42 research outputs found

    Controllable Capillary Assembly of Magnetic Ellipsoidal Janus Particles into Tunable Rings, Chains and Hexagonal Lattices

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    Colloidal assembly at fluid interfaces has a great potential for the bottom-up fabrication of novel structured materials. However, challenges remain in realizing controllable and tunable assembly of particles into diverse structures. Herein, we report the capillary assembly of magnetic ellipsoidal Janus particles at a fluid-fluid interface. Depending on their tilt angle, i.e. the angle the particle main axis forms with the fluid interface, these particles deform the interface and generate capillary dipoles or hexapoles. Driven by capillary interactions, multiple particles thus assemble into chain-, hexagonal lattice- and ring-like structures, which can be actively controlled by applying an external magnetic field. We predict a field-strength phase diagram in which various structures are present as stable states. Owing to the diversity, controllability, and tunability of assembled structures, magnetic ellipsoidal Janus particles at fluid interfaces could therefore serve as versatile building blocks for novel materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, + supplementary materia

    Tunable Dipolar Capillary Deformations for Magnetic Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces

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    Janus particles have attracted significant interest as building blocks for complex materials in recent years. Furthermore, capillary interactions have been identified as a promising tool for directed self-assembly of particles at fluid-fluid interfaces. In this paper, we develop theoretical models describing the behaviour of magnetic Janus particles adsorbed at fluid-fluid interfaces interacting with an external magnetic field. Using numerical simulations, we test the models predictions and show that the magnetic Janus particles deform the interface in a dipolar manner. We suggest how to utilise the resulting dipolar capillary interactions to assemble particles at a fluid-fluid interface, and further demonstrate that the strength of these interactions can be tuned by altering the external field strength, opening up the possibility to create novel, reconfigurable materials.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Equilibrium orientation and adsorption of an ellipsoidal Janus particle at a fluid-fluid interface

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    We investigate the equilibrium orientation and adsorption process of a single, ellipsoidal Janus particle at a fluid-fluid interface. The particle surface comprises equally sized parts that are hydrophobic or hydrophilic. We present free energy models to predict the equilibrium orientation and compare the theoretical predictions with lattice Boltzmann simulations. We find that the deformation of the fluid interface strongly influences the equilibrium orientation of the Janus ellipsoid. The adsorption process of the Janus ellipsoid can lead to different final orientations determined by the interplay of particle aspect ratio and particle wettablity contrast.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Viscous to inertial coalescence of liquid lenses: A lattice Boltzmann investigation

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    Liquid lens coalescence is an important mechanism involved in many industrial and scientific applications. It has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally, yet it is numerically very challenging to obtain consistent results over the wide ranges of surface tension and viscosity values that are necessary to capture the asymptotic temporal behavior in the viscous and inertial limits. We report results of massively parallel simulations based on the color gradient lattice Boltzmann method, which overcome these limitations, and investigate the scaling laws of both regimes. For the two-dimensional case we find good agreement with the similarity solution of the thin-sheet equation, where in the viscous regime the connecting bridge grows linearly with time and in the inertial regime proportionally to t2/3. In three dimensions, the viscous growth of the bridge also exhibits a linear time dependence, while in the inertial regime the growth of both the bridge height and the bridge width is proportional to t1/2

    From dot to ring: the role of friction on the deposition pattern of a drying colloidal suspension droplet

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    The deposition of particles on a substrate by drying a colloidal suspension droplet is at the core of applications ranging from traditional printing on paper to printable electronics or photovoltaic devices. The self-pinning induced by the accumulation of particles at the contact line plays an important role in the formation of the deposition. In this paper, we investigate both numerically and theoretically, the effect of friction between the particles and the substrate on the deposition pattern. Without friction, the contact line shows a stick-slip behaviour and a dot-like deposit is left after the droplet is evaporated. By increasing the friction force, we observe a transition from a dot-like to a ring-like deposit. We propose a theoretical model to predict the effective radius of the particle deposition as a function of the friction force. Our theoretical model predicts a critical friction force when the self-pinning happens and the effective radius of deposit increases with increasing friction force, confirmed by our simulation results. Our results can find implications for developing active control strategies for the deposition of drying droplets.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Controlled capillary assembly of magnetic Janus particles at fluid–fluid interfaces

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    Capillary interactions can be used to direct assembly of particles adsorbed at fluid–fluid interfaces. Precisely controlling the magnitude and direction of capillary interactions to assemble particles into favoured structures for materials science purposes is desirable but challenging. In this paper, we investigate capillary interactions between magnetic Janus particles adsorbed at fluid–fluid interfaces. We develop a pair-interaction model that predicts that these particles should arrange into a side–side configuration, and carry out simulations that confirm the predictions of our model. Finally, we investigate the monolayer structures that form when many magnetic Janus particles adsorb at the interface. We find that the particles arrange into long, straight chains exhibiting little curvature, in contrast with capillary interactions between ellipsoidal particles. We further find a regime in which highly ordered, lattice-like monolayer structures form, which can be tuned dynamically using an external magnetic field

    Self-Similar Liquid Lens Coalescence

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    A basic feature of liquid drops is that they can merge upon contact to form a larger drop. In spite of its importance to various applications, drop coalescence on pre-wetted substrates has received little attention. Here, we experimentally and theoretically reveal the dynamics of drop coalescence on a thick layer of a low-viscosity liquid. It is shown that these so-called "liquid lenses" merge by the self-similar vertical growth of a bridge connecting the two lenses. Using a slender analysis, we derive similarity solutions corresponding to the viscous and inertial limits. Excellent agreement is found with the experiments without any adjustable parameters, capturing both the spatial and temporal structure of the flow during coalescence. Finally, we consider the crossover between the two regimes and show that all data of different lens viscosities collapse on a single curve capturing the full range of the coalescence dynamics

    Optimal motion of triangular magnetocapillary swimmers

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    A system of ferromagnetic particles trapped at a liquid-liquid interface and subjected to a set of magnetic fields (magnetocapillary swimmers) is studied numerically using a hybrid method combining the pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann method and the discrete element method. After investigating the equilibrium properties of a single, two and three particles at the interface, we demonstrate a controlled motion of the swimmer formed by three particles. It shows a sharp dependence of the average center-of-mass speed on the frequency of the time-dependent external magnetic field. Inspired by experiments on magnetocapillary microswimmers, we interpret the obtained maxima of the swimmer speed by the optimal frequency centered around the characteristic relaxation time of a spherical particle. It is also shown that the frequency corresponding to the maximum speed grows and the maximum average speed decreases with increasing inter-particle distances at moderate swimmer sizes. The findings of our lattice Boltzmann simulations are supported by bead-spring model calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Active control of colloidal assembly and patterning at interfaces

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