4,709 research outputs found

    Heavy-to-light transition form factors and their relations in light-cone QCD sum rules

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    The improved light-cone QCD sum rules by using chiral current correlator is systematically reviewed and applied to the calculation of all the heavy-to-light form factors, including all the semileptonic and penguin ones. By choosing suitable chiral currents, the light-cone sum rules for all the form factors are greatly simplified and depend mainly on one leading twist distribution amplitude of the light meson. As a result, relations between these form factors arise naturally. At the considered accuracy these relations reproduce the results obtained in the literature. Moreover, since the explicit dependence on the leading twist distribution amplitudes is preserved, these relations may be more useful to simulate the experimental data and extract the information on the distribution amplitude.Comment: 1+16 pages, no figure

    Global polarization of QGP in non-central heavy ion collisions at high energies

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    Due to the presence of a large orbital angular momentum of the parton system produced at the early stage of non-central heavy-ion collisions, quarks and anti-quarks are shown to be polarized in the direction opposite to the reaction plane which is determined by the impact-parameter and the beam momentum. The global quark polarization via elastic scattering was first calculated in an effective static potential model, then using QCD at finite temperature with the hard-thermal-loop re-summed gluon propagator. The measurable consequences are discussed. Global hyperon polarization from the hadronization of polarized quarks are predicted independent of the hadronization scenarios. It has also been shown that the global polarization of quarks and anti-quarks leads also to spin alignment of vector mesons. Dedicated measurements at RHIC are underway and some of the preliminary results are obtained. In this presentation, the basic idea and main results of global quark polarization are presented. The direct consequences such as global hyperon polarization and spin alignment are summarized.Comment: plenary talk at the 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (QM2006), Shanghai, China, November 14-20, 200

    Magnetically asymmetric interfaces in a (LaMnO3_3)/(SrMnO3_3) superlattice due to structural asymmetries

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    Polarized neutron reflectivity measurements of a ferromagnetic [(LaMnO3_3)11.8_{11.8}/(SrMnO3_3)4.4_{4.4}]6_6 superlattice reveal a modulated magnetic structure with an enhanced magnetization at the interfaces where LaMnO3_3 was deposited on SrMnO3_3 (LMO/SMO). However, the opposite interfaces (SMO/LMO) are found to have a reduced ferromagnetic moment. The magnetic asymmetry arises from the difference in lateral structural roughness of the two interfaces observed via electron microscopy, with strong ferromagnetism present at the interfaces that are atomically smooth over tens of nanometers. This result demonstrates that atomic-scale roughness can destabilize interfacial phases in complex oxide heterostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Disorder Effect on the Vortex Pinning by the Cooling Process Control in the Organic Superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br

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    We investigate the influence of disorders in terminal ethylene groups of BEDT-TTF molecules (ethylene-disorders) on the vortex pinning of the organic superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br. Magnetization measurements are performed under different cooling-processes. The second peak in the magnetization hysteresis curve is observed for all samples studied, and the hysteresis width of the magnetization becomes narrower by cooling faster. In contradiction to the simple pinning effect of disorder, this result shows the suppression of the vortex pinning force by introducing more ethylene-disorders. The ethylene-disorder domain model is proposed for explaining the observed result. In the case of the system containing a moderate number of the ethylene-disorders, the disordered molecules form a domain structure and it works as an effective pinning site. On the contrary, an excess number of the ethylene-disorders may weaken the effect of the domain structure, which results in the less effective pinning force on the vortices.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of intensive melt shearing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-Mg alloy with high added impurity content

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    The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2011We have investigated the influence of melt conditioning by intensive shearing on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Cu-Si alloy sheet produced from a small book mold ingot with high added impurity content. The melt conditioned ingot has fine grains throughout its cross section, whereas a conventionally cast ingot, without melt shearing, has coarser grains and shows a wider variation of grain size. Both needle-shaped and coarse Chinese script iron bearing intermetallic particles are found in the microstructure at the center of the conventionally processed ingot, but for the melt conditioned ingot, only fine Chinese script intermetallic particles are observed. In addition to the iron bearing intermetallics, Mg2Si particles are also observed. The ingots were rolled to thin sheet and solution heat treated (SHT). During rolling, the iron-based intermetallics and Mg2Si particles are broken and aligned along the rolling direction. Yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elongation of the intensively melt sheared and processed sheet are all improved compared to the conventionally cast and processed sheet. Fractographic analysis of the tensile fracture surfaces shows that the clustered and coarse iron bearing intermetallic particles are responsible for the observed reduction in mechanical properties of the conventionally cast sheet. We have shown that by refining the initial microstructure of the ingot by intensive shear melt conditioning, it is possible to achieve improved mechanical properties at the final sheet gage of an AlMgMn alloy with a high content of impurities.This study is under the Technology Strategy Board funded REALCAR projec

    The N-terminal intrinsically disordered domain of mgm101p is localized to the mitochondrial nucleoid.

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    The mitochondrial genome maintenance gene, MGM101, is essential for yeasts that depend on mitochondrial DNA replication. Previously, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been found that the carboxy-terminal two-thirds of Mgm101p has a functional core. Furthermore, there is a high level of amino acid sequence conservation in this region from widely diverse species. By contrast, the amino-terminal region, that is also essential for function, does not have recognizable conservation. Using a bioinformatic approach we find that the functional core from yeast and a corresponding region of Mgm101p from the coral Acropora millepora have an ordered structure, while the N-terminal domains of sequences from yeast and coral are predicted to be disordered. To examine whether ordered and disordered domains of Mgm101p have specific or general functions we made chimeric proteins from yeast and coral by swapping the two regions. We find, by an in vivo assay in S.cerevisiae, that the ordered domain of A.millepora can functionally replace the yeast core region but the disordered domain of the coral protein cannot substitute for its yeast counterpart. Mgm101p is found in the mitochondrial nucleoid along with enzymes and proteins involved in mtDNA replication. By attaching green fluorescent protein to the N-terminal disordered domain of yeast Mgm101p we find that GFP is still directed to the mitochondrial nucleoid where full-length Mgm101p-GFP is targeted