32 research outputs found

    An experimental study on the post-cracking behaviour of Hybrid Industrial/Recycled Steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete

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    This paper investigates the mechanical behaviour of FRC made with both Industrial and Recycled Steel Fibres recovered from waste tyres. Specimens of various mixtures, characterised by the same volume fraction of fibres, but different proportions of industrial and recycled reinforcement were tested both in compression and bending. The results highlighted a fairly negligible influence of fibres in terms of compressive strength, whereas a significant decay in the post-cracking behaviour was observed in specimens with higher fractions of recycled fibres. However, a significant enhancement in the bending response was observed with respect to the case of plain concrete, even for specimens reinforced by recycled fibres only

    Studio sperimentale sulle propriet脿 meccaniche di calcestruzzi rinforzati con fibre metalliche riciclate

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    In the last decade, sustainability has become one of the key drivers in any human activity and industrial process. Being characterised by a significant demand of raw materials and energy, the construction sector is fully concerned by the challenge of reducing the environmental impact for preserving the limited natural resources employed for producing construction materials. As part of this widespread effort, the present paper deals with the possible use of Recycled Steel Fibers (RSFs) in the production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC). Particularly, it investigates the mechanical behaviour of FRCs made with both industrial and recycled steel fibers, the latter being obtained from waste pneumatic tyres. Particularly, it is aimed at quantifying the expected decay in terms of post-cracking toughness induced by the substitution of increasing amounts of the former with an equal quantity of the latter. Therefore, an experimental campaign was carried out at the Laboratory of Materials testing and Structures (LMS) of the University of Salerno (Italy): specimens of four different mixtures, characterised by the same nominal amount of fibers and different relative proportions of the two kinds of fibers under consideration, were tested both in compression and four-point bending. As expected, no significant influence of fibers emerged in terms of compressive strength, whereas a significant decay of the post-cracking behaviour was observed for higher replacement ratio of RSFs. Particularly, a significant enhancement of the response in bending was generally observed with respect to reference plain concrete specimens, even in the case of all RSF replacement. Further investigations, both experimental and theoretical in nature, are encouraged by the results reported in this paper which is intended as a first contribution to pave the way towards understanding, controlling and predicting the behaviour of concrete with recycled fibers

    Hormig贸n con agregados reciclados para ser utilizado como hormig贸n estructural

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    Este trabajo es acerca de Hormig贸n con Agregados Reciclados (RAC) en el cual una parte o la totalidad de los agregados gruesos naturales son reemplazados por agregados reciclados obtenidos a partir de hormig贸n endurecido triturado. La utilizaci贸n de este material favorece la preservaci贸n de canteras naturales reduciendo el consumo de energ铆a asociado al proceso de explotaci贸n pero adem谩s, permite reutilizar hormig贸n de desecho. Los agregados de hormig贸n reciclado poseen una mayor porosidad que los naturales la cual produce una degradaci贸n en las propiedades el谩sticas y resistentes del hormig贸n en comparaci贸n con aquellas de hormig贸n est谩ndar. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una amplia campa帽a experimental desarrollada en las universidades de Salerno, Italia y de Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objeto de identificar las propiedades fundamentales del material y los par谩metros a tener en cuenta en la modelaci贸n constitutiva del mismo. Luego, se muestran las conclusiones a las que se arrib贸 en base al an谩lisis de los resultados experimentales y algunas recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para poder utilizar este material como hormig贸n estructural