9 research outputs found

    “Caracterización de los sistemas de producción de ovinos de pelo en el suroeste del departamento de Matagalpa 2010”

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    Con el objetivo de caracterizar los sistemas de producción de ovinos de pelo en el territorio suroeste del departamento de Matagalpa 2010. (Sébaco, Ciudad Darío, San Isidro y Matagalpa). Se aplicó una encuesta a 103 productores que poseen ovinos de pelo, la muestra se definió aleatoriamente utilizando la ecuación planteada por Scheaffer (1987), se utilizó la técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve, planteada por Frey et al (2000). Esta investigación permitió conocer las debilidades y oportunidades en los sistemas de explotación de esta especie promisoria para la zona seca del país. Con los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas se procedió ha elaborar una base de datos en el programa SPSS versión 11.5 en español. Encontrando un predominio del sexo femenino como titulares de las explotaciones ovinas, 58.3% cursó educación primaria, el 98% de las explotaciones cuentan con raza pelibuey, el 100% de las explotaciones realizan destete y monta de forma natural, una media de mortalidad de corderos de 1, alimentan a las ovejas con potrero sin división (81.6%), se suministra pasto de corte, pastoreo, leguminosas y se suplementa sal común 49.5%, aplican vacunas contra ántrax y pierna negra (63.1%), desparasitaciones internas y externas (66%), ambos con una frecuencia de 2 veces al año, en el manejo productivo no se lleva control en la actividad ovina (100%), los equipo e instalaciones son rústicas, los corrales ovinos el son elaborados con alambre y/o madera, techado con plástico y/o zinc (49.51%), en cuanto a asistencia técnica el 58.3% ha recibid

    Begg's funnel plot and Egger's linear regression test of the association between <i>GSTs</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk.

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    <p>Begg's funnel plot is used to detect potential publication bias in which a symmetric funnel shape means no publication bias. Egger's linear regression test is used to quantify the potential presence of publication bias; (a) (b) <i>GSTM1</i>: No publication bias has been found from 68 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTM1</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk by Begg's??? test and Egger's test, respectively; (c)(d) <i>GSTT1</i>: No publication bias has been found from 17 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTT1</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk by Begg's test and Egger's test, respectively; (e)(f) <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> dual-null genotype: No publication bias has been found from 8 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> dual-null genotype and lung cancer risk by Begg's test and Egger's test, respectively.</p

    The contextual details of subgroup analysis included in this meta-analysis.

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    <p>HWE: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium; WBC: White blood cells; BALF: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; NA: not available.</p><p>*: The HWE test results of <i>CYP1A1</i> Msp1 that could be calculated were shown in the table, and the items with * meant the result that had been reported in the articles.</p><p>: Due to different setting of smoking status in papers, people who had smoked were calculated as smokers.</p><p>OR<sup>a</sup>: Adjusted OR. ED: Epidemiological Design; NED: Non-epidemiology Design; WBC: blood, White blood cell lymphocytes, and serum. <sup>ζ</sup>: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS).</p><p>: The OR 95% CI was captured from logistic analysis; I: Heavy-smoker; a: healthy control; b: hospital control.</p><p>: The <i>GSTM1</i> data of this study was omitted because of a bigger sample in the other study published in the same year.</p

    Cumulative meta-analysis of the association between <i>GSTT1</i>/<i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> genetic polymorphisms and lung cancer susceptibility.

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    <p>(a) publication time cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (b) sample size cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (c) publication time cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (d) sample size cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk.</p

    Subgroup analysis of the association between <i>GSTT1</i> null genotype and lung cancer risk.

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    <p>¤: geographical locations of China were divided into 7 parts: Northeast of China (Jilin province, Liaoning province, Heilongjiang province), North China (Beijing city, Tianjin city, Heber province, Shanxi Province (Taiyuan), Inner Mongolia), East China (Shanghai city, Anhui province, Jiangxi province, Jiangsu province, Zhejiang province, Fujian province, Shandong province,Taiwan), Central China (Henan province, Hubei province, Hunan province), South China (Guangdong province, Hainan province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hongkong), Southwest of China (Chongqing City, Guizhou province, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Tibet), Northwest of China (Shanxi province (Xi'an), Gansu province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region).</p><p>M: model of meta-analysis; R: random-effects model; F: fixed-effects model.<i>P<sub>H</sub>: p</i> value of heterogeneity test. <i>P<sub>E</sub></i>:<i>p v</i>alue of</p><p>Egger's test. <i>P<sub>OR</sub></i>: <i>P</i><0.001 replace the <i>P</i> = 0.000 and the <i>P</i> less than 0.001. @: <i>p</i> values could not be calculated.</p><p>NA: not available.</p

    Characteristics of the studies related to the effects of GSTs genetic polymorphisms and lung cancer risk.

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    <p>Pathologic diagnosis<sup>¶</sup>: ALL means that all lung cancer cases were confirmed by pathologic diagnosis; PARTIAL means that partial cases were confirmed by pathologic diagnosis; NA means that relative data were not available in original studies.</p><p>SC: Squamous Carcinoma; AC: Adenocarcinoma; SCLC: Small Cell Lung Carcinoma; NSCLC: Non-small-cell Lung Carcinoma. *: Articles published in English.</p><p>: These data were omitted because of a larger sample from the same studied population by the same research group.</p><p>a/b: A study with two distinct controls encompassed population-based and hospital-based could been analyzed, respectively.</p