945 research outputs found

    Teste de avaliação do metabolismo espermático em ovinos.

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    Apresenta técnicas adotadas para avaliação da qualidade do sêmen, uma que seja de alta precisão, de simples adoção e que não requeira treinamento especializado, favorecendo as atividades de veterinários e de criadores de ovinos.bitstream/CNPC/20247/1/cot71.pd

    Image Subtraction Reduction of Open Clusters M35 & NGC 2158 In The K2 Campaign-0 Super-Stamp

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    Observations were made of the open clusters M35 and NGC 2158 during the initial K2 campaign (C0). Reducing these data to high-precision photometric time-series is challenging due to the wide point spread function (PSF) and the blending of stellar light in such dense regions. We developed an image-subtraction-based K2 reduction pipeline that is applicable to both crowded and sparse stellar fields. We applied our pipeline to the data-rich C0 K2 super-stamp, containing the two open clusters, as well as to the neighboring postage stamps. In this paper, we present our image subtraction reduction pipeline and demonstrate that this technique achieves ultra-high photometric precision for sources in the C0 super-stamp. We extract the raw light curves of 3960 stars taken from the UCAC4 and EPIC catalogs and de-trend them for systematic effects. We compare our photometric results with the prior reductions published in the literature. For detrended, TFA-corrected sources in the 12--12.25 Kp\rm K_{p} magnitude range, we achieve a best 6.5 hour window running rms of 35 ppm falling to 100 ppm for fainter stars in the 14--14.25 Kp \rm K_{p} magnitude range. For stars with Kp>14\rm K_{p}> 14, our detrended and 6.5 hour binned light curves achieve the highest photometric precision. Moreover, all our TFA-corrected sources have higher precision on all time scales investigated. This work represents the first published image subtraction analysis of a K2 super-stamp. This method will be particularly useful for analyzing the Galactic bulge observations carried out during K2 campaign 9. The raw light curves and the final results of our detrending processes are publicly available at \url{http://k2.hatsurveys.org/archive/}.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Light curves available from http://k2.hatsurveys.org/archive

    Sazonalidade das proteínas seminais de caprinos da raça Anglo-nubiana no Nordeste do Brasil.

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    Resumo: As proteínas seminais já são estudadas em várias espécies, entre elas a bovina, eqüina, e suína, mostrando influência sobre a qualidade e congelabilidade do sêmen, e, como conseqüência, na fertilidade dos machos. No entanto, estudos das proteínas seminais em caprinos ainda é incipiente. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar o perfil protéico do plasma seminal de caprinos da raça Anglo-nubiana nas épocas seca e chuvosa na região semi-árida do Nordeste do Brasil. [Seasonality of seminal proteins from Anglo-Nubian goats in Northeast of Brazil

    Previous purification of seminal plasma proteins from goats through Sephadex G-25 and G25-80.

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    Edição dos Abstracts do II International Symposium on animal Biology or Reproduction, São Paulo, nov. 2008

    Gravitational Geometric Phase in the Presence of Torsion

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    We investigate the relativistic and non-relativistic quantum dynamics of a neutral spin-1/2 particle submitted an external electromagnetic field in the presence of a cosmic dislocation. We analyze the explicit contribution of the torsion in the geometric phase acquired in the dynamic of this neutral spinorial particle. We discuss the influence of the torsion in the relativistic geometric phase. Using the Foldy-Wouthuysen approximation, the non-relativistic quantum dynamics are studied and the influence of the torsion in the Aharonov-Casher and He-McKellar-Wilkens effects are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, no figur

    Marcadores de congelabilidade no plasma seminal de caprinos: estudos preliminares.

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    Na espécie caprina é comum, em determinadas épocas do ano, os reprodutores apresentarem baixas taxas de congelabilidade do sêmen, fato esse observado por Centrais de Inseminações e também por Martinez e Eloy (2005). Estes autores, trabalhando com animais da raça Anglo-nubiana, relataram diferença significativa entre os índices de aprovacões de doses entre os períodos seco e chuvoso, sendo maiores na época seca. Também tem-se observado variação individual da capacidade de congelação do sêmen. Levando em consideração estes fatores, aliado à necessidade de se selecionar animais para utilizá-lo em programas de melhoramento genético, iniciou-se trabalhos visando identificar, neste primeiro momento, o perfil eletroforético (SDS-PAGE) de animais que apresentam histórico de capacidade de congelá-lo em relação aos que não apresentam esta qualidade

    Características seminais de caprinos sadios e infectados pelo lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes em Sobral-CE.

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    Resumo: A artrite encefalite caprina é uma doença que está disseminada no território brasileiro, causando prejuízo à produção e também ocasionando perda genética, ocasionado pelo sacrifício de animais de alto valor genético. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se os parâmeros espermáticos são alterados pela infecção. Utilizou-se 12 reprodutores das raças Anglo-nubiana e Saanen sendo 06 soropositivos e 06 soronegativos para a CAE. As coletas de sêmen ocorreram entre março e julho de 2013, perfazendo 10 coletas por animal. As variáveis estudadas foram volume, concentração, motilidade e vigor. Observou-se diferença estatística (P 0,05) entre os grupos, mas encontravam-se dentro dos padrões de normalidade descrito para a raça. Portanto, sugere-se que os animais soropositivos possam ser usados em programas de reprodução assistida, desde que haja um controle sanitário eficiente e que utilize-se técnicas que possam eliminar o vírus do germoplasma

    1D mapping of seminal plasma proteins in Anglo-Nubian goats.

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    The lack of information about seasonal variation of seminal plasma proteins in goats from Northeast Brazil led us to investigate the protein band distribution throughout the year. The experiment lasted one year (from April 2006 to March 2007) in which 230 semen collections from five adult goats (Capra hircus) were carried out, at ages ranging from 18 to 22 months, weighing 42.0 ± 10.0 kg, belonging to Anglo Nubian breed. A pool of seminal plasma samples from all the animals in each month of the year was submitted to 1D electrophoresis SDS-PAGE, 12.5%. The gels were analyzed through Life Science Software from UVP, Inc®. The correlation between air humidity and total seminal plasma proteins was not significant (r = -0.24; P > 0.05), while a moderate and significant correlation was found between temperature and total protein (r = 0.39; P 0.05). The analyzed gels showed a high frequency of molecular mass bands below 50 kDa throughout the year, followed by protein bands from 50 to 100 kDa. The major numbers of bands occurred in October and November, while May was the month that presented a smaller number of protein bands. The molecular bands of 14, 22, 24, 40, 55 and 66 kDa were present in all the months of the year. The band of 16 kDa was found in 41.7% of the months. May was the only month that did not show the 30 kDa. August and September did not present the bands of 34 and 35 kDa, while October showed both bands. The 45 kDa band was found in 75% of the months, being present in January, May, July, September and November. The 46 kDa band was identified in June and August, while the 47 kDa was identified in April. The 70 kDa band was identified from May to November (58.3%), the 72 kDa band was found in January, March and April (25%) and bands of 92 to 97 kDa were found from April to December (75%). These results showed a band distribution variation throughout the year in the Anglo Nubian goat breed in the semi-arid area of Brazil. It is concluded that medium rainfall or water scarcity in the dryer months seems to promote variation in semen volume and concentration and total protein distribution throughout the year. As no month variation was observed in semen motility and vigor, and protein bands probably related to fertility showed an uniform distribution throughout the year, it is suggested that there is no fertility variation during the year in Anglo-Nubian goats the semi-arid region.Meta 2010