721 research outputs found


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    Objective: To explore continuous plasma adsorption filtration in treatment with multiple organ failure in severe paraquat poisoning patients and its nursing care. Methods: 52 cases of severe paraquat poisoning were collected from December2009 to May 2009 in poisoning rescue center of affiliated hospital of logistics institute of armed police forces. They were treated with continuous plasma adsorption filtration. Summarize the experience of treatment and nursing. Results: Plasma adsorption treatment of 38 times tace, continuity of static - static hemofiltration treatment of 56 times, continuity of plasma filtration adsorption treatment 64 times, the rescue success rate of 57.96%. Conclusion: Continuity of plasma filtration adsorption treatment 64 times, can effectively improve the rescue success rate of patients with paraquat.目的  探讨对重度百草枯中毒多脏器功能衰竭患者行连续性血浆吸附滤过治疗的护理方法。方法  对本院中毒急救中心2009年12月—2013年5月期间收治的52例重度百草枯中毒患者进行连续性血浆滤过吸附治疗(CPFA),总结分析治疗、护理的经验。结果  共进行血浆吸附治疗38次,连续性静-静脉血液滤过治疗56次,连续性血浆滤过吸附治疗64次,抢救成功率57.96%。结论  连续性血浆滤过吸附治疗可以有效的提高百草枯中毒患者的抢救成功率


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    Mandala is used medicinally to treat cough and asthma, conscious sedation. Entire individual plant is poisonous, and the toxic substances are hyoscyamine and scopolamine and atropine, etc. It is a rare case that patients were poisoned by Mandala in clinical practice. More reports were about the cases that patients were poisoned by seeds, fruit, leaf and flower. The toxicity would stimulate and restrain the central nervous system successively, block the reactions of acetylcholine, resist and paralyze the parasympathetic nerve. The paper discusses continuous blood purification treatment and clinical nursing of mandala poisoning patients by case analysis.曼陀罗内服可用来平喘止咳,镇静麻醉。曼陀罗全株有毒,毒性物质为莨菪碱、东莨菪碱和阿托品等。在临床中遇到的曼陀罗中毒罕见。有病例报道多为误食曼陀罗种子、果实、叶、花所致,其毒性作用是对中枢神经先兴奋后抑制,阻断乙酰胆碱反应,对抗和麻痹副交感神经。本文通过病例分析,探讨如何对曼陀罗中毒患者行连续性血液净化治疗、临床护理

    3,3,3′,3′-Tetra­methyl-6,6′-bis­[(pyridin-4-yl)meth­oxy]-1,1′-spiro­biindane ­monohydrate

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    The asymmetric unit in the title compound, C33H34N2O2·H2O, consists of a V-shaped mol­ecule and a water mol­ecule to which it is hydrogen bonded. The angle between the mean planes of the two spiro-connected indane groups is 77.06 (5)°. The two five-membered rings of the indane groups have envelope conformations with the methyl­ene atoms adjacent to the spiro C atom forming the flaps. They have deviations from the mean plane of the other four atoms in the rings of 0.374 (4) and 0.362 (4) Å. In the crystal, molecules are linked to form inversion dimers via O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds involving the pyridine N atoms and the solvent water mol­ecule. The dimers are linked into a chain along the b axis by π–π stacking inter­actions between a pyridine ring and its centrosymmetrically related ring in an adjacent dimer. The centroid–centroid distance between the planes is 3.7756 (17) Å, the perpendicular distance is 3.4478 (11) Å and the offset is 1.539 Å


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    The title compound, [Cu2(C7H3NO5)2(C10H8N2)(H2O)2], exhibits a centrosymmetric binuclear molecule. Each completely deprotonated 4-hy­droxy­pyridine-2,6-dicarb­oxy­lic acid mol­ecule assumes a tridentate chelating coordination mode. The square-pyramidal coordination geometry around the CuII ion is completed by the bridging bipyridine ligand and an apical water molecule. Adjacent complexes are connected via O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds to generate a three-dimensional supra­molecular structure

    Modified frequency computation method for optimal environmental flows

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    The paper describes a modified frequency computation method to calculate the optimal environmental flows. This method was used to design monthly environmental flows in Lancang river. The environmental flows calculated by the method are compared with those by the ecological flow method and the Tennant method, revealing its effectiveness

    Exploration and practice of animal physiology teaching mode for top class

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    动物生理学是动物医学、动物科学专业的重要基础理论课程。针对本校拔尖班学生培养计划和学习特点,本课程在教学中注重情境化教学,把最新研究进展及时整合到相应教学模块中,适当提高过程性评价比例,探索出适合拔尖班学生的授课模式,改善教学效果。Animal physiology is an important basic theoretical course for the specialty of animal medicine and animal science. According to the training programs and learning characteristics of top class students in our college, this course focused on situational teaching, integrated the latest progress manner into teaching model timely, and properly increased the process evaluation proportion in order to explore suitable teaching mode for top-class students, and improve teaching effectiveness

    Moxibustion treatment modulates the gut microbiota and immune function in a dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis rat model

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    AIM: To investigate the effect and mechanism of moxibustion in rats with ulcerative colitis. METHODS: A rat colitis model was established by administering 4% dextran sulphate sodium solution. Seventy male rats were randomly divided into seven groups: Healthy controls (HC), ulcerative colitis model group (UC), UC with 7 d of moxibustion (UC-7), UC with 14 d of moxibustion (UC-14), UC with mesalazine gavage (UC-W), HC with 7 d of moxibustion (HC-7), HC with 14 d of moxibustion (HC-14). Moxibustion was applied to the bilateral Tianshu (ST25). Gut microbiome profiling was conducted by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, and PCR and ELISA determined the expression of inflammatory cytokines in colon mucosa and serum, respectively. RESULTS: Moxibustion treatment restored the colonic mucosa and decreased submucosal inflammatory cell infiltration in colitis rats. Rats treated with moxibustion and mesalazine had significantly lower levels of the dominant phyla Proteobacteria and the genera Saccharibacteria, Sphingomonas and Barnesiella than colitis rats, and they could restore the microbiome to levels similar to those observed in healthy rats. UC rats had reduced alpha diversity, which could be alleviated by moxibustion therapy, and UC-7 had a higher alpha diversity than UC-14. This finding suggests that short-term (7 d) but no longer term (14 d) moxibustion treatment may significantly affect the gut microbiome. The potential bacterial functions affected by moxibustion may be ascorbate and aldarate metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. Compared with HC group, the levels of the cytokines interleukin-12 (IL-12) (P < 0.05) and IL-6, IL-17, IL-23, interferon-γ, lipopolysaccharide, IgA, tumour necrosis factor-α and its receptors 1 (TNFR1) and TNFR2 (P < 0.01) were all increased, whereas anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-2 and IL-10 (P < 0.01) and transforming growth factor-β (P < 0.05) were decreased in UC rats. These changes were reversed by moxibustion. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that moxibustion exerts its therapeutic effect by repairing mucosal tissue damage and modulating the gut microbiome and intestinal mucosal immunity

    Combination therapy strategies against multiple-resistant streptococcus suis

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    <p>Streptococcus suis is a major swine pathogen, an emerging zoonotic agent responsible for meningitis, endocarditis and septicaemia followed by deafness in humans. The development of antimicrobial resistance in S. suis increases the risk for therapeutic failure in both animals and humans. In this study, we report the synergism of combination therapy against multi-resistant S. suis isolates from swine. Twelve antibiotic profiles were determined against 11 S. suis strains. To investigate their synergistic/antagonistic activity, checkerboard assay was performed for all the possible combinations. In-vitro killing curves and in-vivo treatment trials were used to confirm the synergistic activity of special combinations against S. suis dominant clones. In this study, 11 S. suis isolates were highly resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline with ratios of 80–100%, and the resistance percentages to enrofloxacin, florfenicol, and spectinomycin were ~50%. The checkerboard data identified two combination regimens, ampicillin plus apramycin and tiamulin plus spectinomycin which gave the greatest level of synergism against the S. suis strains. In-vitro kill-curves showed a bacterial reduction of over 3-logCFU with the use of combination treatments, whilst the application of mono-therapies achieve less than a 2-logCFU cell killing. In-vivo models confirm that administration of these two combinations significantly reduced the number of bacterial cells after 24 h of treatment. In conclusions, the combinations of ampicillin plus apramycin and tiamulin plus spectinomycin showed the greatest synergism and may be potential strategies for treatment of multi-resistant S. suis in animal.</p

    Dendrobium officinale

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    Background. Dendrobium officinale (DO) Kimura et Migo is a precious Chinese herb that is considered beneficial for health due to its antioxidant and antidiabetes properties, and so on. In this research, we try to determine the preventive effect of DO on the early complications of STZ-induced diabetic rats. Methods. Type 1 diabetic rats were produced with a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ (50 mg/kg). DO (1 g/kg/day) was then orally administered for 5 weeks. Blood glucose, TC, TG, BUN, CREA, and GSH-PX levels were determined, and electroretinographic activity and hypoalgesia were investigated. Pathological sections of the eyes, hearts, aortas, kidneys, and livers were analyzed. Results. Treatment with DO significantly attenuated the serum levels of TC, TG, BUN, and CREA, markedly increased the amplitudes of ERG a- and b-waves and Ops, and reduced the hypoalgesia and histopathological changes of vital organs induced by hyperglycemia. The protective effect of DO in diabetic rats may be associated with its antioxidant activity, as evidenced by the marked increase in the serum level of glutathione peroxidase. However, DO had no significant effect on blood glucose levels and bodyweight of diabetic rats. Conclusions. DO supplementation is an effective treatment to prevent STZ-induced diabetic complications