685 research outputs found

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    中国の食・健康・環境の現状から導く東アジアの未来 : 地域研究における文理融合モデルの探

    報告Ⅱ② 中国有机农业发展现状与展望

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    中国の食・健康・環境の現状から導く東アジアの未来 : 地域研究における文理融合モデルの探

    ホウコク Ⅱ① チュウゴク ニオケル ユウキ ノウギョウ ハッテン ノ ゲンジョウ ト テンボウ

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    中国の食・健康・環境の現状から導く東アジアの未来 : 地域研究における文理融合モデルの探

    SIA matrices and non-negative stationary subdivision

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    This dissertation is concerned with SIA matrices and non-negative stationary subdivision, and is organized as follows: After an introducing chapter where some basic notation is given we describe, in Chapter 3, how non-negative subdivision is connected to a corresponding non-homogenous Markov process. The family of matrices A, built from the mask of the subdivision scheme, is introduced. Among other results, Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2 relate the coefficients of the iterated masks to matrix products from the family A, and in the limiting case the values of the basic limit function are found from the entries in an infinite product of matrices. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 are the core of this dissertation. In Chapter 4, we first review some spectral and graph properties of row-stochastic matrices and, in particular, of SIA matrices. We point to the notion of scrambling power, introduced by Hajnal [16], and of the related coefficient of ergodicity. We also consider the directed graph of such matrices, and we improve upon a condition given by Ren and Beard in [30]. Then we study finite families of SIA matrices, the properties of their indicator matrices and the connectivity of their directed graphs. We consider this chapter to be an important contribution to the theory of non-negative subdivision, since it explains the background in order to apply the convergence result of Anthonisse and Tijms [2], which we reprove in Section 4.6, to rank one convergence of infinite products of row stochastic matrices. It does not use the notion of joint spectral radius but the (equivalent) coefficient of ergodicity. Properties equivalent to SIA are listed in Lemma 4.7 and in the subsequent Lemma 4.8; they connect the SIA property to equivalent conditions (scrambling property, positive column property) as they appear in the existing literature dealing with convergence of non-negative subdivision. The fifth chapter of the dissertation contains the full proof of the characterization of uniform convergence for non-negative subdivision, for the univariate and bivariate case, the latter one being a representative for multivariate aspects. It uses the pointwise definition of the limit function at dyadic points - refering to the dyadic expansion of real vectors from the unit cube - using the Anthonisse-Tijms pointwise convergence result, and employs the proper extension of the Micchelli-Prautzsch compatibility condition to the multivariate case, taking care of the ambiguity of representation of dyadic points. As a consequence, the Hölder exponent of the basic limit function can be expressed in terms of the coefficient of ergodicity of the family A. Our convergence theorems, in Theorem 5.1 and Theorem 5.8, include the existing characterizations of uniform convergence for non-negative univariate and bivariate subdivision from the literature, except for the GCD condition, which seems to be a condition applicable to univariate subdivision only. Chapter 5 also reports on some further attempts where we have tried to extend conditions from univariate subdivision, which are sufficient for convergence, to the bivariate case. We could find a bivariate analogue of Melkman's univariate string condition, which we call - in the bivariate case - a rectangular string condition. The chapter concludes with stating the fact that uniform convergence of non-negative stationary subdivision is a property of the support of the mask alone, modulo some apparent necessary conditions such as the sum rules. A typical application of this support property characterizes uniform convergence in the case where the mask is a convex combination of other masks. The dissertation ends with two short chapters on tensor product and box spline subdivision, and an appendix where some definitions and useful lemmas and theorems about matrix and graph theory are stated without proofs.Die Dissertation behandelt den Zusammenhang zwischen SIA-Matrizen und nicht-negativer Subdivision. Sie ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Nach einem einleitenden Kapitel wird in Kapitel 2 die grundlegende Notation bereit gestellt. Anschließend beschreiben wir in Kapitel 3 zunächst den formalen Zusammenhang zwischen nicht-negativer Subdivision und einem hierzu gehörenden Markov-Prozess. Wir führen dazu eine Familie A von Matrizen ein, die aus der Maske des Subdivisionsschemas aufgebaut werden. Unter anderem beschreiben Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2, wie die Koeffizienten der iterierten Masken sich durch Matrix-Produkte aus der Familie A deuten lassen. Im Grenzfall ergeben sich so die Funktionswerte der Fundamentalfunktion des Subdivisionsprozesses aus den Einträgen eines unendlichen Matrix-Produktes. Die Kapitel 4 und 5 stellen den zentralen Beitrag dieser Dissertation dar. Zunächst geben wir dort einen Überblick über Spektraleigenschaften von zeilenstochastischen Matrizen und Eigenschaften ihrer gerichteten Graphen, wobei die SIA-Eigenschaft wieder im Vordergrund steht. Wir verweisen auf den Begriff der 'scrambling power', eingeführt von Hajnal [16], und den zugehörigen ergodischen Koeffizienten. Hinsichtlich der Eigenschaften gerichteter Graphen von SIA-Matrizen verbessern wir eine Aussage von Ren und Beard [30]. Anschließend studieren wir Familien von SIA-Matrizen, deren Indikator-Matrizen und die Zusammenhangseigenschaften der betreffenden gerichteten Graphen. Wir glauben, dass dies einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Theorie nicht-negativer Subdivision darstellt, weil dieser Hintergrund nunmehr eine Anwendung des Konvergenzsatzes von Anthonisse und Tijms [2] zulässt. Diesen Konvergenzsatz greifen wir in Abschnitt 4.6 auf. Er beschreibt die Rang-Eins-Konvergenz ohne Bezug auf den 'joint spectral radius', sondern verwendet hierzu den (äquivalenten) Begriff des ergodischen Koeffizienten. Eine Reihe von Eigenschaften, die zur SIA-Eigenschaft äquivalent sind, werden in Lemma 4.7 und dem anschlieÿenden Lemma 4.8 aufgelistet; diese nehmen Bezug auf Eigenschaften (scrambling property, positive column property), wie sie in der bisherigen Literatur zur Konvergenz nicht-negativer Subdivision auftauchen. Kapitel 5 enthält einen vollständigen Beweis der Charakterisierung gleichmäßiger Konvergenz für nicht-negative Subdivision, im Fall einer und zweier Veränderlichen, wobei letzterer Fall repräsentativ ist für den Fall mehrerer Variablen. Er benutzt die punktweise Definition der Grenzfunktion in dyadischen Punkten - wobei auf die Binärentwicklung reeller Vektoren aus dem Einheitswürfel Bezug genommen wird - unter Bezug auf den Konvergenzsatz von Anthonisse-Tijms. Eine geeignete Verallgemeinerung der Kompatibilitätsbedingung von Micchelli und Prautzsch berücksichtigt hierbei die Mehrdeutigkeit der Binärentwicklung in dyadischen Punkten. Als Folge hiervon lässt sich der Hölder Exponent der Fundamentalfunktion durch den ergodischen Koeffizienten der Familie A ausdrücken. Unsere Ergebnisse zur Konvergenz, in Theorem 5.1 und Theorem 5.8, fassen die existierenden Ergebnisse zur nicht-negativen Subdivision zusammen. Ausgenommen ist hiervon die GCD-Bedingung, die offensichtlich einen Spezialfall darstellt, der sich auf den Fall einer einzigen Variablen bezieht. Kapitel 5 enthält auch einige Ansätze zu unserem Versuch, hinreichende Bedingungen zur gleichmäßigen Konvergenz, die im Fall einer Variablen bekannt sind, auf den Fall zweier oder mehrerer Variablen zu verallgemeinern. Ein Analogon zu Melkmans [27] univariater 'string condition' ist unsere 'rectangular string condition' für den bivariaten Fall. Das Kapitel schließt mit einem Hinweis auf die Tatsache, dass die Eigenschaft der gleichmäßigen Konvergenz tatsächlich allein eine Trägereigenschaft der Maske ist, modulo offensichtlicher notwendiger Zusatzeigenschaften wie z. B. die 'sum rule'. Eine typische Anwendung dieser Trägereigenschaft liefert die Charakterisierung der gleichmäßigen Konvergenz bei Masken, die sich als Konvexkombinationen einfacherer Masken deuten lassen. Die Dissertation schließt mit zwei kurzen Kapiteln zur Tensorprodukt- und zur Box-Spline-Subdivision, sowie einem Anhang, in dem Definitionen und nützliche Hilfsergebnisse und Theoreme zur Theorie von Matrizen und deren Graphen ohne Beweise aufgeführt sind

    ReDi: Efficient Learning-Free Diffusion Inference via Trajectory Retrieval

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    Diffusion models show promising generation capability for a variety of data. Despite their high generation quality, the inference for diffusion models is still time-consuming due to the numerous sampling iterations required. To accelerate the inference, we propose ReDi, a simple yet learning-free Retrieval-based Diffusion sampling framework. From a precomputed knowledge base, ReDi retrieves a trajectory similar to the partially generated trajectory at an early stage of generation, skips a large portion of intermediate steps, and continues sampling from a later step in the retrieved trajectory. We theoretically prove that the generation performance of ReDi is guaranteed. Our experiments demonstrate that ReDi improves the model inference efficiency by 2x speedup. Furthermore, ReDi is able to generalize well in zero-shot cross-domain image generation such as image stylization.Comment: ICML 202

    Fabrication and Spectral Properties of Wood-Based Luminescent Nanocomposites

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    Pressure impregnation pretreatment is a conventional method to fabricate wood-based nanocomposites. In this paper, the wood-based luminescent nanocomposites were fabricated with the method and its spectral properties were investigated. The results show that it is feasible to fabricate wood-based luminescent nanocomposites using microwave modified wood and nanophosphor powders. The luminescent strength is in positive correlation with the amount of phosphor powders dispersed in urea-formaldehyde resin. Phosphors absorb UV and blue light efficiently in the range of 400–470 nm and show a broad band of bluish-green emission centered at 500 nm, which makes them good candidates for potential blue-green luminescent materials

    Thermal Behaviour of Corn/Cotton Stalk Blends during Co-pyrolysis

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    AbstractThe pyrolysis behaviors and pyrolysis kinetics of corn straw (YM), cotton stalk(MG) and blends at different proportion were studied by TG-DSC technique. The results indicate that two kinds of biomass straw can be mixed fully. The pyrolysis process with its blend ratio is not a linear relationship and solid product reduced compared with single-stalk. In addition, the major pyrolysis process of mixture within the main range can be well described by a two-dimensional diffusion model with Malek method. Among the tested samples, the 40:60 MG/ YM blend shows the lowest activation energy of 51.7 KJ/mol. Besides corn straw plays a dominant role on the course of the thermal conversion. The experimental results may provide useful data to promote the application of biomass thermochemical conversion technology of biomass mixture

    Factors Controlling Spatial Variation of Iodine Species in Groundwater of the Datong Basin, Northern China

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    AbstractTo better understand the distribution of iodine speciation composition and the controlling factors in groundwater from the Datong basin, hydrochemical studies were conducted. Total iodine concentrations in groundwater ranges from 6.2 to 1380μg/L, with the mean value of 243μg/L. Speciation of iodine in groundwater is mainly controlled by redox potential. Under reducing conditions, iodide is the dominant dissolved species, while in sub-oxic and oxic conditions, iodate is the major species, with a lower proportion of iodide. The evident existence of organic iodine in several groundwater samples may be related to anthropogenic activities

    Exploring the Limits of ChatGPT for Query or Aspect-based Text Summarization

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    Text summarization has been a crucial problem in natural language processing (NLP) for several decades. It aims to condense lengthy documents into shorter versions while retaining the most critical information. Various methods have been proposed for text summarization, including extractive and abstractive summarization. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like GPT3 and ChatGPT has recently created significant interest in using these models for text summarization tasks. Recent studies \cite{goyal2022news, zhang2023benchmarking} have shown that LLMs-generated news summaries are already on par with humans. However, the performance of LLMs for more practical applications like aspect or query-based summaries is underexplored. To fill this gap, we conducted an evaluation of ChatGPT's performance on four widely used benchmark datasets, encompassing diverse summaries from Reddit posts, news articles, dialogue meetings, and stories. Our experiments reveal that ChatGPT's performance is comparable to traditional fine-tuning methods in terms of Rouge scores. Moreover, we highlight some unique differences between ChatGPT-generated summaries and human references, providing valuable insights into the superpower of ChatGPT for diverse text summarization tasks. Our findings call for new directions in this area, and we plan to conduct further research to systematically examine the characteristics of ChatGPT-generated summaries through extensive human evaluation.Comment: Work in progres