49 research outputs found

    Villából kórházat? A József Attiláról elnevezett kórház története

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    <p>Preoperative difficulty, expected and actual postoperative improvement on the Catquest-9SF items by functional characteristics (N = 174)<sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0169844#t004fn001" target="_blank">*</a></sup>.</p

    Clinical and Epidemiologic Research Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Pterygium in Rural Adult Chinese Populations of the Bai Nationality in Dali: The Yunnan Minority Eye Study

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    PURPOSE. The purpose of the study was to describe the prevalence, severity, and associated risk factors for pterygium in a population-based sample of rural residents of the Bai minority population in rural Dali, China. METHODS. A population-based survey of Chinese Bai Nationality aged ‡50 years from randomly selected block groups in southwestern China was conducted. A clinical examination by experienced ophthalmologists was carried out, and the presence of pterygium was diagnosed at the examination. Pterygium was graded clinically by slit lamp examination. Questionnaires were conducted on risk factors. RESULTS. From a total of 2742 eligible subjects, 2133 (77.8%) were examined. CONCLUSIONS. The prevalence of pterygium in Dali is 39.0% among Chinese Bai aged 50 years and older. Independent associations with increasing age (&gt;59 years), female sex, lack of education, and occupations linked to outdoor work suggest a multifactorial cause of this condition. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:6617-6621

    Cell viability of SRA01/04 cells after treated with pirfenidone for 24 hours in a trypan blue exclusion test.

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    <p>After 24 hours’ treatment with PFD (0, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 mg/ml), the percentages of living cells were more than 90% in all groups. No statistically significant difference was found between PFD treated and control groups (<i>P</i>>0.05). Data are the mean ± SD of triplicates from an experiment that was repeated with similar results.</p

    Inhibitory effect of pirfenidone on TGF-β2-induced fibroblastic phenotypes in SRA01/04 cells.

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    <p>There was no apparent morphological change in SRA01/04 cells after 24 hours’ treatment with 0.5 mg/ml PFD only (B) compared with control cells(A). In the presence of 12.5 ng/ml TGF-β2, the TGF-β2-induced morphological changes in SRA01/04 cells (C) were detected, including elongated and spindle-like shapes, which were noticeably suppressed by co-treatment with 0.5 mg/ml PFD (D).</p

    Inhibitory effect of pirfenidone on TGF-β2-induced migration of SRA01/04 cells.

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    <p>Light microscope images show decreased migratory ability of cells at 24 hours, after scratches were applied to the cells with 0, 0.25, or 0.5 mg/mL pirfenidone in the absence or presence of TGF-β2. *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 versus the corresponding value for control cells. Data in each bar are the mean ± SD of cells that migrated through the membrane in three separate experiments. Magnification, ×40.</p

    Inhibitory effect of pirfenidone on expression of TGFβ2 and SMADs mRNA in SRA01/04 cells.

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    <p>Real-time RT-PCR showed that pirfenidone reduced the levels of TGFβ2, SMAD3, and SMAD4 when compared with control cells. **P<0.01 versus the corresponding value for control cells. Data are the mean ± SD of triplicates from an experiment that was repeated with similar results.</p

    Inhibitory effect of pirfenidone on TGF-β2-induced epithlial-mesenchymal transition in SRA01/04 cells.

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    <p>Compared with control cells (A), immunocytofluorescence demonstrated that the TGF-beta2 significantly up-regulated the mesenchymal phenotypic marker fibronectin (FN, green) in SRA01/04 cells (C). Either in the absence (B) or presence (D) of TGF-beta2, FN was significantly down-regulated after 24 hours’ treatment with 0.5 mg/ml PFD. The nuclei stained by DAPI (blue). Magnification, ×400.</p

    Cytotoxicity of pirfenidone in a LDH assay.

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    <p>After 24 or 48 hours’ treatment with PFD (0, 0.25, and 0.5 mg/ml), no statistically significant difference was found between the percentage of cell-mediated lysis in PFD treated groups and control group (<i>P</i>>0.05). Data are the mean ± SD of triplicates from an experiment that was repeated with similar results.</p