201 research outputs found

    The D0-brane metric in N = 2 sigma models

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    We investigate the physical metric seen by a D0-brane probe in the background geometry of an N=2 sigma model. The metric is evaluated by calculating the Zamolodchikov metric for the disc two point function of the boundary operators corresponding to the displacement of the D0-brane boundary. At two loop order we show that the D0 metric receives an R2R^2 contribution.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac.tex compiled "big". Conclusions changed. The D0 metric DOES recieve an R2R^2 contribution at two loop order. corrected, changing the conclusion

    Complex Matrix Models and Statistics of Branched Coverings of 2D Surfaces

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    We present a complex matrix gauge model defined on an arbitrary two-dimensional orientable lattice. We rewrite the model's partition function in terms of a sum over representations of the group U(N). The model solves the general combinatorial problem of counting branched covers of orientable Riemann surfaces with any given, fixed branch point structure. We then define an appropriate continuum limit allowing the branch points to freely float over the surface. The simplest such limit reproduces two-dimensional chiral U(N) Yang-Mills theory and its string description due to Gross and Taylor.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, TeX, harvmac.tex, epsf.tex, TeX "big

    Almost Flat Planar Diagrams

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    We continue our study of matrix models of dually weighted graphs. Among the attractive features of these models is the possibility to interpolate between ensembles of regular and random two-dimensional lattices, relevant for the study of the crossover from two-dimensional flat space to two-dimensional quantum gravity. We further develop the formalism of large NN character expansions. In particular, a general method for determining the large NN limit of a character is derived. This method, aside from being potentially useful for a far greater class of problems, allows us to exactly solve the matrix models of dually weighted graphs, reducing them to a well-posed Cauchy-Riemann problem. The power of the method is illustrated by explicitly solving a new model in which only positive curvature defects are permitted on the surface, an arbitrary amount of negative curvature being introduced at a single insertion.Comment: harvmac.tex and pictex.tex. Must be compiled "big". Diagrams are written directly into the text in pictex command

    Anomalies and large N limits in matrix string theory

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    We study the loop expansion for the low energy effective action for matrix string theory. For long string configurations we find the result depends on the ordering of limits. Taking gs0g_s\to 0 before NN\to\infty we find free strings. Reversing the order of limits however we find anomalous contributions coming from the large NN limit that invalidate the loop expansion. We then embed the classical instanton solution into a long string configuration. We find the instanton has a loop expansion weighted by fractional powers of NN. Finally we identify the scaling regime for which interacting long string configurations have a well defined large NN limit. The limit corresponds to large "classical" strings and can be identified with the "dual of the 't Hooft limit, gSYM2Ng_{SYM}^2\sim N.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, harvmac.tex, notational errors corrected, references added. Trivial error in section 5 corrected with the result that the domain of validity of the loop expn. is slightly modifie

    Advances in large N group theory and the solution of two-dimensional R2^{2} gravity

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    We review the recent exact solution of a matrix model which interpolates between flat and random lattices. The importance of the results is twofold: Firstly, we have developed a new large N technique capable of treating a class of matrix models previously thought to be unsolvable. Secondly, we are able to make a first precise statement about two-dimensional R^2 gravity. These notes are based on a lecture given at the Cargese summer school 1995. They contain some previously unpublished results

    Character Expansion Methods for Matrix Models of Dually Weighted Graphs

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    We consider generalized one-matrix models in which external fields allow control over the coordination numbers on both the original and dual lattices. We rederive in a simple fashion a character expansion formula for these models originally due to Itzykson and Di Francesco, and then demonstrate how to take the large N limit of this expansion. The relationship to the usual matrix model resolvent is elucidated. Our methods give as a by-product an extremely simple derivation of the Migdal integral equation describing the large NN limit of the Itzykson-Zuber formula. We illustrate and check our methods by analyzing a number of models solvable by traditional means. We then proceed to solve a new model: a sum over planar graphs possessing even coordination numbers on both the original and the dual lattice. We conclude by formulating equations for the case of arbitrary sets of even, self-dual coupling constants. This opens the way for studying the deep problem of phase transitions from random to flat lattices.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac.tex, pictex.tex. All diagrams written directly into the text in Pictex commands. (Two minor math typos corrected. Acknowledgements added.

    Constraints on a Massive Dirac Neutrino Model

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    We examine constraints on a simple neutrino model in which there are three massless and three massive Dirac neutrinos and in which the left handed neutrinos are linear combinations of doublet and singlet neutrinos. We examine constraints from direct decays into heavy neutrinos, indirect effects on electroweak parameters, and flavor changing processes. We combine these constraints to examine the allowed mass range for the heavy neutrinos of each of the three generations.Comment: latex, 29 pages, 7 figures (not included), MIT-CTP-221