5,887 research outputs found

    From fire whirls to blue whirls and combustion with reduced pollution.

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    Fire whirls are powerful, spinning disasters for people and surroundings when they occur in large urban and wildland fires. Whereas fire whirls have been studied for fire-safety applications, previous research has yet to harness their potential burning efficiency for enhanced combustion. This article presents laboratory studies of fire whirls initiated as pool fires, but where the fuel sits on a water surface, suggesting the idea of exploiting the high efficiency of fire whirls for oil-spill remediation. We show the transition from a pool fire, to a fire whirl, and then to a previously unobserved state, a "blue whirl." A blue whirl is smaller, very stable, and burns completely blue as a hydrocarbon flame, indicating soot-free burning. The combination of fast mixing, intense swirl, and the water-surface boundary creates the conditions leading to nearly soot-free combustion. With the worldwide need to reduce emissions from both wanted and unwanted combustion, discovery of this state points to possible new pathways for reduced-emission combustion and fuel-spill cleanup. Because current methods to generate a stable vortex are difficult, we also propose that the blue whirl may serve as a research platform for fundamental studies of vortices and vortex breakdown in fluid mechanics

    Chronic Nicotine Selectively Enhances α4β2* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Nigrostriatal Dopamine Pathway

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    These electrophysiological experiments, in slices and intact animals, study the effects of in vivo chronic exposure to nicotine on functional α4β2* nAChRs in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic (DA) pathway. Recordings were made in wild-type and α4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit knock-out mice. Chronic nicotine enhanced methyllycaconitine citrate hydrate-resistant, dihydro-β-erythroidine hydrobromide-sensitive nicotinic currents elicited by 3–1000 µM ACh in GABAergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), but not in DA neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). This enhancement leads to higher firing rates of SNr GABAergic neurons and consequently to increased GABAergic inhibition of the SNc DA neurons. In the dorsal striatum, functional α4* nAChRs were not found on the neuronal somata; however, nicotine acts via α4β2* nAChRs in the DA terminals to modulate glutamate release onto the medium spiny neurons. Chronic nicotine also increased the number and/or function of these α4β2* nAChRs. These data suggest that in nigrostriatal DA pathway, chronic nicotine enhancement of α4β2* nAChRs displays selectivity in cell type and in nAChR subtype as well as in cellular compartment. These selective events augment inhibition of SNc DA neurons by SNr GABAergic neurons and also temper the release of glutamate in the dorsal striatum. The effects may reduce the risk of excitotoxicity in SNc DA neurons and may also counteract the increased effectiveness of corticostriatal glutamatergic inputs during degeneration of the DA system. These processes may contribute to the inverse correlation between tobacco use and Parkinson's disease

    Reciprocal relationships in collective flights of homing pigeons

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    Collective motion of bird flocks can be explained via the hypothesis of many wrongs, and/or, a structured leadership mechanism. In pigeons, previous studies have shown that there is a well-defined hierarchical structure and certain specific individuals occupy more dominant positions --- suggesting that leadership by the few individuals drives the behavior of the collective. Conversely, by analyzing the same data-sets, we uncover a more egalitarian mechanism. We show that both reciprocal relationships and a stratified hierarchical leadership are important and necessary in the collective movements of pigeon flocks. Rather than birds adopting either exclusive averaging or leadership strategies, our experimental results show that it is an integrated combination of both compromise and leadership which drives the group's movement decisions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Morphology and reactivity of size-selected titanium oxide nanoclusters on Au(111).

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    The morphology and reactivity of mass-selected titania clusters, Ti3O6 and Ti3O5, deposited onto Au(111) were studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and temperature programmed desorption. Despite differing by only one oxygen atom, the stoichiometric Ti3O6 and the sub-stoichiometric ("reduced") Ti3O5 clusters exhibit very different structures and preferred binding sites. The Ti3O6 clusters bind at step edges and form small assemblies (2-4 clusters) on Au terraces, while the "reduced" Ti3O5 clusters form much larger fractal-like assemblies that can extend across step boundaries. Annealing the Ti3O5,6/Au(111) systems to higher temperatures causes changes in the size-distributions of cluster assemblies, but does not lead to the formation of TiOx nanoislands for temperatures ≤700 K. Reactivity studies show that the reduced Ti3O5 cluster has higher activity than Ti3O6 for 2-propanol dehydration, although both clusters exhibit substantial activity for dehydrogenation to acetone. Calculations using DFT+U suggest that the differences in aggregate morphology and reactivity are associated with the number of undercoordinated Ti3c sites in the supported clusters

    Carbon Free Boston: Transportation Technical Report

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    Part of a series of reports that includes: Carbon Free Boston: Summary Report; Carbon Free Boston: Social Equity Report; Carbon Free Boston: Technical Summary; Carbon Free Boston: Buildings Technical Report; Carbon Free Boston: Waste Technical Report; Carbon Free Boston: Energy Technical Report; Carbon Free Boston: Offsets Technical ReportOVERVIEW: Transportation connects Boston’s workers, residents and tourists to their livelihoods, health care, education, recreation, culture, and other aspects of life quality. In cities, transit access is a critical factor determining upward mobility. Yet many urban transportation systems, including Boston’s, underserve some populations along one or more of those dimensions. Boston has the opportunity and means to expand mobility access to all residents, and at the same time reduce GHG emissions from transportation. This requires the transformation of the automobile-centric system that is fueled predominantly by gasoline and diesel fuel. The near elimination of fossil fuels—combined with more transit, walking, and biking—will curtail air pollution and crashes, and dramatically reduce the public health impact of transportation. The City embarks on this transition from a position of strength. Boston is consistently ranked as one of the most walkable and bikeable cities in the nation, and one in three commuters already take public transportation. There are three general strategies to reaching a carbon-neutral transportation system: • Shift trips out of automobiles to transit, biking, and walking;1 • Reduce automobile trips via land use planning that encourages denser development and affordable housing in transit-rich neighborhoods; • Shift most automobiles, trucks, buses, and trains to zero-GHG electricity. Even with Boston’s strong transit foundation, a carbon-neutral transportation system requires a wholesale change in Boston’s transportation culture. Success depends on the intelligent adoption of new technologies, influencing behavior with strong, equitable, and clearly articulated planning and investment, and effective collaboration with state and regional partners.Published versio

    Microembossing of ultrafine grained Al: microstructural analysis and finite element modelling

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    Ultra fine grained (UFG) Al-1050 processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and UFG Al-Mg-Cu-Mn processed by high pressure torsion (HPT) were embossed at both room temperature and 300 °C, with the aim of producing micro-channels. The behaviour of Al alloys during the embossing process was analysed using finite element (FE) modelling. The cold embossing of both Al alloys is characterised by a partial pattern transfer, a large embossing force, channels with oblique sidewalls and a large failure rate of the mould. The hot embossing is characterised by straight channel sidewalls, fully transferred patterns and reduced loads which decrease the failure rate of the mould. Hot embossing of UFG Al-Mg-Cu-Mn produced by HPT shows a potential of fabrication of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) components with micro channels

    Gravity Duals of Lifshitz-like Fixed Points

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    We find candidate macroscopic gravity duals for scale-invariant but non-Lorentz invariant fixed points, which do not have particle number as a conserved quantity. We compute two-point correlation functions which exhibit novel behavior relative to their AdS counterparts, and find holographic renormalization group flows to conformal field theories. Our theories are characterized by a dynamical critical exponent zz, which governs the anisotropy between spatial and temporal scaling tλztt \to \lambda^z t, xλxx \to \lambda x; we focus on the case with z=2z=2. Such theories describe multicritical points in certain magnetic materials and liquid crystals, and have been shown to arise at quantum critical points in toy models of the cuprate superconductors. This work can be considered a small step towards making useful dual descriptions of such critical points.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac; v2 comments about behavior of metric near r=0 added (thanks to S. Hartnoll and G. Horowitz

    Electrical coupling between ventricular myocytes and myofibroblasts in the infarcted mouse heart

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    Aims: Recent studies have demonstrated electrotonic coupling between scar tissue and the surrounding myocardium in cryoinjured hearts. However, the electrical dynamics occurring at the myocyte-nonmyocyte interface in the fibrotic heart remain undefined. Here, we sought to develop an assay to interrogate the nonmyocyte cell type contributing to heterocellular coupling and to characterize, on a cellular scale, its voltage response in the infarct border zone of living hearts. Methods and results: We used two-photon laser scanning microscopy in conjunction with a voltage-sensitive dye to record transmembrane voltage changes simultaneously from cardiomyocytes and adjoined nonmyocytes in Langendorff-perfused mouse hearts with healing myocardial infarction. Transgenic mice with cardiomyocyte-restricted expression of a green fluorescent reporter protein underwent permanent coronary artery ligation and their hearts were subjected to voltage imaging 7-10 days later. Reporter-negative cells, i.e. nonmyocytes, in the infarct border zone exhibited depolarizing transients at a 1:1 coupling ratio with action potentials recorded simultaneously from adjacent, reporter-positive ventricular myocytes. The electrotonic responses in the nonmyocytes exhibited slower rates of de- and repolarization compared to the action potential waveform of juxtaposed myocytes. Voltage imaging in infarcted hearts expressing a fluorescent reporter specifically in myofibroblasts revealed that the latter were electrically coupled to border zone myocytes. Their voltage transient properties were indistinguishable from those of nonmyocytes in hearts with cardiomyocyte-restricted reporter expression. The density of connexin43 expression at myofibroblast-cardiomyocyte junctions was ∼5% of that in the intercalated disc regions of paired ventricular myocytes in the remote, uninjured myocardium, whereas the ratio of connexin45 to connexin43 expression levels at heterocellular contacts was ∼1%. Conclusion: Myofibroblasts contribute to the population of electrically coupled nonmyocytes in the infarct border zone. The slower kinetics of myofibroblast voltage responses may reflect low electrical conductivity across heterocellular junctions, in accordance with the paucity of connexin expression at myofibroblast-cardiomyocyte contacts

    From fire whirls to blue whirls and combustion without pollution

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    Fire whirls are powerful, spinning disasters for people and surroundings when they occur in large urban and wildland fires. While fire whirls have long been studied for fire safety applications, previous research has yet to harness their potential burning efficiency for enhanced combustion. This paper presents laboratory studies of fire whirls initiated as pool fires, but where the fuel sits on a water surface, seeding an idea of exploiting the high-efficiency of fire whirls for oil-spill remediation. We show the transition from a pool fire, to a fire whirl, and then to a previously unobserved state, a blue whirl. A blue whirl is smaller, very stable, and burns completely blue-violet in a hydrocarbon flame, indicating soot-free burning. The combination of fast mixing and the water-surface boundary creates the conditions leading to nearly soot-free combustion. With the worldwide need to reduce emissions from both wanted and unwanted combustion, discovery of this new state points to new pathways for highly efficient and low-emission energy production and fuel-spill cleanup. Because current methods to generate a stable vortex are difficult, we also propose that the blue whirl may serve as a research platform for fundamental studies of vortices in fluid mechanics.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 29 references, original researc