12 research outputs found

    Statistics and Ethics

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    The article concerns ethical rules complied with both by public statistics and users of public statistics. Ethical rules in statistics are partly codified in the European Statistics Code of Practice published by Eurostat, the statistical bureau of the European Union. Implementation of this code is subject to periodical reviews. The second part of the paper deals with various manipulations of statistical data performed by its users. The thesis of the paper states that if non-ethical practices appear, either in public statistics or in manipulations by users, they are relatively quickly denounced. This thesis is supported by some empirical facts

    Usytuowanie o艣rodka prognostycznego a optymizm lub pesymizm prognoz makroekonomicznych dla Polski

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    W artykule analizowana jest zale偶no艣膰 mi臋dzy usytuowaniem o艣rodk贸w prognostycznych a pesymizmem makroekonomicznych prognoz dla Polski. Rozr贸偶niono trzy rodzaje o艣rodk贸w prognostycznych: instytucjonalne, komercyjne i niezale偶ne. Oficjalna prognoza rz膮dowa stanowi punkt odniesienia dla prognoz o艣rodk贸w instytucjonalnych. Nie stwierdzono istotniejszych r贸偶nic mi臋dzy prognozami o艣rodk贸w komercyjnych i niezale偶nych w prognozach dla 2009 roku. Konsensusowe prognozy o艣rodk贸w zagranicznych okaza艂y si臋 konsekwentnie bardziej pesymistyczne ni偶 prognozy o艣rodk贸w krajowych. Jest to rezultatem utrzymywania si臋 za granic膮 negatywnych stereotyp贸w na temat Polski. (abstrakt oryginalny)W artykule analizowana jest zale偶no艣膰 mi臋dzy usytuowaniem o艣rodk贸w prognostycznych a pesymizmem makroekonomicznych prognoz dla Polski. Rozr贸偶niono trzy rodzaje o艣rodk贸w prognostycznych: instytucjonalne, komercyjne i niezale偶ne. Oficjalna prognoza rz膮dowa stanowi punkt odniesienia dla prognoz o艣rodk贸w instytucjonalnych. Nie stwierdzono istotniejszych r贸偶nic mi臋dzy prognozami o艣rodk贸w komercyjnych i niezale偶nych w prognozach dla 2009 roku. Konsensusowe prognozy o艣rodk贸w zagranicznych okaza艂y si臋 konsekwentnie bardziej pesymistyczne ni偶 prognozy o艣rodk贸w krajowych. Jest to rezultatem utrzymywania si臋 za granic膮 negatywnych stereotyp贸w na temat Polski. (abstrakt oryginalny

    Statistics and ethics

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    The article concerns ethical rules compiled by both public statistics and users of public statistics. Ethical rules in statistics are partly codified in the European Statistics Code of Practice published by Eurostat, the statistical bureau of the European Union. The implementation of this code is subject to periodical reviews. The second part of the paper deals with various manipulations of statistical data performed by their users. The thesis of the paper states that if non-ethical practices appear, either in public statistics or in manipulations by users, they are relatively quickly denounced. This thesis is supported by some empirical facts

    Ethics in Economic Research

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    The paper summarizes the author鈥檚 experience of conducting economic scientific research. Economic scientific research is understood as both an analysis of economic phenomena and research purchased on the market of research services. The former are not subject to ethical dilemmas. It is a professional approach backed by sound economic theory that is important. The latter, regardless of who purchases research services, pose a risk of ethical dilemmas and conflicts of interest. The area of potential risk is connected to expectations of organizations purchasing research services. In most cases organizations are interested to receive objective assessments or recommendation necessary to take decisions. Ethical conflict appears when the destination of research is lobbing or a company鈥檚 image creation. The results of research may be used as an instrument of competition. It is thus vital that a research organization should judge the ethical dimension of undertaken research tasks. Research projects being socially beneficial should be definitely undertaken. In controversial cases, the conviction of the rightfulness in the ethical dimension ought to be decisive. In all cases the principal rule should be aiming at achieving scientifically objective assessments and opinions

    Czy poprawnie mierzymy szar膮 stref臋 gospodarcz膮?

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    This article aims at presenting the approach of national statistical institutes to the issue of the size of the shadow economy estimated in national accounts as a GDP component in the light of rapid changes in the global economy. The creation of value added and its market pricing are considered as criteria for inclusion activities to the shadow economy. Methodological problems like production boundaries, legal and illegal shadow economy activities were raised. Official statistics on the shadow economy were confronted with independent estimates. It is argued that the official estimates of the shadow economy should serve as the benchmark for experts from different disciplines of sciences interested in this phenomenon. The more elaborated economic theory of the shadow economy could diminish confusion over estimates of the shadow economy.Rozwa偶ania zawarte w artykule dotycz膮 podej艣cia krajowych urz臋d贸w statystycznych do szacowanych w rachunkach narodowych rozmiar贸w szarej strefy gospodarczej jako sk艂adnika PKB w 艣wietle szybkich zmian w globalnej gospodarce. Kryteriami, jakimi nale偶y si臋 kierowa膰 przy zaliczaniu dzia艂alno艣ci gospodarczych do szarej strefy, s膮: tworzenie warto艣ci dodanej i jej rynkowa wycena. Poruszono problemy metodologiczne, takie jak granice produkcji czy dzia艂alno艣膰 legalna i nielegalna w ramach szarej strefy gospodarczej. Oficjalne szacunki szarej strefy gospodarczej por贸wnano z szacunkami o艣rodk贸w niezale偶nych. Dla badaczy szarej strefy, tak偶e z innych dyscyplin naukowych ni偶 ekonomia, punktem odniesienia powinny by膰 oficjalne szacunki rozmiar贸w szarej strefy. Zamieszanie wok贸艂 szacunk贸w rozmiar贸w szarej strefy mog艂oby zmale膰 w wyniku post臋pu w opracowywaniu teorii zjawiska szarej strefy gospodarczej

    High price of the truth in statistics

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    Naruszania niezale偶no艣ci urz臋d贸w statystycznych mo偶na si臋 spodziewa膰 ze strony re偶im贸w totalitarnych i autorytarnych. Wyniki spisu ludno艣ci w ZSRR przeprowadzonego w 1937 r. rozczarowa艂y Stalina, co poci膮gn臋艂o za sob膮 represje wobec statystyk贸w. Podobne, cho膰 bardzo rzadkie przypadki zdarzaj膮 si臋 jednak tak偶e w krajach demokratycznych w XXI w. Nieskuteczne naciski prezydenta Argentyny na obni偶anie przez statystyk贸w stopy inflacji sko艅-czy艂y si臋 procesem wobec osoby zajmuj膮cej si臋 szacowaniem inflacji w urz臋dzie statystycznym INDEC. Prezes greckiego urz臋du statystycznego ELSTAT zosta艂 w 2018 r. skazany za przekazanie do Eurostatu prawdziwych danych makroekonomicznych wskazuj膮cych na przyczyny kryzysu w tym kraju. Artyku艂 pokazuje, jak wysok膮 cen臋 mog膮 p艂aci膰 statystycy za profesjonaln膮 prac臋 ukazuj膮c膮 prawd臋 o rzeczywisto艣ci gospodarczej i spo艂ecznej. Trzeba pami臋ta膰, 偶e praca statystyka jest s艂u偶b膮 publiczn膮, w kt贸rej wielkie znaczenie ma postawa etyczna. Celem artyku艂u jest opisanie przypadk贸w stosowania szykan wobec statystyk贸w przez w艂adze pa艅stwowe niekt贸rych kraj贸w za przedstawianie zgodnego z prawd膮 obrazu rzeczywisto艣ci spo艂ecznej lub gospodarczej.One can expect that totalitarian and authoritarian regimes will infringe the independence of national statistical institutions. The outcome of the 1937 census in Soviet Russia disappointed Stalin, which led to the statisticians having been faced with repression. Similar cases, although very rare, can also be observed in democratic countries in the 21st century. Argentinian president's ineffective pressure to lower the inflation rate resulted in criminal charges against the person responsible for estimating the inflation rate in the Argentinian National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC). In 2018, the head of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) was prosecuted for sending true macroeconomic data that revealed the causes of the crisis in Greece to the Eurostat. The article shows what price statisticians have to pay sometimes for their diligent work which accurately reflects the economic and social reality. It has to be remembered that the work of statisticians is a civil service, where ethical attitude plays an important role. The aim of the article is thus to present instances of repression of statisticians by certain countries' state authorities for showing the real picture of the social or economic situation of a given country

    Produkt krajowy brutto jako przedmiot krytyki

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    Produkt krajowy brutto (PKB) jest najwa偶niejszym i najpopularniejszym miernikiem produkcji i jej zmian, szacowanym w rachunkach narodowych. Od drugiej po艂owy XX w. ONZ we wsp贸艂dzia艂aniu z innymi mi臋dzynarodowymi organizacjami gospodarczymi prowadzi prace nad kolejnymi wersjami metod szacowania PKB, znanymi jako SNA, a w wersji europejskiej jako ESA. Koncepcja PKB spotyka si臋 z krytyk膮 wielu ekonomist贸w, polityk贸w i dziennikarzy, g艂贸wnie z powodu rozczarowania faktem, 偶e wska藕nik ten nie mierzy rozwoju spo艂ecznego. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie problem贸w i konwencjonalnych rozwi膮za艅 w odniesieniu do PKB, b臋d膮cych przedmiotem krytyki, jak r贸wnie偶 postulat贸w zmian w metodologii obliczania tego miernika. W konkluzji sformu艂owano tez臋, 偶e nie jest mo偶liwe skonstruowanie wska藕nika mierz膮cego jednocze艣nie rozw贸j gospodarczy i spo艂eczny. Powodem uniemo偶liwiaj膮cym konstrukcj臋 wska藕nika rozwoju spo艂ecznego o cechach zbli偶onych do PKB jest konieczno艣膰 przyjmowania za艂o偶e艅 warto艣ciuj膮cych, kt贸re nie pojawiaj膮 si臋 w koncepcji PKB. Stwierdzono, 偶e do statystycznego pomiaru spo艂ecznych aspekt贸w rozwoju nale偶y opracowa膰 odr臋bny system wska藕nik贸w.Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most important and the most common measure of production and its changes, estimated in the national accounts. Since the second half of the 20th century, the UN in cooperation with other international economic organizations has been working on new versions of rules for GDP estimation, known as the System of National Accounts (SNA) and its European version, the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA). The GDP concept has been criticised by economists, politicians and journalists mainly due to their disappointment that GDP does not measure social progress. This article aims at presenting issues and conventional solutions concerning GDP, which are the subject of criticism, as well as demands for changes in the methodology of computing this measure. This paper concludes that it is not possible to build a single indicator for measuring both economic growth and social development. The barrier to constructing a measure of social B. Wy偶nikiewicz Produkt krajowy brutto jako przedmiot krytyki 15 progress with features similar to GDP is the requirement for evaluative assumptions which are beyond the GDP concept. It was found that a separate system of indicators should be developed for statistical measurement of social aspects of development

    Competitiveness of the Polish economy in the context of the eurozone

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    The aim of the paper is to present a forecast of the competitiveness of the Polish economy depending on whether or not Poland will adopt the euro. An assessment focuses on a comparative analysis of price and cost competitiveness and structural competitiveness of Poland and two groups of Central and East Europe countries: those which joined the eurozone and those which kept the national currencies. The author concludes that in both scenarios competitiveness of Polish economy will remain at the same level against the eurozone as it was in the period after 2010

    Ethical aspects of income differentiation

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    Personal income differentiation (inequality) is widely observed. Various historical and cultural factors are responsible for this phenomenon. In the longer run, these factors lead to a log-normal distribution of income with country-specific parameters. Ethical aspects of income differentiation are discussed in this paper. The starting point for the discussion is a diagnosis of income differentiation in Poland and European Union countries based on statistical data. Another discussed issue is ethical dilemmas resulting from income inequalities. Special attention is paid to the relationship between income differentiation and economic growth. The ethical aspects of the ratio between lower and upper income in corporations are also discussed. The conclusion is that income differentiation and its change may influence economic growth in different ways. Extremely high income differentiation may lead to negative effects and is ethically doubtful