558 research outputs found

    Calculus of Tangent Sets and Derivatives of Set Valued Maps under Metric Subregularity Conditions

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    In this paper we intend to give some calculus rules for tangent sets in the sense of Bouligand and Ursescu, as well as for corresponding derivatives of set-valued maps. Both first and second order objects are envisaged and the assumptions we impose in order to get the calculus are in terms of metric subregularity of the assembly of the initial data. This approach is different from those used in alternative recent papers in literature and allows us to avoid compactness conditions. A special attention is paid for the case of perturbation set-valued maps which appear naturally in optimization problems.Comment: 17 page

    Quasifree kaon-photoproduction from nuclei in a relativistic approach

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    We compute the recoil polarization of the lambda-hyperon and the photon asymmetry for the quasifree photoproduction of kaons in a relativistic impulse-approximation approach. Our motivation for studying polarization observables is threefold. First, polarization observables are more effective discriminators of subtle dynamics than the unpolarized cross section. Second, earlier nonrelativistic calculations suggest an almost complete insensitivity of polarization observables to distortions effects. Finally, this insensitivity entails an enormous simplification in the theoretical treatment. Indeed, by introducing the notion of a ``bound-nucleon propagator'' we exploit Feynman's trace techniques to develop closed-form, analytic expressions for all photoproduction observables. Moreover, our results indicate that polarization observables are also insensitive to relativistic effects and to the nuclear target. Yet, they are sensitive to the model parameters, making them ideal tools for the study of modifications to the elementary amplitude --- such as in the production, propagation, and decay of nucleon resonances --- in the nuclear medium.Comment: 15 pages and 6 figures - submitted to PR

    Resonant thermal transport in semiconductor barrier structures

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    I report that thermal single-barrier (TSB) and thermal double-barrier (TDB) structures (formed, for example, by inserting one or two regions of a few Ge monolayers in Si) provide both a suppression of the phonon transport as well as a resonant-thermal-transport effect. I show that high-frequency phonons can experience a traditional double-barrier resonant tunneling in the TDB structures while the formation of Fabry-Perot resonances (at lower frequencies) causes quantum oscillations in the temperature variation of both the TSB and TDB thermal conductances σTSB\sigma_{\text{TSB}} and σTDB\sigma_{\text{TDB}}.Comment: 4 pages. 4 figure.

    Nuclear receptor coactivator/coregulator NCoA6(NRC) is a pleiotropic coregulator involved in transcription, cell survival, growth and development

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    NCoA6 (also referred to as NRC, ASC-2, TRBP, PRIP and RAP250) was originally isolated as a ligand-dependent nuclear receptor interacting protein. However, NCoA6 is a multifunctional coregulator or coactivator necessary for transcriptional activation of a wide spectrum of target genes. The NCoA6 gene is amplified and overexpressed in breast, colon and lung cancers. NCoA6 is a 250 kDa protein which harbors a potent N-terminal activation domain, AD1; and a second, centrally-located activation domain, AD2, which is necessary for nuclear receptor signaling. The intrinsic activation potential of NCoA6 is regulated by its C-terminal STL regulatory domain. Near AD2 is an LxxLL-1 motif which interacts with a wide spectrum of ligand-bound NRs with high-affinity. A second LxxLL motif (LxxLL-2) located towards the C-terminal region is more restricted in its NR specificity. The potential role of NCoA6 as a co-integrator is suggested by its ability to enhance transcriptional activation of a wide variety of transcription factors and from its in vivo association with a number of known cofactors including CBP/p300. NCoA6 has been shown to associate with at least three distinct coactivator complexes containing Set methyltransferases as core polypeptides. The composition of these complexes suggests that NCoA6 may play a fundamental role in transcriptional activation by modulating chromatin structure through histone methylation. Knockout studies in mice suggest that NCoA6 is an essential coactivator. NCoA6-/- embryos die between 8.5-12.5 dpc from general growth retardation coupled with developmental defects in the heart, liver, brain and placenta. NCoA6-/- MEFs grow at a reduced rate compared to WT MEFs and spontaneously undergo apoptosis, indicating the importance of NCoA6 as a prosurvival and anti-apoptotic gene. Studies with NCoA6+/- and conditional knockout mice suggest that NCoA6 is a pleiotropic coregulator involved in growth, development, wound healing and maintenance of energy homeostasis

    Crystallization of the ordered vortex phase in high temperature superconductors

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    The Landau-Khalatnikov time-dependent equation is applied to describe the crystallization process of the ordered vortex lattice in high temperature superconductors after a sudden application of a magnetic field. Dynamic coexistence of a stable ordered phase and an unstable disordered phase, with a sharp interface between them, is demonstrated. The transformation to the equilibrium ordered state proceeds by movement of this interface from the sample center toward its edge. The theoretical analysis dictates specific conditions for the creation of a propagating interface, and provides the time scale for this process.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications section

    Anisotropic behaviour of human gallbladder walls

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    Inverse estimation of biomechanical parameters of soft tissues from non-invasive measurements has clinical significance in patient-specific modelling and disease diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a fully nonlinear approach to estimate the mechanical properties of the human gallbladder wall muscles from in vivo ultrasound images. The iteration method consists of a forward approach, in which the constitutive equation is based on a modified Hozapfel–Gasser–Ogden law initially developed for arteries. Five constitutive parameters describing the two orthogonal families of fibres and the matrix material are determined by comparing the computed displacements with medical images. The optimisation process is carried out using the MATLAB toolbox, a Python code, and the ABAQUS solver. The proposed method is validated with published artery data and subsequently applied to ten human gallbladder samples. Results show that the human gallbladder wall is anisotropic during the passive refilling phase, and that the peak stress is 1.6 times greater than that calculated using linear mechanics. This discrepancy arises because the wall thickness reduces by 1.6 times during the deformation, which is not predicted by conventional linear elasticity. If the change of wall thickness is accounted for, then the linear model can used to predict the gallbladder stress and its correlation with pain. This work provides further understanding of the nonlinear characteristics of human gallbladder

    Relationship between dynamical heterogeneities and stretched exponential relaxation

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    We identify the dynamical heterogeneities as an essential prerequisite for stretched exponential relaxation in dynamically frustrated systems. This heterogeneity takes the form of ordered domains of finite but diverging lifetime for particles in atomic or molecular systems, or spin states in magnetic materials. At the onset of the dynamical heterogeneity, the distribution of time intervals spent in such domains or traps becomes stretched exponential at long time. We rigorously show that once this is the case, the autocorrelation function of the renewal process formed by these time intervals is also stretched exponential at long time.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Optoelectronic Oscillators for Communication Systems

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    International audienceWe introduce and report recent developments on a novel five port optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillator consisting of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) optical-waveguide integrated with a laser diode. The RTD-based optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) has both optical and electrical input and output ports, with the fifth port allowing voltage control. The RTD-OEO locks to reference radio-frequency (RF) sources by either optical or electrical injection locking techniques allowing remote synchronization, eliminating the need of impedance matching between traditional RF oscillators. RTD-OEO functions include generation, amplification and distribution of RF carriers, clock recovery, carrier recovery, modulation and demodulation and frequency synthesis. Self-injection locking operation modes, where small portions of the output electrical/optical signals are fed back into the electrical/optical input ports, are also proposed. The self-phase locked loop configuration can give rise to low-noise high-stable oscillations, not limited by the RF source performance and with no need of external optoelectronic conversion

    Effects of oxygen adsorption on carbon nanotube field emitters

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    Effects of oxygen adsorption on the field emission of carbon nanotubes are studied through first-principles calculations. Calculated emission currents are significantly enhanced when oxygen is adsorbed at the tip and the underlying physics is explained in terms of the change in the electronic structure by oxidation and the local field increase at the adsorption site. The issue of the current degradation accompanied by the oxidative etching is also addressed. The field-emission-microscopy images on the phosphor screen are simulated, displaying various patterns characteristic of each adsorption configuration.open546

    Time-Dependent Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Two Solid-Solution-Strengthened Ni-Based Superalloys—INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230

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    The fatigue crack propagation (FCP) as well as the sustained loading crack growth (SLCG) behavior of two solid-solution-strengthened Ni-based superalloys, INCONEL 617 (Special Metals Corporation Family of Companies) and HAYNES 230 (Haynes International, Inc., Kokomo, IN), were studied at increased temperatures in laboratory air under a constant stress-intensity- factor (K) condition. The crack propagation tests were conducted using a baseline cyclic triangular waveform with a frequency of 1 3 Hz. Various hold times were imposed at the maximum load of a fatigue cycle to study the hold time effect. The results show that a linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) parameter, stress intensity factor (K), is sufficient to describe the FCP and SLCG behavior at the testing temperatures ranging from 873 K to 1073 K (600 C to 800 C). As observed in the precipitation-strengthened superalloys, both INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230 exhibited the time-dependent FCP, steady SLCG behavior, and existence of a damage zone ahead of crack tip. A thermodynamic equation was adapted to correlate the SLCG rates to determine thermal activation energy. The fracture modes associated with crack propagation behavior were discussed, and the mechanism of time-dependent FCP as well as SLCG was identified. Compared with INCONEL 617, the lower crack propagation rates of HAYNES 230 under the time-dependent condition were ascribed to the different fracture mode and the presence of numerous W-rich M6C-type and Cr-rich M23C6-type carbides. Toward the end, a phenomenological model was employed to correlate the FCP rates at cycle/time-dependent FCP domain. All the results suggest that an environmental factor, the stress assisted grain boundary oxygen embrittlement (SAGBOE) mechanism, is mainly responsible for the accelerated time dependent FCP rates of INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230