10,570 research outputs found

    Calorific values and ash contents of different organs of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) in southern China

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    Calorific values of plants are important indices for evaluating and reflecting material cycle and energy conversion in forest ecosystems. Based on the data of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) in southern China, the calorific values (CVs) and ash contents (ACs) of different plant organs were analyzed systematically using hypothesis test and regression analysis in this paper. The results show: (i) the CVs and ACs of different plant organs are almost significantly different, and the order by AFCV (ash-free calorific value) from the largest to the smallest is foliage (23.55 kJ/g), branches (22.25 kJ/g), stem bark (21.71 kJ/g), root (21.52 kJ/g) and stem wood (21.35 kJ/g); and the order by AC is foliage (2.35%), stem bark (1.44%), root (1.42%), branches (1.08%) and stem wood (0.33%); (ii) the CVs and ACs of stem woods on top, middle and lower sections are significantly different, and the CVs are increasing from top to lower sections of trunk while the ACs are decreasing; (iii) the mean GCV (gross calorific value) and AFCV of aboveground part are larger than those of belowground part (roots), and the differences are also statistically significant; (iv) the CVs and ACs of different organs are related, to some extent, to diameter, height and origin of the tree, but the influence degrees of the factors on CVs and ACs are not the same

    Longitudinal Optogenetic Motor Mapping Revealed Structural and Functional Impairments and Enhanced Corticorubral Projection after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Mice

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    Current evaluation of impairment and repair after spinal cord injury (SCI) is largely dependent on behavioral assessment and histological analysis of injured tissue and pathways. Here, we evaluated whether transcranial optogenetic mapping of motor cortex could reflect longitudinal structural and functional damage and recovery after SCI. In Thy1-Channelrhodopsin2 transgenic mice, repeated motor mappings were made by recording optogenetically evoked electromyograms (EMGs) of a hindlimb at baseline and 1 day and 2, 4, and 6 weeks after mild, moderate, and severe spinal cord contusion. Injuries caused initial decreases in EMG amplitude, losses of motor map, and subsequent partial recoveries, all of which corresponded to injury severity. Reductions in map size were positively correlated with motor performance, as measured by Basso Mouse Scale, rota-rod, and grid walk tests, at different time points, as well as with lesion area at spinal cord epicenter at 6 weeks post-SCI. Retrograde tracing with Fluoro-Gold showed decreased numbers of cortico- and rubrospinal neurons, with the latter being negatively correlated with motor map size. Combined retro- and anterograde tracing and immunostaining revealed more neurons activated in red nucleus by cortical stimulation and enhanced corticorubral axons and synapses in red nucleus after SCI. Electrophysiological recordings showed lower threshold and higher amplitude of corticorubral synaptic response after SCI. We conclude that transcranial optogenetic motor mapping is sensitive and efficient for longitudinal evaluation of impairment and plasticity of SCI, and that spinal cord contusion induces stronger anatomical and functional corticorubral connection that may contribute to spontaneous recovery of motor function

    CD95-induced osteoarthritic chondrocyte apoptosis and necrosis: dependency on p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase

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    One of the hallmarks of osteoarthritic cartilage is the loss of chondrocyte cellularity due to cell death. However, considerable controversy has recently arisen surrounding the extent of apoptotic cell death involved in development of osteoarthritis (OA). To shed light on this issue, we characterized cell death in primary OA chondrocytes mediated by the CD95 (Fas) pathway. Treatment of chondrocytes with anti-CD95 not only increased the rate of cell death but also increased the production of CD95 ligand by chondrocytes. This reveals a novel autocrine regulatory loop whereby activated chondrocytes may amplify CD95 signals by inducing synthesis of CD95 ligand. Multiple morphologic detection analyses indicated that apoptosis accounted for only a portion of chondrocyte death, whereas the other chondrocytes died by necrosis. Both chondrocyte apoptosis and necrosis depended on the activity of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) within chondrocytes. Treatment of chondrocytes with the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 abolished anti-CD95 induced cell death by inhibiting the activities of activating transcription factor-2 and caspase-3. In addition, inhibition of p38 MAPK activity in chondrocytes stimulated chondrocyte proliferation, as indicated by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) index. Thus, p38 MAPK is a potential therapeutic target, inhibition of which may maintain the cellularity of articular chondrocytes by inhibiting cell death and its amplification signal and by increasing cell proliferation

    Sharp One-Parameter Mean Bounds for Yang Mean

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    We prove that the double inequality Jα(a,b)<U(a,b)<JÎČ(a,b) holds for all a,b>0 with a≠b if and only if α≀2/(π-2)=0.8187⋯ and ÎČ≄3/2, where U(a,b)=(a-b)/[2arctan⁥((a-b)/2ab)], and Jp(a,b)=p(ap+1-bp+1)/[(p+1)(ap-bp)]  (p≠0,-1), J0(a,b)=(a-b)/(log⁥a-log⁥b), and J-1(a,b)=ab(log⁥a-log⁥b)/(a-b) are the Yang and pth one-parameter means of a and b, respectively

    Generation of Narrow-Band Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs for Atomic Quantum Memories

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    We report an experimental realization of a narrow-band polarization-entangled photon source with a linewidth of 9.6 MHz through cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion. This linewidth is comparable to the typical linewidth of atomic ensemble based quantum memories. Single-mode output is realized by setting a reasonable cavity length difference between different polarizations, using of temperature controlled etalons and actively stabilizing the cavity. The entangled property is characterized with quantum state tomography, giving a fidelity of 94% between our state and a maximally entangled state. The coherence length is directly measured to be 32 m through two-photon interference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
