433 research outputs found

    Improved assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus fate and transport for intensively managed irrigated stream-aquifer systems

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    2019 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are essential elements for animal nutrition and plant growth. However, over the previous decades, excessive loading of fertilizers in agricultural activities has led to elevated concentrations of N and P contaminations in surface waters and groundwater worldwide and associated eutrophication. Therefore, precisely understanding and representation of water movement and fate and transport of N and P within a complex dynamic groundwater-surface water system affected by agricultural practices is of essential importance for sustaining ecological health of the stream-aquifer environment while maintaining high agricultural productivity. Modeling tools often are used to assess N and P contamination and evaluate the impact of management practices. Such models include land surface-based watershed models such SWAT, and aquifer-based models that simulate spatially-distributed groundwater flow. However, SWAT simulates groundwater flow in a simplistic fashion and therefore is not suited for watersheds with complex groundwater flow patterns and groundwater-surface interactions, whereas groundwater models do not simulate land surface processes. This dissertation establishes the modeling capacity for assessing the movement, transformation, and storage of nitrate (NO₃) and soluble P in intensively managed irrigated stream-aquifer systems. This is accomplished by (1) developing a method to apply the SWAT model to such a system, and includes: designating each cultivated field as an individual hydrologic response unit (HRU), crop rotations to simulate the impact of changing crop types for each cultivated field, including N and P mass in irrigation water, and seepage from earthen irrigation canals into the aquifer; (2) simulating land surface hydrology, groundwater flow, and groundwater-surface water interactions in the system using the coupled flow model SWAT-MODFLOW, with the enhanced capability of linkage between SWAT groundwater irrigation HRUs and MODFLOW pumping cells, and the use of MODFLOW's EVT package to simulate groundwater evapotranspiration; and (3) linking RT3D, a widely used groundwater reactive solute transport model, to SWAT-MODFLOW to credibly represent of NO₃-N and soluble P fate and transport processes in irrigated agroecosystems to evaluate best management practices for nutrient contamination. This last phase will also address the uncertainty in system output (in-stream nutrient loads and concentrations, groundwater nutrient concentrations model predictions). Each modeling phase is applied to a 734 km² study region in the Lower Arkansas River Valley (LARV), an alluvial valley in Colorado, USA, which has been intensively irrigated for over 130 years and is threatened by shallow water tables and nutrient contamination. Multiple best management practices (BMPs) are investigated to analyze the effectiveness in reducing NO₃-N and soluble P contamination in the LARV. These strategies are related to irrigation management, nutrient management, water conveyance efficiency, and tillage operations. The most effective individual BMP in most areas is to decrease fertilizer by 30%, resulting in average NO₃-N and soluble P concentrations within the region could be reduced by 14% and 9%, respectively. This individual BMP could lower the average NO₃-N concentrations by 19% and soluble P concentrations by 2%. Combinations of using 30% irrigation reduction, 30% fertilization reduction, 60% canal seepage, and conservation tillage are predicted to have the greatest overall impact that can not only provide a decrease of groundwater concentration in NO₃-N up to 41% and soluble P concentration up to 8%, but also reduce the median of the in-stream NO₃-N and soluble P to meet the Colorado interim standard. As nutrient conditions within the Lower Arkansas River Valley are typical of those in many other intensively irrigated regions, the results of this dissertation and the developed modeling tools can be applied to other watersheds worldwide

    Frame-shifting instead of incongruity is necessary for pun comprehension : evidence from an ERP study on Chinese homophone puns

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    Recent psycholinguistic research has made significant progress in understanding the meaning-access process during pun comprehension. However, to date, little research has directly investigated how the two retrieved meanings are integrated into the pun context afterwards. In the current ERP study, we examined this process by comparing homophone puns with two control conditions. Different from previous ERP studies on jokes, we did not observe significantly enhanced N400 amplitudes (300-500 ms) in the pun condition, indicating no apparent detection of incongruity. However, we observed a sustained positivity around the left anterior regions (500-900 ms) and enhanced LPC amplitudes around the central-parietal regions (600-900 ms). These two components could index the sudden access to the second meaning and the additional integration operations to establish a new cognitive model respectively. These findings were compatible with the Space Structure Model, which emphasises the frame-shifting process as a crucial element for understanding verbal humour

    Humor experience facilitates ongoing cognitive tasks : evidence from pun comprehension

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    Empirical findings on embodied cognition have shown that bodily states (e.g., bodily postures and affective states) can influence how people appreciate humor. A case in point is that participants were reported to read pleasant sentences faster than the unpleasant controls when their muscles responsible for smiling were activated. However, little research has examined whether the feeling of amusement derived from humor processing like pun comprehension can exert a backward influence on ongoing cognitive tasks. In the present study, the participants’ eye movements were tracked while they rated the comprehensibility of humorous sentences (homophone puns) and two types of unfunny control sentences (congruent and incongruent). Fixation measures showed an advantage in the critical homophone region for the congruent controls relative to the homophone puns; however, this pattern was reversed in terms of total sentence reading time. In addition, the humor rating scores acquired after the eye-tracking experiment were found negatively correlated to the overall sentence reading time, suggesting that the greater amusement the participant experienced the faster they would finish the rating task. Taken together, the current results indicate that the positive affect derived from humor can in turn provide immediate feedback to the cognitive system, which enhances text comprehension. As a result, the current finding provides more empirical evidence for the exploration of the interaction between the body and cognition

    Humor experience facilitates ongoing cognitive tasks: Evidence from pun comprehension

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    Empirical findings on embodied cognition have shown that bodily states (e.g., bodily postures and affective states) can influence how people appreciate humor. A case in point is that participants were reported to read pleasant sentences faster than the unpleasant controls when their muscles responsible for smiling were activated. However, little research has examined whether the feeling of amusement derived from humor processing like pun comprehension can exert a backward influence on ongoing cognitive tasks. In the present study, the participants’ eye movements were tracked while they rated the comprehensibility of humorous sentences (homophone puns) and two types of unfunny control sentences (congruent and incongruent). Fixation measures showed an advantage in the critical homophone region for the congruent controls relative to the homophone puns; however, this pattern was reversed in terms of total sentence reading time. In addition, the humor rating scores acquired after the eye-tracking experiment were found negatively correlated to the overall sentence reading time, suggesting that the greater amusement the participant experienced the faster they would finish the rating task. Taken together, the current results indicate that the positive affect derived from humor can in turn provide immediate feedback to the cognitive system, which enhances text comprehension. As a result, the current finding provides more empirical evidence for the exploration of the interaction between the body and cognition

    Understanding selenium distribution in Lake Mead using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic based water quality model

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    Shallow groundwater and surface drainages in Las Vegas Wash are known to have elevated level of selenium which mainly comes from the naturally occurring geological hotspots on the southeast side of the Las Vegas Valley. Selenium fate and transport after it enters into Lake Mead from the Las Vegas Wash are not clearly understood. An open sourced three-dimensional Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code model (EFDC), developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, was used to model movement of selenium in the Boulder Basin, Lake Mead. The model was calibrated by observed data from 2006 to 2007. The concept of Lagrangian particle tracking was used to understand the specific motion trail of selenium in the Boulder Basin. The model results showed that under the present condition, it takes approximately 260 days for selenium particles to be transported from the Las Vegas Wash to the Hoover Dam. The highest depth-averaged (mean of 10 vertical layers) selenium concentration near the Hoover Dam was 0.089 µg L-1 based on 3.5 µg L-1 average inflow from the Las Vegas Wash. The results provide that the transport of selenium in the Lake is strongly influenced by hydrodynamic conditions induced by various water levels and wind intensity and directions. With increases in water level drops, selenium particles will likely move out faster from the Hoover Dam and selenium concentration throughout the Lake will decrease. The wind conditions in Lake Mead are highly variable. Southeasterly and northeasterly are the prevailing wind directions in summer and other seasons, respectively. The model\u27s results imply that the dominant wind condition combined with intensity wind do have a huge impact on selenium dispersal in both the horizontal and vertical directions in the Boulder Basin. Even under a hypothetical elevated inflow concentration, selenium value within the Lake was still relatively low. However, since selenium can bioaccumulate rapidly in aquatic organisms, continued environmental monitoring of the Lake system should be implemented to prevent potential future impact on the Lake biota. This study provides useful information for understanding complex hydrodynamic processes and selenium fate and transport in the Boulder Basin, which is important for managing this large evolving body of water

    The effect of salience on Chinese pun comprehension : a visual world paradigm study

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    The present study adopted the printed-word visual world paradigm to investigate the salience effect on Chinese pun comprehension. In such an experiment, participants listen to a spoken sentence while looking at a visual display of four printed words (including a semantic competitor, a phonological competitor, and two unrelated distractors). Previous studies based on alphabetic languages have found robust phonological effects (participants fixated more at phonological competitors than distractors during the unfolding of the spoken target words), while controversy remains regarding the existence of a similar semantic effect. A recent Chinese study reported reliable semantic effects in two experiments using this paradigm, suggesting that Chinese participants could actively map the semantic input from the auditory modality with the semantic information retrieved from printed words. In light of their study, we designed an experiment with two conditions: a replication condition to test the validity of using the printed-word world paradigm in Chinese semantic research, and a pun condition to assess the role played by salience during pun comprehension. Indeed, global analyses have revealed robust semantic effects in both experimental conditions, where participants were found more attracted to the semantic competitors than to the distractors with the emergence of target words. More importantly, the local analyses from the pun condition have shown that the participants were more attracted to the semantic competitors related to the salient meaning of the ambiguous word in a pun than to those related to the less salient meanings within 200 ms after target word offset. This finding suggests that the salient meaning of the ambiguous word in a pun is activated and assessed faster than its less salient counterpart. The initial advantage observed in the present study is consistent with the prediction of the graded salience hypothesis rather than the direct access model

    Translation directionality and translator anxiety : evidence from eye movements in L1-L2 translation

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    While considerable research on the impact of anxiety on second language learning has been carried out in international contexts, the impact of anxiety on the translator’s undertaking L2 translation, a sort of anxiety arising from the translation directionality, as well as the structure of cognitive mechanism for translational anxiety, remain under-explored. Adopting the eye-tracking and key-logging approach to data collection, this study implemented an eye-tracking experiment with EFL learners at a Chinese university to probe into how the participants responded to L1 and L2 translation-tasks and the mechanism involved in these processes. It is found that translation directionality does have a great impact on the processing of translation, which causes the change of cognitive load and then leads to the change of levels in translator anxiety. The finding further confirms the key premises of the Processing Proficiency Model and the Revised Hierarchical Model with attendant implications for translation processes


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    Emergency Medical Services (EMS) attracted many researchers because the demand of EMS was increasing over time. One of the major concerns of EMS is the response time and ambulance despatching is one of the vital factors which affects the response time. This paper focuses on the problem of ambulance despatching when many emergency calls emerge in a short time, which exists under the condition of catastrophic natural or manmade disasters. We modify a new method for ambulance despatching by centrality measure, this method constructs a nearest-neighbor coupled emergency call network and then prioritize those calls by the score of fitness, where the score of fitness considers two factors: centralized measure a call by the emergency call network and the closest policy which means despatching to the closest call site. This method is testified by a series of simulation experiments on the real topology road network of Hong Kong Island which contains 8 hospitals. These analyses demonstrate the real situation and proof the potential of centrality measure in reducing response time of EMS

    The roles of familiarity and context in processing Chinese xiehouyu : an ERP study

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    This study conducts an ERP experiment to explore the online processing mechanism of Chinese xiehouyu, a subcategory of Chinese idiomatic expressions with a metaphorical two-part allegorical saying, regarded as a non-literal language construct. Using a 2 × 2 design, (high familiarity (HF)/low familiarity (LF)) × (literally-biasing context (LC)/metaphorically-biasing context (MC)), the researchers have obtained the following findings: (1) familiarity plays an important role in Chinese xiehouyu processing, i.e. the metaphorical meaning of a HF Chinese xiehouyu can be directly activated while that of a LF one has to be derived from its literal meaning first; (2) contextual information also weighs in the process, i.e. the metaphorical meaning of a Chinese xiehouyu can be promoted in MC condition but suppressed in LC condition; (3) the interactive effect of familiarity and contextual information can be explained by the career of metaphor hypothesis; and (4) the Standard Pragmatic Model (SPM) of non-literal languages can explain the processing of LF xiehouyu, and the Direct Access Model (DAM) may to some extent account for the mechanism of HF one but fails to explain the case of LF one, while the Graded Salience Hypothesis (GSH) can provide an acceptable explanation for the processing mechanism of Chinese xiehouyus of varied familiarity
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