110 research outputs found

    A comparison of ship and satellite measurements of cloud properties with global climate model simulations in the southeast Pacific stratus deck

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    Here, liquid water path (LWP), cloud fraction, cloud top height, and cloud base height retrieved by a suite of A-train satellite instruments (the CPR aboard CloudSat, CALIOP aboard CALIPSO, and MODIS aboard Aqua) are compared to ship observations from research cruises made in 2001 and 2003–2007 into the stratus/stratocumulus deck over the southeast Pacific Ocean. It is found that CloudSat radar-only LWP is generally too high over this region and the CloudSat/CALIPSO cloud bases are too low. This results in a relationship (LWP~<i>h</i><sup>9</sup>) between CloudSat LWP and CALIPSO cloud thickness (<i>h</i>) that is very different from the adiabatic relationship (LWP~<i>h</i><sup>2</sup>) from in situ observations. Such biases can be reduced if LWPs suspected to be contaminated by precipitation are eliminated, as determined by the maximum radar reflectivity <i>Z</i><sub>max</sub>>−15 dBZ in the apparent lower half of the cloud, and if cloud bases are determined based upon the adiabatically-determined cloud thickness (<i>h</i>~LWP<sup>1/2</sup>). Furthermore, comparing results from a global model (CAM3.1) to ship observations reveals that, while the simulated LWP is quite reasonable, the model cloud is too thick and too low, allowing the model to have LWPs that are almost independent of <i>h</i>. This model can also obtain a reasonable diurnal cycle in LWP and cloud fraction at a location roughly in the centre of this region (20° S, 85° W) but has an opposite diurnal cycle to those observed aboard ship at a location closer to the coast (20° S, 75° W). The diurnal cycle at the latter location is slightly improved in the newest version of the model (CAM4). However, the simulated clouds remain too thick and too low, as cloud bases are usually at or near the surface

    The sequence of the Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus genome

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    The nucleotide sequence of the Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) DNA genome was determined and analysed. The circular genome encompasses 131 403 bp, has a G C content of 39.1 molnd contains five homologous regions with a unique pattern of repeats. Computer-assisted analysis revealed 135 putative ORFs of 150 nt or larger; 100 ORFs have homologues in Autographa californica multicapsid NPV (AcMNPV) and a further 15 ORFs have homologues in other baculoviruses such as Lymantria dispar MNPV (LdMNPV), Spodoptera exigua MNPV (SeMNPV) and Xestia c-nigrum granulovirus (XcGV). Twenty ORFs are unique to HaSNPV without homologues in GenBank. Among the six previously sequenced baculoviruses, AcMNPV, Bombyx mori NPV (BmNPV), Orgyia pseudotsugata MNPV (OpMNPV), SeMNPV, LdMNPV and XcGV, 65 ORFs are conserved and hence are considered as core baculovirus genes. The mean overall amino acid identity of HaSNPV ORFs was the highest with SeMNPV and LdMNPV homologues. Other than three 'baculovirus repeat ORFs' (bro) and two 'inhibitor of apoptosis' (iap) genes, no duplicated ORFs were found. A putative ORF showing similarity to poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolases (parg) was newly identified. The HaSNPV genome lacks a homologue of the major budded virus (BV) glycoprotein gene, gp64, of AcMNPV, BmNPV and OpMNPV. Instead, a homologue of SeMNPV ORF8, encoding the major BV envelope protein, has been identified. GeneParityPlot analysis suggests that HaSNPV, SeMNPV and LdMNPV (group II) have structural genomic features in common and are distinct from the group I NPVs and from the granuloviruses. Cluster alignment between group I and group II baculoviruses suggests that they have a common ancestor

    Improved representation of the diurnal variation of warm season precipitation by an atmospheric general circulation model at a 10 km horizontal resolution

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    This study investigates the diurnal variation of the warm season precipitation simulated by the Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 atmospheric general circulation model for 2??years (2005???2006) at a horizontal resolution of 10??km. The simulation was validated with the satellite-derived Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 precipitation data and the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications atmospheric reanalysis for atmospheric winds and moisture. The simulation is compared with the coarse-resolution run in 50??km to examine the impacts driven by resolution change. Overall, the 10??km model tends to reproduce the important features of the observed diurnal variation, such as the amplitude and phase at which precipitation peaks in the evening on land and in the morning over the ocean, despite an excessive amplitude bias over land. The model also reproduces the realistic propagation patterns of precipitation in the vicinity of ocean coasts and major mountains. The regional characteristics of the diurnal precipitation over two regions, the Bay of Bengal and the Great Plains in North America, are examined in detail, where the observed diurnal cycle exhibits a systematic transition in the peak phase due to the development and propagation of regional-scale convective systems. The model is able to reproduce this pattern as well as the diurnal variation of low-level wind and moisture convergence; however, it is less effective at representing the nocturnal peak of precipitation over the Great Plains. The model results suggest that increasing the horizontal resolution of the model to 10??km substantially improves the representation of the diurnal precipitation cycle. However, intrinsic model deficiencies in topographical precipitation and the accurate representation of mesoscale convective systems remain a challenge

    Setting a baseline for global urban virome surveillance in sewage

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    The rapid development of megacities, and their growing connectedness across the world is becoming a distinct driver for emerging disease outbreaks. Early detection of unusual disease emergence and spread should therefore include such cities as part of risk-based surveillance. A catch-all metagenomic sequencing approach of urban sewage could potentially provide an unbiased insight into the dynamics of viral pathogens circulating in a community irrespective of access to care, a potential which already has been proven for the surveillance of poliovirus. Here, we present a detailed characterization of sewage viromes from a snapshot of 81 high density urban areas across the globe, including in-depth assessment of potential biases, as a proof of concept for catch-all viral pathogen surveillance. We show the ability to detect a wide range of viruses and geographical and seasonal differences for specific viral groups. Our findings offer a cross-sectional baseline for further research in viral surveillance from urban sewage samples and place previous studies in a global perspective
