133,020 research outputs found

    On Real Solutions of the Equation Φ\u3csup\u3e\u3cem\u3et\u3c/em\u3e\u3c/sup\u3e (\u3cem\u3eA\u3c/em\u3e) = 1/\u3cem\u3en\u3c/em\u3e J\u3csub\u3e\u3cem\u3en\u3c/em\u3e\u3c/sub\u3e

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    For a class of n × n-matrices, we get related real solutions to the matrix equation Φt (A) = 1/n Jn by generalizing the approach of and applying the results of Zhang, Yang, and Cao [SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 21 (1999), pp. 642–645]. These solutions contain not only those obtained by Zhang, Yang, and Cao but also some which are neither diagonally nor permutation equivalent to those obtained by Zhang, Yang, and Cao. Therefore, the open problem proposed by Zhang, Yang, and Cao in the cited paper is solved

    Zero energy correction method for non-Hermitian Harmonic oscillator with simultaneous transformation of co-ordinate and momentum: Wave function analysis under Iso-spectral condition

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    We present a complete analysis on energy and wave function of Harmonic oscillator with simultaneous non-hermitian transformation of co-ordinate ((x→(x+iλp)(1+βλ)(x \rightarrow \frac{(x+ i\lambda p)}{\sqrt{(1+\beta \lambda)}} and momentum (p→(p+iβx)(1+βλ)(p \rightarrow \frac{(p+ i\beta x)}{\sqrt{(1+\beta \lambda)}} for getting energy eigenvalue using perturbation theory under iso-spectral condition. Further we notice that two different frequency of oscillation (w1,w2w_{1}, w_{2})correspond to same energy eigenvalue, which can also be verified using Lie algebraic approach [Zhang et.al J.Math.Phys 56 ,072103 (2015)]. Interestingly wave function analysis using similarity transformation [F.M. Fernandez, Int. J. Theo. Phys. (2015)(in Press)] refers to a very special case.Comment: This paper for replacement .(i) Minor change in title reflecting wave function analysis(ii) Abstract-chaed suitably to refect wave function (iii) Text original work with information on wave function ,comparison and slight modification in references.Kindly accep

    Book Review: Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations

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    This is a review of Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations: Families, Social Networks, and Cultural Imperatives, by Sheldon X. Zhang, Stanford University Press, California, 2008

    On the spectral characterization of pineapple graphs

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    The pineapple graph KpqK_p^q is obtained by appending qq pendant edges to a vertex of a complete graph KpK_{p} (q≥1, p≥3q\geq 1,\ p\geq 3). Zhang and Zhang ["Some graphs determined by their spectra", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 431 (2009) 1443-1454] claim that the pineapple graphs are determined by their adjacency spectrum. We show that their claim is false by constructing graphs which are cospectral and non-isomorphic with KpqK_p^q for every p≥4p\geq 4 and various values of qq. In addition we prove that the claim is true if q=2q=2, and refer to the literature for q=1q=1, p=3p=3, and (p,q)=(4,3)(p,q)=(4,3)
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