67 research outputs found

    Graph-guided Architecture Search for Real-time Semantic Segmentation

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    Designing a lightweight semantic segmentation network often requires researchers to find a trade-off between performance and speed, which is always empirical due to the limited interpretability of neural networks. In order to release researchers from these tedious mechanical trials, we propose a Graph-guided Architecture Search (GAS) pipeline to automatically search real-time semantic segmentation networks. Unlike previous works that use a simplified search space and stack a repeatable cell to form a network, we introduce a novel search mechanism with new search space where a lightweight model can be effectively explored through the cell-level diversity and latencyoriented constraint. Specifically, to produce the cell-level diversity, the cell-sharing constraint is eliminated through the cell-independent manner. Then a graph convolution network (GCN) is seamlessly integrated as a communication mechanism between cells. Finally, a latency-oriented constraint is endowed into the search process to balance the speed and performance. Extensive experiments on Cityscapes and CamVid datasets demonstrate that GAS achieves the new state-of-the-art trade-off between accuracy and speed. In particular, on Cityscapes dataset, GAS achieves the new best performance of 73.5% mIoU with speed of 108.4 FPS on Titan Xp.Comment: CVPR202

    MicroRNA-141 Represses HBV Replication by Targeting PPARA

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression primarily at the post-transcriptional level and play critical roles in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. In this report, miR-141 was identified to repress HBV expression by screening a small miRNA expressing library and synthetic miR-141 mimics could also significantly suppress HBV expression and replication in HepG2 cells. Bioinformatic analysis and experiment assays indicate that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARA) was the target of hsa-miR-141 during this process. Furthermore, knockdown of PPARA by small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibited HBV replication similar to levels observed for miR-141. Promoter functional analysis indicated that repression of HBV replication by miR-141 mimics or siRNA was mediated by interfering with the HBV promoter functions, consistent with previous studies demonstrating that PPARA regulated HBV gene expression through interactions with HBV promoter regulatory elements. Our results suggest that miR-141 suppressed HBV replication by reducing HBV promoter activities by down-regulating PPARA. This study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms associated with HBV-host interactions. Furthermore, this information may facilitate the development of novel anti-HBV therapeutic strategies

    Increased co-expression of TIM-3 with TIGIT or 2B4 on CD8+ T cells is associated with poor prognosis in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors in malignant tumors improves patient outcomes. Because single-agent immune checkpoint blockade has a low objective response rate, it is meaningful to explore combined blockade of immune checkpoint receptors. We aimed to investigate the co-expression of TIM-3 with TIGIT or 2B4 on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The correlation between co-expression level and clinical characteristics and prognosis was studied to provide a basis for immunotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Flow cytometry was used to detect TIM-3/TIGIT and TIM-3/2B4 co-expression on CD8+ T cells. The differences in co-expression between patients and healthy controls were analyzed. The correlation between co-expression of TIM-3/TIGIT or TIM-3/2B4 and the patient clinical characteristics and prognosis was examined. Also, the correlation between the TIM-3/TIGIT or 2B4 co-expression and other common inhibitory receptors was analyzed. We further validated our results using mRNA data from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. TIM-3/TIGIT and TIM-3/2B4 co-expression was upregulated on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. They were both correlated with poor prognosis. There was a correlation between TIM-3/TIGIT co-expression and patient age and pathological stage, whereas TIM-3/2B4 co-expression correlated with age and sex. CD8+ T cells with elevated mRNA levels of TIM3/TIGIT and TIM3/2B4 also showed increased expression of multiple inhibitory receptors, indicating T cell exhaustion in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. TIM-3/TIGIT or TIM-3/2B4 can be used as potential targets for combination immunotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Characterization of Human DNA Polymerase Delta and Its Subassemblies Reconstituted by Expression in the Multibac System

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    Mammalian DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ), a four-subunit enzyme, plays a crucial and versatile role in DNA replication and DNA repair processes. We have reconstituted human Pol δ complexes in insect cells infected with a single baculovirus into which one or more subunits were assembled. This system allowed for the efficient expression of the tetrameric Pol δ holoenzyme, the p125/p50 core dimer, the core+p68 trimer and the core+p12 trimer, as well as the p125 catalytic subunit. These were isolated in milligram amounts with reproducible purity and specific activities by a highly standardized protocol. We have systematically compared their activities in order to gain insights into the roles of the p12 and p68 subunits, as well as their responses to PCNA. The relative specific activities (apparent kcat) of the Pol δ holoenzyme, core+p68, core+p12 and p125/p50 core were 100, 109, 40, and 29. The corresponding apparent Kd's for PCNA were 7.1, 8.7, 9.3 and 73 nM. Our results support the hypothesis that Pol δ interacts with PCNA through multiple interactions, and that there may be a redundancy in binding interactions that may permit Pol δ to adopt flexible configurations with PCNA. The abilities of the Pol δ complexes to fully extend singly primed M13 DNA were examined. All the subassemblies except the core+p68 were defective in their abilities to completely extend the primer, showing that the p68 subunit has an important function in synthesis of long stretches of DNA in this assay. The core+p68 trimer could be reconstituted by addition of p12


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    This project provides an automatic image data extractor that can extract curve graphs, line graphs, and histograms to accelerate data collection in the field of materials science.</p

    A Neural-Inspired Architecture for EEG-Based Auditory Attention Detection

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    Graph-Guided Architecture Search for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation

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    Two-dimensional nanosheets by rapid and efficient microwave exfoliation of layered materials

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    Layered materials beyond graphene have generated renewed interests in numerous fields. Liquid-phase exfoliation methods face essential challenges in their universal application toward various two-dimensional materials (2DMs), short processing time, high yield, chemical stability, ultrathin thickness, and large lateral size of the nanosheets. To date, few reported methods are satisfactory in these requirements. We develop a general microwave-assisted, rapid (30 min), efficient (up to 50% yield), and potentially scalable approach to exfoliate 2DMs into mono- and few-layer nanosheets of superior chemical stability and large lateral size. 2DMs including h-BN, g-C3N4, BP, TMDs (MoS2, WS2, MoSe2), Zn2(bim)4, and Ti3C2Tx are tested for exfoliation in different fluid media including organic solvents and PF6–-containing ionic liquids (ILs). The nanosheets (e.g., BP) are surprisingly stable, probably attributed to solvation shells preventing the exfoliated sheets from reacting with water and oxygen. Theoretical simulations reveal that the dielectric constant of the fluid medium is a key factor determining the exfoliation efficiency. The preferred fluid media should be strongly polar (e.g., organic solvents with a high dielectric constant), which indicates materials’ ability to store electromagnetic energy via polarization. Finally, we demonstrate the 3D printing of nanosheet-based hybrids for potential applications. This general strategy paves a new promising pathway for the efficient liquid exfoliation of various 2DMs