2,178 research outputs found

    Generation of spatially-separated spin entanglement in a triple quantum dot system

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    We propose a novel method for the creation of spatially-separated spin entanglement by means of adiabatic passage of an external gate voltage in a triple quantum dot system.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of heavy modes on perturbations in multiple field inflation

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    We investigate linear cosmological perturbations in multiple field inflationary models where some of the directions are light while others are heavy (with respect to the Hubble parameter). By integrating out the massive degrees of freedom, we determine the multi-dimensional effective theory for the light degrees of freedom and give explicitly the propagation matrix that replaces the effective sound speed of the one-dimensional case. We then examine in detail the consequences of a sudden turn along the inflationary trajectory, in particular the possible breakdown of the low energy effective theory in case the heavy modes are excited. Resorting to a new basis in field space, instead of the usual adiabatic/entropic basis, we study the evolution of the perturbations during the turn. In particular, we compute the power spectrum and compare with the result obtained from the low energy effective theory.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; v2 substantial changes in sec.V; v3 matching the published version on JCA

    Hybrid exciton-polaritons in a bad microcavity containing the organic and inorganic quantum wells

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    We study the hybrid exciton-polaritons in a bad microcavity containing the organic and inorganic quantum wells. The corresponding polariton states are given. The analytical solution and the numerical result of the stationary spectrum for the cavity field are finishedComment: 3 pages, 1 figure. appear in Communications in Theoretical Physic

    Coulomb-enhanced dynamic localization and Bell state generation in coupled quantum dots

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    We investigate the dynamics of two interacting electrons in coupled quantum dots driven by an AC field. We find that the two electrons can be trapped in one of the dots by the AC field, in spite of the strong Coulomb repulsion. In particular, we find that the interaction may enhance the localization effect. We also demonstrate the field excitation procedure to generate the maximally entangled Bell states. The generation time is determined by both analytic and numerical solutions of the time dependent Schrodinger equation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Time Periodic Behavior of Multiband Superlattices in Static Electric Fields

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    We use an analytic perturbation expansion for the two-band system of tight binding electrons to discuss Bloch oscillations and Zener tunneling within this model. We make comparison with recent numerical results and predict analytically the frequency of radiation expected from Zener tunneling, including its disappearance, as a function of the system parameters.Comment: 12 pages, no figure include

    Phase transition in the transverse Ising model using the extended coupled-cluster method

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    The phase transition present in the linear-chain and square-lattice cases of the transverse Ising model is examined. The extended coupled cluster method (ECCM) can describe both sides of the phase transition with a unified approach. The correlation length and the excitation energy are determined. We demonstrate the ability of the ECCM to use both the weak- and the strong-coupling starting state in a unified approach for the study of critical behavior.Comment: 10 pages, 7 eps-figure

    Quantum size effects on the perpendicular upper critical field in ultra-thin lead films

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    We report the thickness-dependent (in terms of atomic layers) oscillation behavior of the perpendicular upper critical field Hc2⊥H_{c2\perp} in the ultra-thin lead films at the reduced temperature (t=T/Tct=T/T_c). Distinct oscillations of the normal-state resistivity as a function of film thickness have also been observed. Compared with the TcT_c oscillation, the Hc2⊥H_{c2\perp} shows a considerable large oscillation amplitude and a π\pi phase shift. The oscillatory mean free path caused by quantum size effect plays a role in Hc2⊥H_{c2\perp} oscillation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Emerging and reemerging helminthiases and the public health of China.

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    Despite great strides in their control throughout the People's Republic of China, helminth infections remain an important public health problem. The Institute of Parasitic Diseases of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, under the guidance of the Chinese Ministry of Health, completed a nationwide survey of more than 1 million people that showed the high prevalence and intensity of intestinal nematode infections; prevalence can sometimes exceed 50% in the Yangtze River valley provinces. Schistosoma japonicum is also a major cause of illness in this region. Attempts to control Chinese helminthic diseases with conventional anthelminthic drugs have been partially thwarted by high posttreatment rates of reinfection. Recently, several new human trematode pathogens have been identified. Novel approaches to chemoprophylaxis and vaccination may alleviate the public health problem caused by Chinese helminths. However, recombinant helminth vaccine development will depend on first cataloguing the extensive genetic diversity of Chinese helminths and candidate vaccine antigens. Evidence from biogeography, genetics, and systematics suggests that the genetic diversification of Chinese helminths and their vectors is an ongoing evolutionary process that began 12 million years ago near the convergence of major Asian river systems. Construction of the Three Gorges Super Dam on the Yangtze River may promote the emergence and reemergence of new helminths and their snail vector
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