518 research outputs found

    Existence of Positive Solutions for Fractional Differential Equation with Nonlocal Boundary Condition

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    By using the fixed point theorem, existence of positive solutions for fractional differential equation with nonlocal boundary condition D0+αu(t)+a(t)f(t,u(t))=0, 0<t<1, u(0)=0, u(1)=∑i=1∞αiu(ξi) is considered, where 1<α≤2 is a real number, D0+α is the standard Riemann-Liouville differentiation, and ξi∈(0,1),  αi∈[0,∞) with ∑i=1∞αiξiα-1<1, a(t)∈C([0,1],[0,∞)),  f(t,u)∈C([0,1]×[0,∞),[0,∞))

    Microgrid Stability Controller Based on Adaptive Robust Total SMC

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    This paper presents a microgrid stability controller (MSC) in order to provide existing distributed generation units (DGs) the additional functionality of working in islanding mode without changing their control strategies in grid-connected mode and to enhance the stability of the microgrid. Microgrid operating characteristics and mathematical models of the MSC indicate that the system is inherently nonlinear and time-variable. Therefore, this paper proposes an adaptive robust total sliding-mode control (ARTSMC) system for the MSC. It is proved that the ARTSMC system is insensitive to parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. The MSC provides fast dynamic response and robustness to the microgrid. When the system is operating in grid-connected mode, it is able to improve the controllability of the exchanged power between the microgrid and the utility grid, while smoothing the DGs’ output power. When the microgrid is operating in islanded mode, it provides voltage and frequency support, while guaranteeing seamless transition between the two operation modes. Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Global Bifurcation in 2

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    We consider the systems of (-1)mu(2m)=λu+λv+uf(t,u,v),  t∈(0,1),  u(2i)(0)=u(2i)(1)=0, and 0≤i≤m-1,  (-1)mv(2m)=μu+μv+vg(t, u,v),  t∈(0,1),  v(2i)(0)=v(2i)(1)=0,  0≤i≤m-1, where λ,μ∈R are real parameters. f,g:[0,1]×R2→R are Ck,k≥3 functions and f(t,0,0)=g(t,0,0)=0,t∈[0,1]. It will be shown that if the functions, f and g are “generic” then the solution set of the systems consists of a countable collection of 2-dimensional, Ck manifolds

    The Effect of Adoptive Immunotherapy after Percutaneous Microwave Ablation in Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Hepatitis B: A Preliminary Study

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    To observe the influence of adoptive immunotherapy combination with percutaneous microwave ablation (PMWA) on peripheral blood examination, hepatic function examination and serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with hepatitis B. Fourteen recurrent HCC patients with 31 lesions (D≤6.0cm, fewer than four tumors) were treated with radical PMWA and continuous four courses of adoptive immunotherapy, which were administrated at 1, 2, 3 and 4 months after PMWA, respectively. Under sonographic guidance, tumor lysate-pulsed DCs (1ml) were injected into bilateral groin lymph nodes at 9th day, while CTL (25ml) were injected into the abdominal cavity at 11th day and CIK (100ml) was infused intravenously at 14th day after hemospasis in one course of treatment, respectively. Peripheral blood examination, serum AFP and hepatic function were reviewed 1, 3, 6 months after adoptive immunotherapy. The number of white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (LYM), serum albumin (ALB) and cholinesterase (CHE) were detected increase significantly at 3 and 6 months after therapy compared to pre-therapy (p0.05). Platelet (PLT) was detected increased significantly at 6 months after therapy (p0.05) compared to pre-therapy. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were detected decreased significantly at 1, 3 and 6 months after therapy (p0.05). As to serum AFP, it was detected decreased gradually, while there was no difference during the follow-up (6-16 months). No severe adverse effects were observed. Adoptive immunotherapy prescribed soon after PMWA was safe and ameliorated the laboratory examination and the immunity status of recurrent HCC patients, which may improve the prognosis

    Preparation of Flame Retardant Modified with Titanate for Asphalt Binder

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    Improving the compatibility between flame retardant and asphalt is a difficult task due to the complex nature of the materials. This study explores a low dosage compound flame retardant and seeks to improve the compatibility between flame retardants and asphalt. An orthogonal experiment was designed taking magnesium hydroxide, ammonium polyphosphate, and melamine as factors. The oil absorption and activation index were tested to determine the effect of titanate on the flame retardant additive. The pavement performance test was conducted to evaluate the effect of the flame retardant additive. Oxygen index test was conducted to confirm the effect of flame retardant on flame ability of asphalt binder. The results of this study showed that the new composite flame retardant is more effective in improving the compatibility between flame retardant and asphalt and reducing the limiting oxygen index of asphalt binder tested in this study

    Association of mitochondrial variants and haplogroups identified by whole exome sequencing with Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction: Findings regarding the association between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are inconsistent. Methods: We developed a pipeline for accurate assembly and variant calling in mitochondrial genomes embedded within whole exome sequences (WES) from 10,831 participants from the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP). Association of AD risk was evaluated with each mtDNA variant and variants located in 1158 nuclear genes related to mitochondrial function using the SCORE test. Gene-based tests were performed using SKAT-O. Results: Analysis of 4220 mtDNA variants revealed study-wide significant association of AD with a rare MT-ND4L variant (rs28709356 C&gt;T; minor allele frequency = 0.002; P = 7.3 × 10 −5) as well as with MT-ND4L in a gene-based test (P = 6.71 × 10 −5). Significant association was also observed with a MT-related nuclear gene, TAMM41, in a gene-based test (P = 2.7 × 10 −5). The expression of TAMM41 was lower in AD cases than controls (P =.00046) or mild cognitive impairment cases (P =.03). Discussion: Significant findings in MT-ND4L and TAMM41 provide evidence for a role of mitochondria in AD.</p