863 research outputs found

    Prediction of stroke risk in patients with transient ischemic attack: ABCD score and its derived scores

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    Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is a high-risk signal of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, indicates a significant increase in the risk of ischemic stroke, especially within 7 days. Risk assessment and stratification are important in patient with TIA. A variety of simple prediction scales were developed based on the risk factors for stroke in patients with TIA, such as the California scale, ABCD scale, and ABCD2 scale. Among them, the ABCD scale score is used most commonly, but as its application becomes more and more common, the defects of this scale are also increasingly apparent. In recent years, some derived scales of ABCD score were introduced in order to improve the sensitivity and specificity of prediction. This article reviews the evolution, contents, characteristics, and predictive value of the ABCD score and its derived scales in the prediction of the stroke risk in patients with TIA

    (Methoxy­carbon­yl)hydrazinium chloride monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C2H7N2O2 +·Cl−·H2O, the non-H atoms of the cation are approximately coplanar. The organic cations, chloride ions and water mol­ecules are linked into a two-dimensional network parallel to the bc plane by N—H⋯O, N—H⋯Cl and O—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds

    Distribution of tick-borne diseases in China

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    As an important contributor to vector-borne diseases in China, in recent years, tick-borne diseases have attracted much attention because of their increasing incidence and consequent significant harm to livestock and human health. The most commonly observed human tick-borne diseases in China include Lyme borreliosis (known as Lyme disease in China), tick-borne encephalitis (known as Forest encephalitis in China), Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (known as Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever in China), Q-fever, tularemia and North-Asia tick-borne spotted fever. In recent years, some emerging tick-borne diseases, such as human monocytic ehrlichiosis, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and a novel bunyavirus infection, have been reported frequently in China. Other tick-borne diseases that are not as frequently reported in China include Colorado fever, oriental spotted fever and piroplasmosis. Detailed information regarding the history, characteristics, and current epidemic status of these human tick-borne diseases in China will be reviewed in this paper. It is clear that greater efforts in government management and research are required for the prevention, control, diagnosis, and treatment of tick-borne diseases, as well as for the control of ticks, in order to decrease the tick-borne disease burden in China

    Construction and characterization of a cDNA library from human brain glioma cell line U251 with overexpressed exogenous p53 gene

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    The tumor-suppressor gene p53 and its downstream genes consist of a complicated gene network, and the challenge to understand the network is to identify p53 downstream genes. In order to isolate and identify new p53 regulated genes, we constructed and characterized a normalized cDNA library from human brain glioma cell line U251 while exogenous p53 gene is overexpressed. The constructed cDNA library contained 1.3×106 directional recombinants, and its insert size ranged from 0.5 to 2.0 kb. Screening the cDNA library, we obtained two novel p53 downstream genes, PAP1 and PAP2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of the library for specific genes revealed the presence of cDNAs for p53 downstream genes such as p21, gadd45, and PCNA. These results demonstrate the sequence complexity and relatively low redundancy of our cDNA library. It is a valuable and unique resource for studying p53 gene expression, regulatory mechanisms and screening p53 downstream genes. Keywords: p53 Gene, p53 downstream gene, cDNA library, normalizationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(33), pp. 5262-5268, 16 August, 201

    (E)-Methyl N′-[1-(4-hydroxy­phen­yl)ethyl­idene]hydrazinecarboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C10H12N2O3, adopts a trans configuration with respect to the C=N bond. The dihedral angle between the benzene ring and the hydrazine carboxylic acid plane is 8.29 (7)°. Mol­ecules are linked into a three-dimensional network by N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O, O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Biokemijska analiza sustava proizvodnje luteina s pomoću heterotrofne alge Chlorella pyrenoidosa u bioreaktoru

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    Chlorella is a promising alternative source of lutein, as it can be cultivated heterotrophically with high efficiency. In this study, the carotenoids in Chlorella pyrenoidosa heterotrophically cultivated in a 19-litre fermentor have been analyzed and determined by using HPLC and HPLC-MS. A biochemical system theory (BST) model was developed for understanding the regulatory features of carotenoid metabolism during the batch cultivation. Factors that influence lutein production by C. pyrenoidosa were discussed based on the model. It shows that low flux for lycopene formation is the major bottleneck for lutein production, while by-product syntheses and inhibitions affect the cellular lutein content much less. However, with further increase of the cellular lutein content, the inhibition on lycopene formation by lutein may become a limiting factor. Although speculative, these results may provide useful information for further elucidation of the regulatory mechanisms of carotenoid biosynthesis in Chlorella and modifying its metabolic network to enhance lutein production.Alga Chlorella mogući je izvor luteina, jer se može uspješno uzgajati u heterotrofnim uvjetima. Stoga su u radu primjenom HPLC i HPLC-MS metoda ispitani karotenoidi iz alge Chlorella pyrenoidosa, uzgojene u heterotrofnim uvjetima u bioreaktoru volumena 19 L. Razvijen je model biokemijskog teorijskog sustava za razumijevanje regulacije metabolizma karotenoida pri šaržnom uzgoju. Na temelju tog modela razmatrani su faktori koji utječu na proizvodnju luteina s pomoću C. pyrenoidosa. Utvrđeno je da „usko grlo” u proizvodnji luteina nastaje zbog slabog metaboličkog toka sinteze likopena, a da nastajanje nusprodukata i njihov inhibicijski učinak puno manje utječu na količinu luteina u stanicama. Međutim, povećanje količine luteina u stanicama može inhibirati sintezu likopena i stoga postati ograničavajući faktor u proizvodnji. Ovi rezultati, iako još nepotvrđeni, mogu dati korisne informacije za pojašnjenje mehanizma regulacije biosinteze karotenoida u algi Chlorella i modifikaciju metaboličkog procesa radi dobivanja veće količine luteina

    Data Processing Pipeline for Pointing Observations of Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope

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    We describe the data processing pipeline developed to reduce the pointing observation data of Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT), which belongs to the Chang'e-3 mission of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. The pointing observation program of LUT is dedicated to monitor variable objects in a near-ultraviolet (245-345 nm) band. LUT works in lunar daytime for sufficient power supply, so some special data processing strategies have been developed for the pipeline. The procedures of the pipeline include stray light removing, astrometry, flat fielding employing superflat technique, source extraction and cosmic rays rejection, aperture and PSF photometry, aperture correction, and catalogues archiving, etc. It has been intensively tested and works smoothly with observation data. The photometric accuracy is typically ~0.02 mag for LUT 10 mag stars (30 s exposure), with errors come from background noises, residuals of stray light removing, and flat fielding related errors. The accuracy degrades to be ~0.2 mag for stars of 13.5 mag which is the 5{\sigma} detection limit of LUT.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Minor changes and some expounding words added. Version accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science (Ap&SS

    Klinička primjena RT-PCR u otkrivanju DNK tuberkuloze u kombinaciji s TB-IGRA u dijagnostici plućne tuberkuloze s negativnim nalazom sputuma

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    The aim was to investigate detection of pulmonary alveolar lavage fluid tuberculosis DNA by real-time fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) combined with clinical application of the sputum smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis with TB interferon-γ release assay (TB-IGRA). From October 2014 to October 2015, 632 outpatients and inpatients treated in our hospital were randomly selected, of which 459 patients as the research group managed with RT-PCR detection combined with TB-IGRA and 173 patients as the control group undergoing electronic bronchoscopy alveolar lavage fluid detection, with detection results statistically evaluated. The positive rate in the research group was 96.51%, i.e. significantly higher than that in the control group (66.47%), yielding a statistically significant difference (χ2=109.68, p=0.00). The true positive rate was 97.7% in the research group and 67.92% in the control group; the true positive rate was significantly higher in the research group patients as compared with the control group, yielding a statistically significant difference (χ2=112.04, p=0.00). The sensitivity and specificity, as well as Youden index were significantly higher in the research group as compared with the control group. In conclusion, TB DNA detection by RT-PCR combined with TB-IGRA is a very good method of diagnosing tuberculosis, and it can be implemented in clinical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati otkrivanje DNK tuberkuloze u plućnom alveolarnom ispirku pomoću lančane reakcije polimeraze u stvarnom vremenu s fluorescentnim bojama (RT-PCR) u kombinaciji s kliničkom primjenom dijagnostike plućne tuberkuloze s negativnim nalazom sputuma pomoću testa otpuštanja TB interferona-γ (TB-IGRA). Od listopada 2014. do listopada 2015. godine nasumce su odabrane 632 osobe bolnički i izvanbolnički liječene u našoj bolnici, od kojih je 459 uključeno u ispitnu skupinu podvrgnutu otkrivanju pomoću RT-PCR u kombinaciji s testom TB-IGRA, a 173 u kontrolnu skupinu podvrgnutu elektroničkom otkrivanju u bronhoskopskom alveolarnom ispirku; rezultati su statistički obrađeni. Stopa pozitivnih nalaza bila je 96,51% u ispitnoj skupini, odnosno značajno viša od one u kontrolnoj skupini (66,47%), uz statistički značajnu razliku (χ2=109,68; p=0,00). Stopa stvarno pozitivnih nalaza bila je 97,7% u ispitnoj skupini i 67,92% u kontrolnoj skupini, dakle značajno viša kod bolesnika ispitne skupine u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, uz statistički značajnu razliku (χ2=112,04; p=0,00). Osjetljivost i specifičnost, kao i Youdenov indeks bili su značajno viši u ispitnoj skupini u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. U zaključku, otkrivanje TB DNK pomoću RT-PCR u kombinaciji s TB-IGRA vrlo je dobra metoda za dijagnosticiranje tuberkuloze, koja se može primjenjivati u kliničkoj dijagnostici plućne tuberkuloze