240 research outputs found

    A Novel Multiobjective Optimization Method Based on Sensitivity Analysis

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    For multiobjective optimization problems, different optimization variables have different influences on objectives, which implies that attention should be paid to the variables according to their sensitivity. However, previous optimization studies have not considered the variables sensitivity or conducted sensitivity analysis independent of optimization. In this paper, an integrated algorithm is proposed, which combines the optimization method SPEA (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm) with the sensitivity analysis method SRCC (Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient). In the proposed algorithm, the optimization variables are worked as samples of sensitivity analysis, and the consequent sensitivity result is used to guide the optimization process by changing the evolutionary parameters. Three cases including a mathematical problem, an airship envelope optimization, and a truss topology optimization are used to demonstrate the computational efficiency of the integrated algorithm. The results showed that this algorithm is able to simultaneously achieve parameter sensitivity and a well-distributed Pareto optimal set, without increasing the computational time greatly in comparison with the SPEA method

    Evaluation of sonic, ultrasonic, and laser irrigation activation systems to eliminate bacteria from the dentinal tubules of the root canal system

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    Aiming to kill bacteria in dentin tubules of infected dental pulp cavities, we evaluated the effects of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution agitated by different irrigation protocols, i.e., conventional needle irrigation (CNI), passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), the EDDY tip, and the neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum perovskite (Nd:YAP) laser. The EDDY achieved good antibacterial effects as passive ultrasonic irrigation in the coronal and middle thirds. Nd:YAP laser irradiation and PUI were effective in the apical third of the root canal. Objectives: To evaluate the ability of NaOCl agitated by high-frequency sonic irrigation–EDDY, PUI, and Nd:YAP laser–to kill bacteria in infected root canal walls and if the associated temperature increases at the root surface during application. Methodology: Infected root canal models were established, and roots were randomly divided into six groups: negative control, positive control, CNI, PUI, sonic agitation with EDDY, and Nd:YAP laser groups. After irrigation, the teeth were split and stained using the LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Dead bacteria depth was evaluated by a confocal laser scanning microscopy and the temperature at the root surface was assessed using a thermal imaging camera during the irrigation process. Results: In the coronal and middle thirds of the root canal, PUI and EDDY had stronger antibacterial effects than CNI (p<0.05); in the apical third, the antibacterial effects of PUI and Nd:YAP laser-activated irrigation were better than CNI (p<0.05). The maximum change in temperature was significantly greater during continuous Nd:YAP laser application compared with the other methods, but intermittent irrigation helped lessening this trend. Conclusions: NaOCl agitated by EDDY tip and PUI exhibited a similar bacteria elimination effect in the coronal and middle root canal. Nd:YAP laser was effective in the apical third and intermittent irrigation reduced its thermal impact

    Interplay between motility and cell-substratum adhesion in amoeboid cells

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    The effective migration of amoeboid cells requires a fine regulation of cell-substratum adhesion. These entwined processes have been shown to be regulated by a host of biophysical and biochemical cues. Here, we reveal the pivotal role played by calcium-based mechanosensation in the active regulation of adhesion resulting in a high migratory adaptability. Using mechanotactically driven Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae, we uncover the existence of optimal mechanosensitive conditions—corresponding to specific levels of extracellular calcium—for persistent directional migration over physicochemically different substrates. When these optimal mechanosensitive conditions are met, noticeable enhancement in cell migration directionality and speed is achieved, yet with significant differences among the different substrates. In the same narrow range of calcium concentrations that yields optimal cellular mechanosensory activity, we uncovered an absolute minimum in cell-substratum adhesion activity, for all considered substrates, with differences in adhesion strength among them amplified. The blocking of the mechanosensitive ion channels with gadolinium—i.e., the inhibition of the primary mechanosensory apparatus—hampers the active reduction in substrate adhesion, thereby leading to the same undifferentiated and drastically reduced directed migratory response. The adaptive behavioral responses of Dictyostelium cells sensitive to substrates with varying physicochemical properties suggest the possibility of novel surface analyses based on the mechanobiological ability of mechanosensitive and guidable cells to probe substrates at the nanometer-to-micrometer level.SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC) (IDG31400104

    Microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete: A bibliometric analysis

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    With the development of self-healing technology, the overall properties of the microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete have taken a giant leap. In this research, a detailed assessment of current research on the microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete is conducted, together with bibliometric analysis. In the bibliometric analysis, various indicators are considered. The current state of progress regarding self-healing concrete is assessed, and an analysis of the temporal distribution of documents, organizations and countries of literature is conducted. Later, a discussion of the citations is analyzed. The research summarizes the improvements of microcapsule-enabled self-healing cementitious composites and provides a concise background overview

    Coarse-to-fine Kidney Segmentation Framework Incorporating with Abnormal Detection and Correction

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    In this work, we formulate this segmentation problem into two sub-task: 1) kidney segmentation 2) tumor segmentation. In the first task, three 2D CNN are used to separate the kidney(including tumor )region with background (two class segmentation). In the second task, one 3D CNN and one two channel 2D CNN are used to separate detect and refine tumor within a relative smaller image region

    Advances in application of single-cell RNA sequencing in cardiovascular research

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    Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides high-resolution information on transcriptomic changes at the single-cell level, which is of great significance for distinguishing cell subtypes, identifying stem cell differentiation processes, and identifying targets for disease treatment. In recent years, emerging single-cell RNA sequencing technologies have been used to make breakthroughs regarding decoding developmental trajectories, phenotypic transitions, and cellular interactions in the cardiovascular system, providing new insights into cardiovascular disease. This paper reviews the technical processes of single-cell RNA sequencing and the latest progress based on single-cell RNA sequencing in the field of cardiovascular system research, compares single-cell RNA sequencing with other single-cell technologies, and summarizes the extended applications and advantages and disadvantages of single-cell RNA sequencing. Finally, the prospects for applying single-cell RNA sequencing in the field of cardiovascular research are discussed
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