448 research outputs found

    Ants from the Montnegre-Corredor Natural Park (NE Spain) with description of the male Lasius cinereus Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

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    A survey was conducted on the myrmecofauna of this protected zone near Barcelona (NE Spain). A total of 50 species was found. Lasius lasioides (Emery) and Lasius cinereus Seifert are added to the fauna of Catalonia. The males of this latter species are described for the first time; their smaller size separates them from the otherwise similar males of L. grandis Forel. The head and scape are proportionately longer in L. cinereus. One sample of Lasius (Chthonolasius) was unusual since it contained two sharply distinct phenotypes differentiated by the pubescence, biometry and degree of flattening of appendages. One form is provisionally identified as L. umbratus (Nylander); the other form is tentatively associated with Lasius rabaudi Bondroit. The presence of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) at one of the borders of the park calls for monitoring of its eventual spread and we suggest a rehabilitation of the area presently occupied by this ant. Key words: Ants, Formicidae, Lasius cinereus, Lasius lasioides, Chthonolasius, Male.A survey was conducted on the myrmecofauna of this protected zone near Barcelona (NE Spain). A total of 50 species was found. Lasius lasioides (Emery) and Lasius cinereus Seifert are added to the fauna of Catalonia. The males of this latter species are described for the first time; their smaller size separates them from the otherwise similar males of L. grandis Forel. The head and scape are proportionately longer in L. cinereus. One sample of Lasius (Chthonolasius) was unusual since it contained two sharply distinct phenotypes differentiated by the pubescence, biometry and degree of flattening of appendages. One form is provisionally identified as L. umbratus (Nylander); the other form is tentatively associated with Lasius rabaudi Bondroit. The presence of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) at one of the borders of the park calls for monitoring of its eventual spread and we suggest a rehabilitation of the area presently occupied by this ant. Key words: Ants, Formicidae, Lasius cinereus, Lasius lasioides, Chthonolasius, Male.A survey was conducted on the myrmecofauna of this protected zone near Barcelona (NE Spain). A total of 50 species was found. Lasius lasioides (Emery) and Lasius cinereus Seifert are added to the fauna of Catalonia. The males of this latter species are described for the first time; their smaller size separates them from the otherwise similar males of L. grandis Forel. The head and scape are proportionately longer in L. cinereus. One sample of Lasius (Chthonolasius) was unusual since it contained two sharply distinct phenotypes differentiated by the pubescence, biometry and degree of flattening of appendages. One form is provisionally identified as L. umbratus (Nylander); the other form is tentatively associated with Lasius rabaudi Bondroit. The presence of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) at one of the borders of the park calls for monitoring of its eventual spread and we suggest a rehabilitation of the area presently occupied by this ant. Key words: Ants, Formicidae, Lasius cinereus, Lasius lasioides, Chthonolasius, Male

    Anàlisi de la mortalitat de vertebrats a les carreteres de Menorca

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    Al llarg de 2003 es va dur a terme un estudi per quantificar la mortalitat de fauna a la xarxa viària de l’illa de Menorca. L’estudi es va basar en els resultats de 4 campanyes de mostreig (hivern, primavera, estiu i tardor). Es van mostrejar 20 trams que incloïen tota la tipologia de vies rodades de l’illa, excloent-ne els camins i les pistes sense asfalt. Els trams de mostreig cobreixen 102,7 km (el 40% de les vies de l’illa) i la llargada mitjana de cadascun és de 5,1 km. En cada campanya de mostreig es recorria 3 vegades cada tram, de manera que es varen comptar amb 3 rèpliques per tram i per campanya. Entre rèplica i rèplica es varen deixar transcórrer entre 5 i 8 dies, seguint les metodologies estandarditzades per a aquest tipus d’estudis, i en funció de les condicions meteorològiques. Al llarg de les 4 campanyes realitzades es varen enretirat, en total, 1.895 individus atropellats. Del treball de camp i les estimacions realitzades es pot deduir que a les carreteres de Menorca moren anualment de l’ordre de 14.583 vertebrats víctimes d’atropellaments, la majoria dels quals són espècies d’ocells Passeriformes (més de 6.500) i eriçons -Atelerix algirus- (2.160).Throughout 2003, a study was conducted to quantify the mortality of wildlife on the roads of the island of Menorca. The study was based on the results of 4 sampling campaigns (winter, spring, summer and fall). 20 different sectors were sampled,covering the 5 main types of the road network on the island, excluding rural and unpaved road. All sampling sectors cover 102.7 km (40% of the roads on the island) with anaverage length 5.1 km each. Each sampling campaign supposed a 3 times tracking of each sector, so t so that we had 3 replicates per campaign and per sector. Replications took place after 5 to 8 days following the standardized methods for such studies, and depending on weather conditions. After 4 campaigns, we registered a total amount of 1,895 individuals run over. From field work and estimates we can state that 14,583 vertebrates die annually in road accidents, most of which species of birds Passeriformes (over 6,500) and hedgehogs -Atelerix algirus- (2,160)

    L’eriçó africà, Atelerix algirus (Lereboullet, 1842) (Erinaceidae), i els passos de bestiar canadencs del Cap de Cavalleria (Es Mercadal, Menorca)

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    During the period of 2007 to 2010, every two days we visited the three cattle grids on the road to the Cap of Cavalleria, where it was possible to observe the fauna that fell into the grids. The first cattle grid is the closest to es Mercadal, the second cattle grid is 300 meters from the first, and the third is a further 700 meters and is closest to the lighthouse of Cavalleria. Therefore, the distance between the first and the third is one kilometer. During this four year period we recovered 118 hedgehogs (106 alive and 12 dead), two turtles, a rabbit, a stone curlew and a snake that otherwise would have died of thirst or drowned when the grids filled with water following rain. The chance to periodically visit an area where hedgehogs are relatively abundant allowed for an accurate estimation of the density of the population in the area and to take notes of their behavior

    Anàlisi de la mortalitat de vertebrats a les carreteres de Menorca

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    Throughout 2003, a study was conducted to quantify the mortality of wildlife on the roads of the island of Menorca. The study was based on the results of 4 sampling campaigns (winter, spring, summer and fall). 20 different sectors were sampled,covering the 5 main types of the road network on the island, excluding rural and unpaved road. All sampling sectors cover 102.7 km (40% of the roads on the island) with anaverage length 5.1 km each. Each sampling campaign supposed a 3 times tracking of each sector, so t so that we had 3 replicates per campaign and per sector. Replications took place after 5 to 8 days following the standardized methods for such studies, and depending on weather conditions. After 4 campaigns, we registered a total amount of 1,895 individuals run over. From field work and estimates we can state that 14,583 vertebrates die annually in road accidents, most of which species of birds Passeriformes (over 6,500) and hedgehogs -Atelerix algirus- (2,160)

    L’eriçó africà, Atelerix algirus (Lereboullet, 1842) (Erinaceidae), i els passos de bestiar canadencs del Cap de Cavalleria (Es Mercadal, Menorca)

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    Durant el període 2007-2010, es va realitzar un recorregut cada dos dies, visitant els tres passos de bestiar de la carretera que va al Cap de Cavalleria per observar la possible caiguda de fauna. El pas de bestiar 1 és el més proper a es Mercadal, el segon pas està a una distància de 300 metres del primer, i a uns 700 metres del tercer (el més proper al far de Cavalleria), per tant la distància entre el primer i el tercer és d’un quilòmetre. Durant aquest 4 anys s'han recuperat 118 eriçons (106 eriçons vius i 12 morts), dues tortugues, un conill, una serp i un sebel·lí que haguessin mort de set o ofegats rere una inundació dels passos en casos de pluja. La possibilitat de fer un recorregut periòdic per una zona en la que els eriçons són relativament abundants, ofereix la possibilitat de realitzar una estima fidel sobre la seva densitat de població a la zona. Així mateix també es donen apunts sobre el seu comportament.During the period of 2007 to 2010, every two days we visited the three cattle grids on the road to the Cap of Cavalleria, where it was possible to observe the fauna that fell into the grids. The first cattle grid is the closest to es Mercadal, the second cattle grid is 300 meters from the first, and the third is a further 700 meters and is closest to the lighthouse of Cavalleria. Therefore, the distance between the first and the third is one kilometer. During this four year period we recovered 118 hedgehogs (106 alive and 12 dead), two turtles, a rabbit, a stone curlew and a snake that otherwise would have died of thirst or drowned when the grids filled with water following rain. The chance to periodically visit an area where hedgehogs are relatively abundant allowed for an accurate estimation of the density of the population in the area and to take notes of their behavior

    Description of the dunar system of cala Escorxada (south of Minorca, Balearic Islands)

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    En aquest treball es realitza una descripció del sistema dunar de associat al fons de la cala Escorxada i situat al S de l’illa de Menorca (Illes Balears). El treball descriu un sistema platja-duna que es troba vinculat a la sortida d’aigua del barranc. Es tracta d’un sistema format per la unitat de platja i un camp de dunes remuntats davanteres que es desenvolupen al llarg del fons de cala i presenten dos lòbuls de formes dunars que grimpen una de les vessants de la cala. Aquest sistema ha estat fixat per la sembra de vegetació de port arbori. A més de la descripció física també s’incorpora un inventari florístic i una breu discussió sobre les característiques de la vegetació.In this work, a description of the dune system associated with the bottom of the Cala Escorxada and located on the South of Menorca Island Menorca (Balearic Islands). This paper describes a beach-dune system which is linked to the water outlet of the gully. It is a system formed by the unit a field of dunes and beach front pumped that develop along the creek bottom and have two lobes forms a dune it climbs the slopes of the creek. This system has been set for the port tree planting vegetation. Besides the physical description is also incorporated a floristic checklist and a brief discussion on the characteristics of the vegetation

    Description of the beach-dunar sstem of Trebalúger and Sant Llorenç (south of Minorca, Balearic Islands)

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    En aquest treball es realitza una descripció del sistema dunar de Sant Llorenç, associat al fons de la cala de Trebaluger, situat al S de l’illa de Menorca (Illes Balears). El treball descriu un sistema platja-duna que es troba trencat per la sortida d’aigua del barranc de Trebalúger. Es tracta d’un sistema format per la unitat de platja i un camp de dunes remuntats, més enllà del torrent, associades al modelat càrstic d’aquesta regió. Aquest sistema ha estat fixat per la sembra de vegetació de port arbori. A més de la descripció física també s’incorpora un inventari florístic i una breu discussió sobre les característiques de la vegetació.The dunar system of Sant Llorenç, placed in the S of the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands), is carried out. The work describes a beach-dune system fractionated for the outlet of the Trebaluger Torrent. It is a system formed by the beach and foredune and a field of dunes surmounted beyond the torrent, associated with the karstic modelling of this region. This system has been fixed by the sowing of arborescent vegetation. Besides the physical description an inventory also incorporates florístic and a brief discussion about the characteristics of the vegetation