation (EQF) theory. An asymmetric conductance anomaly near zero bias is found at low temperatures and interpreted as Fano resonance in the strong tunneling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The explicit expression of the fugacity for weakly interacting Bose and Fermi gases

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    In this paper, we calculate the explicit expression for the fugacity for two- and three-dimensional weakly interacting Bose and Fermi gases from their equations of state in isochoric and isobaric processes, respectively, based on the mathematical result of the boundary problem of analytic functions --- the homogeneous Riemann-Hilbert problem. We also discuss the Bose-Einstein condensation phase transition of three-dimensional hard-sphere Bose gases.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    A Damage Model of Ultra High Performance Concrete and its Application in Seismic Design of Gravity Dam

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    © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The ultra high performance concrete is currently the most innovative cement-based engineering material, which has shown a much better performance in strength and durability than the conventional concrete and has received increasing attention worldwide as its application emerges in the engineering field. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, a plastic damage model of the ultra high performance concrete material is established and studied on in this paper. Through the finite element numerical calculation, the rationality of the parameter setting and the applicability of the damage model are verified by comparing its results with those of the cubic compression test and the simply supported beam bending test and then the ultra high performance concrete is introduced to the hydraulic engineering design in this paper. Taking the Koyna gravity dam as an example, a scheme for seismic reinforcement using ultra high performance concrete in the weak part of the gravity dam, which is vulnerable to damage, is proposed. The results show that the scheme can significantly reduce the damage degree of the dam under earthquake action, limit the development of the crack to the upstream and avoid the occurrence of penetrating cracks, as a result of which the seismic performance of the dam is greatly improved. The research results of this paper provide a new idea for high dam design in strong earthquake areas

    Fermi resonance-algebraic model for molecular vibrational spectra

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    A Fermi resonance-algebraic model is proposed for molecular vibrations, where a U(2) algebra is used for describing the vibrations of each bond, and Fermi resonances between stretching and bending modes are taken into account. The model for a bent molecule XY_2 and a molecule XY_3 is successfully applied to fit the recently observed vibrational spectrum of the water molecule and arsine (AsH_3), respectively, and results are compared with those of other models. Calculations show that algebraic approaches can be used as an effective method for describing molecular vibrations with small standard deviations

    Peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain – involvement of lysophosphatidic acid receptor-mediated demyelination

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    Recent advances in pain research provide a clear picture for the molecular mechanisms of acute pain; substantial information concerning plasticity that occurs during neuropathic pain has also become available. The peripheral mechanisms responsible for neuropathic pain are found in the altered gene/protein expression of primary sensory neurons. With damage to peripheral sensory fibers, a variety of changes in pain-related gene expression take place in dorsal root ganglion neurons. These changes, or plasticity, might underlie unique neuropathic pain-specific phenotype modifications – decreased unmyelinated-fiber functions, but increased myelinated A-fiber functions. Another characteristic change is observed in allodynia, the functional change of tactile to nociceptive perception. Throughout a series of studies, using novel nociceptive tests to characterize sensory-fiber or pain modality-specific nociceptive behaviors, it was demonstrated that communication between innocuous and noxious sensory fibers might play a role in allodynia mechanisms. Because neuropathic pain in peripheral and central demyelinating diseases develops as a result of aberrant myelination in experimental animals, demyelination seems to be a key mechanism of plasticity in neuropathic pain. More recently, we discovered that lysophosphatidic acid receptor activation initiates neuropathic pain, as well as possible peripheral mechanims of demyelination after nerve injury. These results lead to further hypotheses of physical communication between innocuous Aβ- and noxious C- or Aδ-fibers to influence the molecular mechanisms of allodynia