1,876 research outputs found

    Surface-induced near-field scaling in the Knudsen layer of a rarefied gas

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    We report on experiments performed within the Knudsen boundary layer of a low-pressure gas. The non-invasive probe we use is a suspended nano-electro-mechanical string (NEMS), which interacts with 4^4He gas at cryogenic temperatures. When the pressure PP is decreased, a reduction of the damping force below molecular friction P\propto P had been first reported in Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol 113, 136101 (2014) and never reproduced since. We demonstrate that this effect is independent of geometry, but dependent on temperature. Within the framework of kinetic theory, this reduction is interpreted as a rarefaction phenomenon, carried through the boundary layer by a deviation from the usual Maxwell-Boltzmann equilibrium distribution induced by surface scattering. Adsorbed atoms are shown to play a key role in the process, which explains why room temperature data fail to reproduce it.Comment: Article plus supplementary materia

    Geometrical Nonlinearity of Circular Plates and Membranes: an Alternative Method

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    We apply the well-established theoretical method developed for geometrical nonlinearities of micro/nano-mechanical clamped beams to circular drums. The calculation is performed under the same hypotheses, the extra difficulty being to analytically describe the (coordinate-dependent) additional stress generated in the structure by the motion. Specifically, the model applies to non-axisymmetric mode shapes. An analytic expression is produced for the Duffing (hardening) nonlinear coefficient, which requires only the knowledge of the mode shape functions to be evaluated. This formulation is simple to handle, and does not rely on complex numerical methods. Moreover, no hypotheses are made on the drive scheme and the nature of the in-plane stress: it is not required to be of electrostatic origin. We confront our predictions with both typical experimental devices and relevant theoretical results from the literature. Generalization of the presented method to Duffing-type mode-coupling should be a straightforward extension of this work. We believe that the presented modeling will contribute to the development of nonlinear physics implemented in 2D micro/nano-mechanical structures

    Force dependent fragility in RNA hairpins

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    We apply Kramers theory to investigate the dissociation of multiple bonds under mechanical force and interpret experimental results for the unfolding/refolding force distributions of an RNA hairpin pulled at different loading rates using laser tweezers. We identify two different kinetic regimes depending on the range of forces explored during the unfolding and refolding process. The present approach extends the range of validity of the two-states approximation by providing a theoretical framework to reconstruct free-energy landscapes and identify force-induced structural changes in molecular transition states using single molecule pulling experiments. The method should be applicable to RNA hairpins with multiple kinetic barriers.Comment: Latex file, 4 pages+3 figure

    Mn local moments prevent superconductivity in iron-pnictides Ba(Fe 1-x Mn x)2As2

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    75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were performed on Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 (xMn = 2.5%, 5% and 12%) single crystals. The Fe layer magnetic susceptibility far from Mn atoms is probed by the75As NMR line shift and is found similar to that of BaFe2As2, implying that Mn does not induce charge doping. A satellite line associated with the Mn nearest neighbours (n.n.) of 75As displays a Curie-Weiss shift which demonstrates that Mn carries a local magnetic moment. This is confirmed by the main line broadening typical of a RKKY-like Mn-induced staggered spin polarization. The Mn moment is due to the localization of the additional Mn hole. These findings explain why Mn does not induce superconductivity in the pnictides contrary to other dopants such as Co, Ni, Ru or K.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Systematic Study of High p_T Hadron Spectra in pp, pA and AA Collisions from SPS to RHIC Energies

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    High-pTp_T particle spectra in p+pp+p (pˉ+p\bar p + p), p+Ap+A and A+BA+B collisions are calculated within a QCD parton model in which intrinsic transverse momentum, its broadening due to initial multiple parton scattering, and jet quenching due to parton energy loss inside a dense medium are included phenomenologically. The intrinsic kTk_T and its broadening in p+Ap+A and A+BA+B collisions due to initial multiple parton scattering are found to be very important at low energies (s<50\sqrt{s}<50 GeV). Comparisons with S+SS+S, S+AuS+Au and Pb+PbPb+Pb data with different centrality cuts show that the differential cross sections of large transverse momentum pion production (pT>1p_T>1 GeV/cc) in A+BA+B collisions scale very well with the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions (modulo effects of multiple initial scattering). This indicates that semi-hard parton scattering is the dominant particle production mechanism underlying the hadron spectra at moderate pT>1p_T \stackrel{>}{\sim} 1 GeV/cc. However, there is no evidence of jet quenching or parton energy loss. Within the parton model, one can exclude an effective parton energy loss dEq/dx>0.01dE_q/dx>0.01 GeV/fm and a mean free path λq<7\lambda_q< 7 fm from the experimental data of A+BA+B collisions at the SPS energies. Predictions for high pTp_T particle spectra in p+Ap+A and A+AA+A collisions with and without jet quenching at the RHIC energy are also given. Uncertainties due to initial multiple scattering and nuclear shadowing of parton distributions are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages in RevTex with 14 figures, the final published version (with some typos corrected

    Motif Discovery in Physiological Datasets: A Methodology for Inferring Predictive Elements

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    In this article, we propose a methodology for identifying predictive physiological patterns in the absence of prior knowledge. We use the principle of conservation to identify activity that consistently precedes an outcome in patients, and describe a two-stage process that allows us to efficiently search for such patterns in large datasets. This involves first transforming continuous physiological signals from patients into symbolic sequences, and then searching for patterns in these reduced representations that are strongly associated with an outcome. Our strategy of identifying conserved activity that is unlikely to have occurred purely by chance in symbolic data is analogous to the discovery of regulatory motifs in genomic datasets. We build upon existing work in this area, generalizing the notion of a regulatory motif and enhancing current techniques to operate robustly on non-genomic data. We also address two significant considerations associated with motif discovery in general: computational efficiency and robustness in the presence of degeneracy and noise. To deal with these issues, we introduce the concept of active regions and new subset-based techniques such as a two-layer Gibbs sampling algorithm. These extensions allow for a framework for information inference, where precursors are identified as approximately conserved activity of arbitrary complexity preceding multiple occurrences of an event. We evaluated our solution on a population of patients who experienced sudden cardiac death and attempted to discover electrocardiographic activity that may be associated with the endpoint of death. To assess the predictive patterns discovered, we compared likelihood scores for motifs in the sudden death population against control populations of normal individuals and those with non-fatal supraventricular arrhythmias. Our results suggest that predictive motif discovery may be able to identify clinically relevant information even in the absence of significant prior knowledge.CIMIT: Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative TechnologyHarvard University--MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technolog

    On-chip thermometry for microwave optomechanics implemented in a demagnetization cryostat

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    We report on microwave optomechanics measurements performed on a nuclear adiabatic demagnetization cryostat, whose temperature is determined by accurate thermometry from below 500 μ~\muK to about 1 ~Kelvin. We describe a method for accessing the on-chip temperature, building on the blue-detuned parametric instability and a standard microwave setup. The capabilities and sensitivity of both the experimental arrangement and the developed technique are demonstrated with a very weakly coupled silicon-nitride doubly-clamped beam mode of about 4 ~MHz and a niobium on-chip cavity resonating around 6 ~GHz. We report on an unstable intrinsic driving force in the coupled microwave-mechanical system acting on the mechanics that appears below typically 100 ~mK. The origin of this phenomenon remains unknown, and deserves theoretical input. It prevents us from performing reliable experiments below typically 10-30 ~mK; however no evidence of thermal decoupling is observed, and we propose that the same features should be present in all devices sharing the microwave technology, at different levels of strengths. We further demonstrate empirically how most of the unstable feature can be annihilated, and speculate how the mechanism could be linked to atomic-scale two level systems. The described microwave/microkelvin facility is part of the EMP platform, and shall be used for further experiments within and below the millikelvin range.Comment: 14 pages with appendi

    Beyond linear coupling in microwave optomechanics

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    We explore the nonlinear dynamics of a cavity optomechanical system. Our realization consisting of a drumhead nano-electro-mechanical resonator (NEMS) coupled to a microwave cavity, allows for a nearly ideal platform to study the nonlinearities arising purely due to radiation-pressure physics. Experiments are performed under a strong microwave Stokes pumping which triggers mechanical self-sustained oscillations. We analyze the results in the framework of an extended nonlinear optome-chanical theory, and demonstrate that quadratic and cubic coupling terms in the opto-mechanical Hamiltonian have to be considered. Quantitative agreement with the measurements is obtained considering only genuine geometrical nonlinearities: no thermo-optical instabilities are observed, in contrast with laser-driven systems. Based on these results, we describe a method to quantify nonlin-ear properties of microwave optomechanical devices. Such a technique, available now in the quantum electro-mechanics toolbox, but completely generic, is mandatory for the development of new schemes where higher-order coupling terms are proposed as a new resource, like Quantum Non-Demolition measurements, or in the search for new fundamental quantum signatures, like Quantum Gravity. We also find that the motion imprints a wide comb of extremely narrow peaks in the microwave output field, which could also be exploited in specific microwave-based measurements, potentially limited only by the quantum noise of the optical and the mechanical fields for a ground-state cooled NEMS device