8 research outputs found

    Nowhere to Hide: Cross-modal Identity Leakage between Biometrics and Devices

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    Along with the benefits of Internet of Things (IoT) come potential privacy risks, since billions of the connected devices are granted permission to track information about their users and communicate it to other parties over the Internet. Of particular interest to the adversary is the user identity which constantly plays an important role in launching attacks. While the exposure of a certain type of physical biometrics or device identity is extensively studied, the compound effect of leakage from both sides remains unknown in multi-modal sensing environments. In this work, we explore the feasibility of the compound identity leakage across cyber-physical spaces and unveil that co-located smart device IDs (e.g., smartphone MAC addresses) and physical biometrics (e.g., facial/vocal samples) are side channels to each other. It is demonstrated that our method is robust to various observation noise in the wild and an attacker can comprehensively profile victims in multi-dimension with nearly zero analysis effort. Two real-world experiments on different biometrics and device IDs show that the presented approach can compromise more than 70\% of device IDs and harvests multiple biometric clusters with ~94% purity at the same time

    Autonomous Learning of Speaker Identity and WiFi Geofence From Noisy Sensor Data

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    A fundamental building block towards intelligent environments is the ability to understand who is present in a certain area. A ubiquitous way of detecting this is to exploit unique vocal characteristics as people interact with one another in common spaces. However, manually enrolling users into a biometric database is time-consuming and not robust to vocal deviations over time. Instead, consider audio features sampled during a meeting, yielding a noisy set of possible voiceprints. With a number of meetings and knowledge of participation, e.g., sniffed wireless Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, can we learn to associate a specific identity with a particular voiceprint? To address this problem, this paper advocates an Internet of Things (IoT) solution and proposes to use co-located WiFi as supervisory weak labels to automatically bootstrap the labelling process. In particular, a novel cross-modality labelling algorithm is proposed that jointly optimises the clustering and association process, which solves the inherent mismatching issues arising from heterogeneous sensor data. At the same time, we further propose to reuse the labelled data to iteratively update wireless geofence models and curate device specific thresholds. Extensive experimental results from two different scenarios demonstrate that our proposed method is able to achieve 2-fold improvement in labelling compared with conventional methods and can achieve reliable speaker recognition in the wild

    MatrixCity: A Large-scale City Dataset for City-scale Neural Rendering and Beyond

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    Neural radiance fields (NeRF) and its subsequent variants have led to remarkable progress in neural rendering. While most of recent neural rendering works focus on objects and small-scale scenes, developing neural rendering methods for city-scale scenes is of great potential in many real-world applications. However, this line of research is impeded by the absence of a comprehensive and high-quality dataset, yet collecting such a dataset over real city-scale scenes is costly, sensitive, and technically difficult. To this end, we build a large-scale, comprehensive, and high-quality synthetic dataset for city-scale neural rendering researches. Leveraging the Unreal Engine 5 City Sample project, we develop a pipeline to easily collect aerial and street city views, accompanied by ground-truth camera poses and a range of additional data modalities. Flexible controls over environmental factors like light, weather, human and car crowd are also available in our pipeline, supporting the need of various tasks covering city-scale neural rendering and beyond. The resulting pilot dataset, MatrixCity, contains 67k aerial images and 452k street images from two city maps of total size 28km228km^2. On top of MatrixCity, a thorough benchmark is also conducted, which not only reveals unique challenges of the task of city-scale neural rendering, but also highlights potential improvements for future works. The dataset and code will be publicly available at our project page: https://city-super.github.io/matrixcity/.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2023. Project page: $\href{https://city-super.github.io/matrixcity/}{this\, https\, URL}

    Scaffold-GS: Structured 3D Gaussians for View-Adaptive Rendering

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    Neural rendering methods have significantly advanced photo-realistic 3D scene rendering in various academic and industrial applications. The recent 3D Gaussian Splatting method has achieved the state-of-the-art rendering quality and speed combining the benefits of both primitive-based representations and volumetric representations. However, it often leads to heavily redundant Gaussians that try to fit every training view, neglecting the underlying scene geometry. Consequently, the resulting model becomes less robust to significant view changes, texture-less area and lighting effects. We introduce Scaffold-GS, which uses anchor points to distribute local 3D Gaussians, and predicts their attributes on-the-fly based on viewing direction and distance within the view frustum. Anchor growing and pruning strategies are developed based on the importance of neural Gaussians to reliably improve the scene coverage. We show that our method effectively reduces redundant Gaussians while delivering high-quality rendering. We also demonstrates an enhanced capability to accommodate scenes with varying levels-of-detail and view-dependent observations, without sacrificing the rendering speed.Comment: Project page: https://city-super.github.io/scaffold-gs

    OmniCity: Omnipotent City Understanding with Multi-level and Multi-view Images

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    This paper presents OmniCity, a new dataset for omnipotent city understanding from multi-level and multi-view images. More precisely, the OmniCity contains multi-view satellite images as well as street-level panorama and mono-view images, constituting over 100K pixel-wise annotated images that are well-aligned and collected from 25K geo-locations in New York City. To alleviate the substantial pixel-wise annotation efforts, we propose an efficient street-view image annotation pipeline that leverages the existing label maps of satellite view and the transformation relations between different views (satellite, panorama, and mono-view). With the new OmniCity dataset, we provide benchmarks for a variety of tasks including building footprint extraction, height estimation, and building plane/instance/fine-grained segmentation. Compared with the existing multi-level and multi-view benchmarks, OmniCity contains a larger number of images with richer annotation types and more views, provides more benchmark results of state-of-the-art models, and introduces a novel task for fine-grained building instance segmentation on street-level panorama images. Moreover, OmniCity provides new problem settings for existing tasks, such as cross-view image matching, synthesis, segmentation, detection, etc., and facilitates the developing of new methods for large-scale city understanding, reconstruction, and simulation. The OmniCity dataset as well as the benchmarks will be available at https://city-super.github.io/omnicity

    BungeeNeRF: Progressive Neural Radiance Field for Extreme Multi-scale Scene Rendering

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    Neural radiance fields (NeRF) has achieved outstanding performance in modeling 3D objects and controlled scenes, usually under a single scale. In this work, we focus on multi-scale cases where large changes in imagery are observed at drastically different scales. This scenario vastly exists in real-world 3D environments, such as city scenes, with views ranging from satellite level that captures the overview of a city, to ground level imagery showing complex details of an architecture; and can also be commonly identified in landscape and delicate minecraft 3D models. The wide span of viewing positions within these scenes yields multi-scale renderings with very different levels of detail, which poses great challenges to neural radiance field and biases it towards compromised results. To address these issues, we introduce BungeeNeRF, a progressive neural radiance field that achieves level-of-detail rendering across drastically varied scales. Starting from fitting distant views with a shallow base block, as training progresses, new blocks are appended to accommodate the emerging details in the increasingly closer views. The strategy progressively activates high-frequency channels in NeRF's positional encoding inputs and successively unfolds more complex details as the training proceeds. We demonstrate the superiority of BungeeNeRF in modeling diverse multi-scale scenes with drastically varying views on multiple data sources (city models, synthetic, and drone captured data) and its support for high-quality rendering in different levels of detail.Comment: Accepted to ECCV22; Previous version: CityNeRF: Building NeRF at City Scale; Project page can be found in https://city-super.github.io/cityner

    Ultra-wide damping temperature range polyurethane elastomer enabled by an asymmetrically structured chain extender with double disulfide bonds

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    Conventional polymer damping materials are extensively utilized to mitigate vibration and noise in various fields, yet suffer from the drawback of a narrow effective damping temperature range. Herein, we innovatively synthesized an asymmetrically structured chain extender (AIS) with double disulfide bonds that provided polyurethane elastomer (PUE) with ultra-high energy dissipation over a wide temperature range, which was unattainable by conventional chain extenders. This was achieved by enhancing the bond exchange rate of dynamic disulfide bonds in the PUE. Specifically, the asymmetric structure of AIS was strategically designed to disrupt the regularity of the hard segments of the PUE, enabling the disulfide bonds to break and reorganize efficiently, thus depleting mechanical energy. The results demonstrated that the effective damping temperature range (Tan δ > 0.3) of the PUE cured by AIS can reach 130 °C (−15 °C–115 °C), which is 210 % higher than that of the matrix, and a stable damping plateau was observed in the region from room temperature to high temperature. Moreover, the introduction of AIS significantly enhanced the mechanical properties of the PUE. This study encourages further investigation and application of disulfide bonds in the field of damping